Thursday, April 26, 2007

Eagles bring in nesting material and copulate

As I write this there is a bird perched above the nest site and from the comments we have received the birds have been on the nest for the last three hours. They have brought in nesting material and have copulated on the nesting site. This suggests that the birds may be attempting to renest. Generally the rule of thumb is that birds will lay eggs 3-5 days after copulating. They may have been copulating out of the camera view as well.

Here is a video posted by Judy of the activity this morning

Please keep up your helpful observations. Watch for the female sitting in an incubation position, which is pre-laying behavior.

Perhaps these birds will continue to defy the odd and make another attempt.

Wing Goodale, BioDiversity Research Institute


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a shorter YouTube version of this morning.

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I arrived at work this AM, and couldn't get down to business til I checked on the nest. I guess it was shortly after your note, Wing. I see one of the eagles perched on the far limb looking out at the water, (it's been for 10 minutes now) - as if this is again going to be the site of some action. As unlikely as it may be, I'm thinking renesting may indeed be in these birds' near future! I'm getting psyched again!

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just so amazed at these two eagles!!! I have my fingers crossed and wishing very hard that they will be successful this time around. One of the eagles is sitting on a branch watching the water and occasionally spreading his/her wings. Thanks for the update Wing!!! I sent my donation in last week.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this a beautiful, true story we are able to watch unfold, thanks to Wing and BRI. It makes us realize how important it is to donate, and also gives us a true lesson in life....NOT TO EVER GIVE UP! I will be donating again, for the third time in the last month, as soon as I finish blogging.

An eagle is still on the limb, peacefully overlooking the water...I presume waiting for the mate to bring in some breakfast after a well-deserved morning.

I understand it takes 5-10 days after a successful mating, with the emphasis on "successful", after copulation, for the first egg to be laid. I am hoping that the cam will stay close at least until the time has expired for the laying of eggs.

Regardless, what a journey this has been and continues to be. We are watching first-hand the "flight of the eagle" as well as their "fight for freedom".....freedom from all the harm man has brought on wildlife, intentional or not.

I hate to go to work, but because of you great bloggers, I will be able to "catch up" when I return. donation!!

My best...


8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a dangerous time to work from home...I have hardly done anything since 5:30 am when I caught sight of our eagle on the nest (only one at that time). I can't even get outside to do my own bird watching, I've had my binoculars in my lap most of the morning watching these two majestic birds survey their kingdom...watching the sunrise with it's light sparkling on the water, the air so quiet...who could resist a little whoopee! I gotta get to work!!!
J in S.P. ME

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

04/26 @ 09:03

Ms. Mom finally left the nest around 08:54. Using info from blog, it would appear that an eagle was at the nest from 05:34 until 08:54. Wow!

Wing, maybe they are aware of the May 6 date you mentioned!! These two eagles seem capable of anything.


9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an amazing sight...thses two appear to defy the odds again.
I am so addicted to this site!
I was brought to tears when I saw the pair perched, and after reading all the blogs my guess is that we may be blessed with more little ones. I so hope so. It just amazes me to see nature unfold before our eyes.
Thank you Wing, for keeping the cam up and running and to all the bloggers that share such great information..and of course - Judy, for all her great videos. :-)

9:07 AM  
Blogger gigi said...

I guess this would be a difficult question---but how much do eagles know? Would they now know about the loss of their chicks?

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Judy for all your wonderful videos! It was so nice to see the eagles on the nest! We're all keeping our fingers crossed. This may turn out to be a great lesson in perseverance and hope!

9:11 AM  
Blogger gigi 1 said...

Judy, amazing video! Don't know how you do it, but I'm sure glad you do. THANK YOU!! That was the first time I got to see or hear the eagles since the storm. I'm now off to do my happy eagle dance.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 26
Oh Oh! Bad Timing. Sounds like chain saws are at work.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok what's up with what sounds like a chain saw.

