Sunday, June 10, 2007

No limit to Osprey Cam Live Stream

Just a quick note as I am heading out to the field again. I am happy report that Kids in the Nest ( are now streaming the cam and with their generous support we are able to take off the two minute cut-off.

There have been some questions about when the birds will hatch out the chicks. Since we were not monitoring this nest from the beginning, I am not sure when they first laid the eggs and therefore when they will hatch.

Let’s keep watching and we will find out.

I will be on a remote islands and away from my computer until next weekend.

Have a great week.

Wing Goodale, BioDiversity Research Institute


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mon. June10? I don't know just after 1:30 am. on Sunday so i guess it's Monday. Too tired to think straight.
Hello to all of you kind hearted bloggers out there! Hope you are all well and especially Anna whose got the blues.
I swear I just saw something white fly across the live screen of the eagle nest. OOOoooOOOOoo... What could it have been.. I don't usually halllucinate when I'm tired. Must've been something.
Thanks Wing..and that is great that we don't have the 2 min. limit on the ospreycam. Hope you have an exciting and safe week on the island and make sure you remember to share your cool adventures with us!
Warm wishes to all, '
Maggie in NH

1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow..put the eagle cam back on and saw the bright white thing again. I think it's a big moth or something. ( a ghost? ooOOOOooooOO) Just wanted to letcha know. Smiles, Maggie,NH

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mon. Just logged on to osprey cam. I see some activity there. It seems like just a head looking around. Could that be mom all hidden with her head sticking up.
YaY. I saw an osprey!

2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wing do you think that a blog could be started for the osprey cam like for the loon and the eagle cams?

amy (northern maine)

8:29 AM  
Blogger Teddi said...

I have read somewhere on this blog about a falcon nest. Could someone provide the URL, please?

9:59 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Monday, 6/11

Good to have an update from Wing. Great to know that the Osprey Nest will be streaming without the 2 minute cut-off. Removal of this limitation makes observation so much easier. I believe as a "guesstimate" we're still hoping for a hatch at the osprey nest around July 1st based on information from JudyB.

I had a busy weekend and wasn't able to get to computer often. I understand that the eagle nest had a visit from Dad last evening at 7:52 PM ET. Tonya and Judy, fellow eagle addicts got captures that can be viewed at:
Eagle chatter was reported very early this AM between 3:30-4:00 AM ET, but no visit. The nest site looks very windy this morning and I understand that showers are forecast for today (Anna ........?).

I haven't watched the loon nest much but received information that a loon has been seen swimming into the nest area but hasn't set up a nest yet. Maybe you'll have more to report.

Have a Great Day fellow armchair biologists! I look forward to your posts!

Grand Island, NY

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Wing - and Kids in the Nest - for removing the 2-minute limit on the osprey nest!

Someone asked how to tell the parents apart. I don't know if it will work for this pair, but the pattern of black and white feathers on the top of an osprey's head varies from bird to bird. I'll be trying to get some screen shots, and then we can try to describe the difference. :) I know one nest where the female's head design is described as looking a bit like the space shuttle!

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 11th, 11:45am EST EagleCam Heard chatter from MOM? Waited to see if she would show up, Another call....not in view...seems pretty windy there, maybe a good day for soaring around....I will watch awhile to see if someone comes to the nest..11:50am another call from Mom.... 12:00pm signing off
Anne, NJ

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 12,2007 1:48 p.m. Central time
The live osprey cam is not working.

2:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Monday June 11, 4:25 PM Eastern Time

Osprey flew in. Thought at first Dad was bringing Mom a small fish, but it turned out that what he was bringing was a new stick for the nest. After some fussing with the stick, there was a nest exchange, but Mom was gone less than a minute. She returned with another stick, and after placing it she settled down again. I haven't seen them adding nest materials before now. Wonder if it means anything.

As of 5PM Dad was still sitting on the beam to the right, cleaning his toes and preening his feathers. I think Dad has a little more black and less white on the head and neck, but I could be wrong. Really I'm just guessing which is which based on the assumption that Mom is the chief nest sitter.

Meanwhile, with both ospreys there, the smaller bird that others have mentioned dropped by for a moment, lighting on the beam in the foreground. Yep, it sure does look like a pigeon.

To Babs who is still having trouble getting the right live cam, it sounds to me as if you might need to clear your browser cache and other saved information. If you use Firefox as your browser go to Tools/Options/Privacy/Settings.

5:10 Dad is still busy preening. Mom has stood up a couple of times.