This is so wonderful. I saw the mating this am. What a beautiful site when I turned on my computer this morning to see both in the limb at the nest site and then the mating too. Lets keep our fingers crossed for these two magnificent birds. JoAnn

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been watching since 6:48AM,
I saw them mate, I saw both of them sitting on the branch, side by side. It was so beautiful to observe those two calmly gazing out over the water, cleaning their feathers, just being together.
Something is definitely going on.
One of them went off to feed, and the second one left at 8:54. They probably did mate off-camera too, a few days ago. It sure sounded like it to me.

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0924 on Thursday morning, and there is clearly the sound of a chainsaw somewhere near the nest site. I hope it does not disturb the eagles.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These eagles are just absolutely amazing! When I checked this am, one was peacefully looking out over the water. What a meditation moment! Then I read the blogs. Hooray! Wing, thanks for the frequent updates and info. Thanks, Judy, for the clips. Thanks to all the great bloggers. That's why a day never passes without my BRI eagle fix.

Myrna from CA

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope all he clean up work in the area doesn't scare them off. Can hear a chainsaw going for a while. It could be a vulnerable time right now.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thursday 4/26 from 0530 until after non-stop site check-ins paid off this am with the most incredible footage....just seeing both eagles was thrilling enough-but then the constant SERIOUSLY busy activity kept my attention..eating, house cleaning, stick rearranging, then......dare I hope?!?!?! Other bloggers have more than confirmed that what I thought I saw....was exactly what I thought I saw! :):):) How happy are we all now???? Lets hope for the best...this is the most wonderful window on the nature world.....lets keep up the positive thoughts and energy!
Once again, Wing, I extend my gratitude to you and all of your colleagues for this opportunity, regardless of outcome. I have no doubt that the donations will be generous.
It's about 0900 now and I've watched for awhile, no sitings but I hear some chatter in the background......I've become so addicted to this site and am actually glad that I am not working today so that I can watch uninterrupted!!!!!!!!

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

04/26 @ 09:38

Correction to my earlier post ... got my times (eastern/central) mixed. Believe the eagles were at the nest from 04:34 until 08:54.

That amount of time seems significant(?). Let's see how long it takes for someone to return ....


9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.40pm UK Time.
Both eagles are in the nest and doing their housework by the looks of it, shuffling round there nesting material.

I so hope they have more babies.

Thanks for all the updates.

Penny - UK

9:42 AM  
Blogger cindyscrazy said...

YYYAAAYYY!!! Best news I've heard in a week!.

I've been jonesing for eaglets and the failure hit me harder then I thought it would. These birds are the toughest....well ol birds.

Keep it up Mom and Dad! We're routing for ya!

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have noticed, on occasion, someone has asked about how much knowledge a bird they have feelings....

Well, I for one, believe they do have feelings, sometimes not unlike humans. The term "bird brain" has obviously been used very loosely.

I have been observing birds for many years. I feed smaller birds year round. Hundreds of pounds of food....I enjoy them so much and love to watch their antics.

I have never been lucky enough to see a bald eagle but always looked upon them as a bird that would "get" my little ones. I can say now, after watching this site, I have an even larger respect for birds of all kinds and sizes.

I observed sea gulls in a parking lot one sunny day and watched as a car hit one of the gulls. They all flew off except the one that was hit and died AND one other one....obviously the mate. The mate stayed by the other one's side, circled around it for a long time, wailing all the time it was trying to get its mate to fly off with him. That was one experience that has stayed with me.....feelings? Oh yeah...feelings were shown that day. Gulls are not my favorite bird but there must be a place in society for all birds or they would not have been created.

True...birds go on with their life as humans do, but there seems to be a period of mourning as we all can experience.

My opinion only, but as we observe more, we learn more.

My best...


10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is WOW !!!and on my sister's birthday....she is ao in love with these Eagles !!

Judy...Thank you....even though I can't watch the one in wmp..I was able to watch on youtube.

I think the newspaper may have to do a bigger story soon.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever sinse the storm, my windows MP 11 wont open the live cam. wondering if others have had this problem ?

USGS, Utah

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excitement is in the air again!

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy I could cry!!!! But, I'm not going to get tooooo excited yet! This could be so wonderful! And of course I missed it this morning...thank goodness for Judy and her videos!
Patti in PA

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

web support suggestion,

There really needs to be alternate ways of viewing this cam. As well as of the "watch live" link, you need an additional link to view with the full version of Windows Media Player. This will give a larger viewing area. This may already be in the works sinse it was said that video quality would be improving.

USGS, Utah

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would also be helpful to show me and others how to capture and save video.

USGS, Utah
(im done commenting now)

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this isn't the stuff of a TV special, I don't know what is!

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wing and fellow bloggers, what wonderful news! Thank you all for your detailed blogs. And Judy thank you for the beautiful video. How wonderful it was to see both eagles together in the nest again on a beautiful morning. I had a feeling that if any eagle couple would try again, it would be them. Hooray!!

Maura (VA)

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you right click on the live shot, and then select >zoom>full screen the player goes to the full view. There is a little button at the bottom to go back to the smaller view. Hope that help!

Thanks to all the bloggers for observations and videos! Here on the West Coast, I usually miss the early morning activities!
Dyan in Northern California

10:46 AM  
Blogger Lori - ME said...


Good Morning...
and what a GOOD morning it is.

I also brought up the live feed this morning just in time to see our two beautiful eagles in the nest together and then on the branch doing the dance :o)
Now I have no idea if this is the start of a re-nest but just seeing them together like that made my heart sing!

Here's to hoping...
With this pair you just never know what's going to happen next. I think that's why we all love them so :o)

10:47 AM  
Blogger Patty P said...

I had problem with wmp 11 too i had to reinstall it.

Lets keep our fingers crossed. lol won't hurt i guess.

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

while i dont know how to capture i do know how to get full screen. click on the picture in the viewcreeen to activate the controls then either select full screen from the mouse menu or double click again and it will expand to full screen. all clicks must be done on the actual picture not the boarders etc. I too hope that a successful nesting will occur, i guess thats why i keep checking. glad others caught the action this morning. thanks


11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4\26\07 11:05am

I am SPEECHLESS over this new development. This experience has truly been and continues to be a manic-depressive roller-coaster ride. And I love it. Thank you bloggers and BRI.

Neither eagle in the nest now.

--Liz (W,DC)

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A T.V. special someone suggested....can you say National Geographic??? BRI are you ready for your close up?
J in S.P. ME

11:11 AM  
Blogger flight of fancy said...

The news sounds very promising. Once again I felt that little flutter, like butterflies, and I am getting all reved up. These birds are too much! My 7th grade class and I will be tuned in once again and wishing mom and dad the best.

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judy, it seems I'm always thanking you for your videos, but what you captured this morning was fantastic. Wing, I always look forward to your updates, so thank you again. I have to agree with fellow bloggers - if any pair can beat the odds against renesting, this one can. They have absolutely captivated me. "Hope" is such a wonderful word.

11:17 AM  
Blogger sally on midcoast maine said...

What a wonderful surprise to see both Mom and Dad on the nest this morning. I truly hope there will be some more little ones this year, but even if there aren't it is just so amazing to see these two beautiful birds sitting together like that. This has made my day! We will all hope and pray for another addition to the family.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linnie - 4/26 1200-1230
OK, I've got it...if we're going to be talking TV, then I'm thinking soap opera. If things go according to what we all so fervently want, then our saga could be "The Bold and the Nestfull".....hopefully....I'd MUCH rather watch this and read all emails from my fellow bloggers than watch any other show.....this is what I call a REALITY show. Talk about the survivor series....
PS Thanks Nate for the full screen info....its a little out of focus when I do it, but it sure is BIG!