Oops! the one I thought was Mom took off, the one I thought was Dad settled on the nest, but then the first osprey returned, and they copulated with the first osprey on top. Now I'm REALLY confused. Did I miss an exchange while I was writing? Did anyone else see this behavior?

Bonnie in Salem MA

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are woundering about the Loons. Do you think they well nest?

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 12, 9:20am Central time, saw a nest exchange, but I'm not able to tell male/female Osprey apart.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Patti said...

Teddi ... I have a link to the San Jose falcons web site. I think the new chicks just flew the coop. I've been gone ... I will catch up ..
Patti in CA

10:39 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Tuesday, June 12th

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Our osprey cam seems to have had the most action. There have been nest exchanges and "nestorations" observed. I just checked in on the cam at 12:29 PM ET and Momma O is hunkered down "riding the waves". She looks like a "surfin' USA" Osprey! Hahaha .........

Thank you JudyB for offering to get some screen shots up to help us identify Momma O and Daddy O. You are amazing with regard to your knowledge on these beautiful creatures and being extremely tech savvy too! So glad for your contributions!

The eagle cam has been quiet over the past 24 hours. Some eagle chatter about 9 PM last night. Quiet morning. Weather (Anna ? ........) seems to have cleared. Wind appears to be down to a gentle breeze.

Loon cam ...... well there hasn't been much happening there that I have observed. Except for a brief visit by a loon a few days ago, I don't know of any activity. Maybe someone else will have something to report. Wing, maybe when you get in from your field work, you could give us some idea on whether a nesting is anticipated. It may come down to watching and waiting. There is always a degree of patience needed at some point when viewing all of these magnificent creatures.

Bonnie, thanks for your technical help to our fellow bloggers. I'm not very good with technical tweaking so I'm glad you are here to offer assistance.

Teddi, I have been watching the Harrisburg, PA Falcon Cam since the eggs were laid. The babes are ready to fledge. You might catch the end of this year's action by going to:

There are links on the right side of the website that offer your choice of WMP or RP to view the cam. The live stream is a bit more choppy in recent days ... a lot of viewers are most likely trying to catch a glimpse of the babe's first flights.

That's all for now. My favorite nest ..the Maine Eagle Nest is gorgeous right now ... a work of art with a glistening blue ocean background. Love this nest!

I look forward to your posts!

Grand Island, NY

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:33 am CA time (6/12), Just saw my first interaction with the Osprey. One(Dad?) flew into the nest. Spent several minuutes rearranging twigs, including moving one across the platform. (Mom?) got up and stretched a bit, and also seemed to be rearranging nest bowl, before settling down again. Dad(?) flew off at 10:41.

Haven't seen the eagles for days. Keep checking for the Loons.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I also saw the smaller bird hanging around the nest. I'm not sure it was a pigeon but I had a thought that the ospreys might appreciate it's presence possibly because it eats insects or some other parasite that bothers the ospreys. Just a guess. Any thoughts?
Maggie, NH

1:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tuesday June 12, 12:35 Eastern Time

Looks like a windy day, with high seas, on the cost of Maine. I'm getting used to the rock n'rolling ing video. If I understand right, it is really the camera support rocking, or is the nest rocking too? I'm curious, how high is the nest above the water? Is that little black spot that always looks as if it is waving above Mom's head really a distant lobster buoy?

Looks like the ospreys have added fresh greenery to the near side of the nest since yesterday. Mom is on duty. At least I think it is Mom. She has stood up and turned the eggs several times since I've been watching, so I got a fairly good look.

1:15PM Nest exchange. It is very hard to tell Mom and Dad apart. I had decided that the first osprey on the nest was Mom, who has more white on her head and neck. Now watching the other member of the pair I'm not so sure. Hope "judyb" or someone can capture some good still shots of the two heads.

About 1:35 Osprey A returned, but Osprey B stayed on the nest. Osprey A arranged a twig, walked/flapped over to the near side of the platform and picked up a big piece of kelp, then put it down, selected another twig, and brought it back to the top of the nest bowl.

About 1:45 Osprey A took off again.

Anyway, whatever typical ospreys do, this pair is definitely doing quite a bit of exchanging. Maybe it will be different after the eggs hatch.

Yesterday I forgot to say MANY THANKS to Kids in the Nest for funding the streaming video.

Now if only the sound could be made to work....

Cheers, everybody!