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I echo everyone's comments about how fascinating this pair is to watch! Mother Nature never ceases to amaze! I was too late to see them this AM, so the video is very welcome. As a first-time 'blogger' I'm made aware of such a sense of comradeship and co-operation amongst everyone, with the eagles' welfare of utmost importance. It's beautiful. Thanks Wing for everything.
carol in mn Thur, 4-26, 11:18CDT

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My donation is on its way! I, like everyone else, have watched this site daily, and I have gone from amazement at the caring shown to the babies, to crying at the loss, to elation at the re-emergence of the pair of magestic creatures. Though I have always been a nature lover, this has touched me as much as anything I have ever seen. It is a break from the hustle of life and the daily tragedy we all encounter. These eagles continue to amaze; thank you for letting us (me and my family) be a part of this. DCB- Presque Isle, Maine

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pssst....the eagle has landed (on the nest) at 12:21p.m.
and is now on the branch.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:23am CDT
Dad just flew into nest and is poking around for few minutes. Now sitting up on branch. I am so excited. I think with all this activity today,we may get another "Little Wing"

12:25 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

One of the eagles just landed, check out the nest bowl. Not sure which one. Time 12:25 PM. Now sitting on the Y- Branch

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:26 pm eastern time on 4/26
One eagle perched on branch above nest calling to other eagle.
Weather sure looks beautiful there...

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/26 - 12:25

Dad on branch at nest. Heard some calling back and forth. He left.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1129AM Central

I was just on and had my first view of mum/dad sitting on the branch above the nest. I'm so pleased they are still coming around and hope for the best. Prayers for these two to retry at another family.
Thanks for all you do.

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would also like to note that when watching judy's video of this morning the male on the branch at one point lifted up his right talon to his beak to clean it maybe? At any rate that put all of his weight on his left talon so it must be feeling alot better. This is a very good thing for daddy eagle....

12:43 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

"Days of our Raptors" continues. I've been checking in everyday knowing how amazing these birds are and hoping for something more than a sad ending to the first attempt at nesting. What a great team we all make keeping each other informed- special thanks to Judy and Wing. I can't wait to see the next fluffy bobblehead. I'll be saying prayers, keeping my fingers crossed, doing fertility dances (hope it works on the bird, not me) etc. - Staying tuned in from North Conway- Shan

12:53 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I can hear them.... So nice to have them back. Now I won't get any work done again. *devilish grin*

1:15 PM  
Blogger Miss_Lin said...

Such wonderful news!!! I am amazed at the long distance friendships and the sincere and fervent feelings of everyone. I think we all "linked up" through the internet and sent our telephathy message to these beautiful birds to "Please try again, we love you" or maybe tinkerbell or cupid stepped in for us....*giggle* I am so happy I am being silly! Joining y'all in doing the Happy Eagle Dance.
Thank to BRI for allowing this glimpse into this wonderous world, and a BIG HUG and Thank you to Wing who keeps us so informed. Judy, I can't tell you how much your videos mean, as I work M-F and can not watch very often (although I peek whenever I can!) It and the blogs keep me so informed I don't feel that I really miss that much! Thanks to everyone on here for being so kind and giving of their time and reports.
Bless these two ealges and let's pray they beat the odds and this is a successful renesting!
Lin - Ironton, Ohio

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for zooming in, Wing... we have NEST ACTION!!!

I am in absolute HEAVEN!!!
AZ Sharon

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/26 1:51pm EDT - so excited to read that we may have another family!! thanks so much to judy for always sharing her wonderful captured moments.

Jo in Cape Liz

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The weather is, indeed, beautiful in coastal Hancock County today. Temps in the upper 50's, maybe a hint at 60; a light breeze; the birds are chirping ~ just about perfect. Let's hope this great weather is a good omen. Rain through the weekend, but NORMAL rain, with LIGHT winds.

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness! I have been checking in a couple of times every day and I am so excited, just to have seen Mom and Dad, let alone anything else that may have happened. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you to all who give us the videos and pics and to Wing for all the work you do in this field. Truly amazing stuff!!

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all I can say is YIPPEE!!!

2:56 PM  
Blogger Lori - ME said...

4/26/07 3:10pm

3 eagles at the nest!
Oh no... what now?

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:12 EST 2 eagles landed in nest, lots of calling out, male keeps flying out and in the nest..JoAnn

3:14 PM  
Blogger KOhman said...

It's around 3:15 pm. Mom and Dad just flew in calling out very loudly. Saw a third bird and they are obviously quite upset about this. It's wonderful hearing their calls and seeing them. Fingers are crossed! --Conway, NH

3:15 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

3:10 PM ET
Eagles at the nest site. Very voacl. Dad (I think) flies off. ??Glimpse of a possible Intruder....not sure.