Bonnie in Salem MA

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 12
Ever since the Oprey Cam as changed to unlimited viewing I can not get the live view. When I go to the web page mentioned in blog I get notice on top of page I need to download Media Player 11, I have that and all other Live Views work. Any ideas?\
Karen in Denmark

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The url for the falcon cam is
cbcmanitoba-features-manitoba falconcam. I just put in cbcmanitoba-features and was able to find it.
Karen in Denmark

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, it should be CBC Manitoba-Features-CBC Manitoba Falcon Cam.
It will work the other way too.
Karen in Denmark

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone asked how to tell the differnce between Mom and Dad. We have a nest in woodshole that I watch quite often. Mom is larger and she has more brown feathers in the chest area almost like a necklace. Dad is much whiter in this area. Also Mom does 95% of sitting on the nest. Hope this helps.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 12, 6:06 p.m. Central Time: I still cannot get the live osprey cam. I wrote yesterday about this, but dated it wrong. Others seem to be able to get it. I have gotten it in the past so I don't think it's my computer or browser. Very disconcerting.

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 13
Eagle cam is out. 15-second Updates isn't on either.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teddi this is the link for the Peregrine Falcon cam I watch:

Anne, NJ

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. Not a very good day. The eagle cam isn't working, the Osprey cam isn't working and no loons. Sigh!!!! :(

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 13 11:15 a.m. CST

Well, I'm glad to know it isn't just me. Neither cam is working on the Eagle or Osprey. This is the third day from my standpoint. These cams are getting to be rather tiresome. And I have yet to see a loon.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/13 5pm CDT Eagle camera is still out both still and live. Hope it comes back on soon.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

June 13,07 7:05pm edt. Eagle Cam
Not sure if my last post went thru. so here it is again.

Hi, The cam has been down most of the day. I do hope that this is not the latest in the HACKER ATTACKS. With Wing out in the field for the week, hard to say when they will get it back up and running. There has not been alot going on at the nest site. I have been hearing the Eagles almost every day tho. They like to keep your interst peeked. They are so close at times, that you feel that any minute they are going to land on the nest. It keeps you a wishing and a wanting. lol

7:05 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Wednesday, June 13th

Hello Fellow Bloggers .... I feel your frustration. The EAGLE CAM and the OSPREY CAM seem to have been down all day... and the LOONS aren't around.

You all know I am not the most tech savvy person in the world but I might be able to help with the EAGLE CAM. If you go to the National Geographic Bald Eagle Cam site at:

it will bring up the Maine Eagle Nest Cam in Real Player (RP). This way you'll be able to watch the eagle nest on RP until WMP is up and running. It's hard to tell what the problem is but Wing did mention problems in the past with a hacker ...who knows maybe they struck again. I don't know any work-arounds for the osprey nest cam. Let's hope that word gets out to Wing and that he can delegate technical service to restore WMP while he is out in the field.

Dad was around the nest from early to mid afternoon today "talking" to us in his usual raspy voice (... just love his chatter!) but there was no visual.

Let's hope that tomorrow is a better day for the BRI Nest Cams.If anyone has a viable work-around to view the Osprey Cam, please post it. I think we are all anxious to see the loons nest. I'm hoping that Wing will be able to give us his opinion on the probability of a nest at the cam site this season when he returns from his field assignment.

Good Night Fellow Armchair Biologists!

Grand Island, NY

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

06/14/09:30 EST...Still no eagle cam this morning. Just wondering if anyone else is having same problem. Thanks, Bev

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a couple little intruders on the nest today.. LOL Video complete with sound.. June
Got loon cam for a couple hours yesterday..Loon lands on nest when I was trying new video capture program.. Looks like an earth quake... LOL June 14,2007 around 1:45pm

10:39 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Friday, June 15th

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Hopefully by now those of you interested in the Eagle Cam have found it in Real Player on the National Geographic Wildlife Cam site. No recent sightings of Mom or Dad but we have heard them from time to time.

I'm hoping as you are that the Osprey Cam technical difficulties will be resolved soon. Wing is out in the field. I'm sure that he'll look into the problem the first chance he gets.

I have a link to a video at our Loon Nest. It was taken by Kudzu and shows the cam's resident spider hard at work making a web over the cam lense and then A LOON! (6/11/07 ...there is hope!)


Keep the Faith Fellow Armchair Biologists!

Grand Island, NY

12:53 PM  
Blogger Patti said...

Chris! What a riot watching the spider make that web. Thx for sharing!
Patti in CA

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

06/25 @ 16:54

Hooray, we have the eagle cam back ... many thanks. Now if only Ms. & Mr. would show up to make my day.

The osprey cam must be a real challenge and I can only hope we will get to see the babies.

Thanks to all for the videos. I loved watching the spider at the loon cam.


4:54 PM  

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