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, some excitement!! an adult strange eagle just swooped at the nest while both 'our' eagles were there, the male flew off several times to give chase!! verry thrilling!! 2:15 CDT.
CJ in MN

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:15 EST Mom sitting on limb above nest.

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the eagles! Both on the nest and all around. Lots of talk. Spring is here and you all know what that means. Oops, my video is really stop and go jerky. Love!

Myrna in SoCal

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:10 pm Both eagles are back at the nest. Instantlay a 3rd eagle dives by and male eagle takes off after it. Dad returns again so does the other eagle dad takes off after it again. Mom now screaming at the nest. Dad is back both are screaming. The other eagle wont give up. Dad left again.

3:18 PM  
Blogger JO said...

3:11: Quite the commotion in the nest. Both eagles on the nest, looks like dad keeps flying off, maybe chasing something. Returns quickly, mom calling all the while.

So Much Activity!!!

Ward, Massena, NY

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:16 eastern time 4/26 lone eagle on y branch. Joined by other @ 3:17. Both together for a few minutes then the last to arrive flys off. Sure are sticking tight to the nest today. This is more than I've seen them the entire time since the big storm....

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I cannot believe what I just saw...At 3:11pm I saw another mature male ealge trying to meet our female. Our male chased him off several times. Three mature eagles in camera view at one time. Could this be why we have heard so much fussing by the eagles off camera lately.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Lori - ME said...

Hopefully Judy captured that whole incident.
Looked to me like 3 eagles though.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Marguerite said...

OMG - lots of noise and two of them on nest - looks like they were copulating til something spooked them. 3:20pm 4/26

3:21 PM  
Blogger Marguerite said...

OMG - lots of noise and then I saw the 2 eagles on the nest - looked like they were copulating til something spooked them and one flew off. He/She came back a few times but off again. This looks like a good sign!

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 26 3:20pm -- Eagle on the branch looking out toward the water.

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:30 EST Mom quietly sitting on limb over nest just looking around. It's very quiet, peaceful and beautiful JoAnn

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:34 He's back and brought a friend. another bird just went by the nest, not sure if another eagle

3:35 PM  
Blogger JO said...

3:34 Finally know what's been bothering the eagles. Male ?chased another eagle off the nest. One was already on, and then the mate chased a third one over the nest.

Very cool to watch...


3:36 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I have seen another eagle doing fly-bys twice today...each time both mama and papa were there together. Each time it looked like they might be ready for some "afternoon delight". This intruder certainly shows up at the wrong time.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow 3:35 EST and One Eagle on the branch started calling out and the mate flew into the nest followed by an intruder (another eagle)which was just brushed away by the couple.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 3:10 p.m. two eagles arrive at nest and a third is chased away by Dad it looks like. Here is the video of what happened.

At 3:33 p.m. Dad finally returns and a third eagle flies by again.

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just walked into the room and glanced at the computer and thought I saw a 3rd eagle try to land on the nest at about 3:35 p.m. anyone else catch that?
Also both Mom and Dad have been on the nest since that time....great to see them again!

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both eagles on the nest at 3:12pm EST 4/26/07. Very vocal and one is off and on the nest but you can see it flying around the nest. At approx. 3:35 both were on the nest and another bald eagle flew towards the nest, I thought it was going to attach them, but then it flew away. At this time both eagles continue to be on alert and vocalizing. Did anyone else see this??

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi all

at 2:33 indiana time....mother was calling for dad....he came in and after he had landed in the nest something came down at him....was to fast to see what it was.....this is so wonderful to see them was so very sad to see that empty nest...broke my heart.....

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 1:30 PM in NM, 26 Apr and I was watching Dad on a branch, did some calling and Mom came in followed closely by what seemed to be another adult eagle. Did anyone else see this? It happened so fast, I thought the camera might have jumped but something did fly in right behind Mom. Mom and Dad continued talking for a while and then calmed down. Mom stayed in the nest bowl and Dad remained on the branch.

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 26 3:38pm -- Both parents at the nest. There's definitely something going on here, folks. Let's see some egg laying!! Can't tell which one is calling out - maybe it's Mom. Who ARE these birds?

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it my imagination or was there a third bird at around 3:35 PM Eastern Time? Neither bird has left the nest since, but there has been a lot of chatter.
Sandy in Florida

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The eagles have company. There's a third eagle that has dive bombing them on occasion. They look like they are working on their nest! How exciting! Fingers are crossed that these birds will produce another miracle.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:16 mom lands on Y joins at 3:35 and just as he lands another big bird does a quick fly by, almost like it had been chasing dad straight into nest. I think it was dad to arrive as his voice was hoarse and whispy like we were noticing before...Both seem to be on very high alert, constantly scaning area around the nest. Dad seems to want to settle into the bowl but everytime he makes a move to, the female squaks at him. No rest for you she seems to be saying :^)
3:46 dad starts digging out nest bowl and after a quick protest mom jumps down and starts helping him clean...was hoping to keep going with the detailed watch but I have to put my daughter down for a nap. As of 3:49 eastern time both birds are still working on cleaning up the nest. Looks like they're digging out the nest bowl...Very defensive of the area around them right now. More so then I've seen recently :^)

3:49 PM  
Blogger KOhman said...

Mom and Dad still on nest. Another fly by looked like another eagle - had a white head. Would a seagull be that brazen? They have been VERY busy digging deep inside the nest cleaning house. Something is still hanging around as they are very vocal. --Conway, NH

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please zooom in a abit more. There is lots of activity, screeching, and a third eagle (intruder) I can't tell Mom from Dad.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/26 2:40pm CDT
I heard lots of calling and looked to find both Mom and Dad at nest. Mom is now doing a lot of talking -- as if she's directing or critiquing Dad's housekeeping. My goodness, now Mom has joined Dad in housekeeping and there is lots of chatter between the two. They seem to be arranging the soft nesting material.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eagles back on nest at 3:10. One kept flying off and returning. Very vocal- at around 3:35 mate flew back onto nest and both were very vocal and aother eagle? tried to fly onto nest. They scared it off and continued being vocal then at 3:45 both ate !! It was so cute. Dad moved away from food so mom could eat better then there was a shadow going over both got vocal, dad flew off and back on. Still watching to see what happens both still on nest

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is another mature eagle around the nest, very disturbing to Mom and Dad. Will this be a problem if they nest again.

4:07 PM  
Blogger deedot said...

Another eagle flying around and the eagles are upset. Looks like it is swooping down at them. They are upset. 1 eagle flew away, 1 is still there

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the other eagle fight with ours can they be harmed?

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another attack from another eagle at 4:06pm EST. One of them chased it away. Sorry I can't tell them apart.

4:08 PM  
Blogger JO said...


Both eagles on nest when a third buzzed it twice. The second fly over sent the male over the side. Hope he isn't hurt. Nope, he's back, none the worse for wear. So much activity, might be because they had quite a morsel to feast on earlier. I don't think they want to share....


4:08 PM  
Blogger heather said...

WOW.....4:05 on Thursday
Now I know I didn't imagine it...there is a 3rd full grown eagle circling the nest and causing a stir. Its such a bad time for a porblem like this when we are all praying for them to renest.
Will an interferance like this ruin the chance of them renesting?

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:07 third eagle just swooped in again dad went after it ,dad came back. Definitely another eagle mature one.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:05 EST Nest being attacked by another Bald Eagle.....This is truly scary to watch. It actually caused Mom to chase after it after its second attempt to land on the nest! What is happening today? Alot of stuff going on the last 1/2 hr. since 3:35 EST. Hope Judy's taping this.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see the two Eagles on the nest but I also see another doing a fly-by. I believe it's another Eagle. I wonder what is going on and if those two Eagles are the original ones.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:06 pm another fly by from the intruder. Came through twice and on the second flyby it swooped so low it looked like it knocked the male right out of the nest. Male flew down towards the camera in pursuit of the intruder which was definately another bald eagle. An adult I would say as you could see it's white head. Male returned to the nest @ 4:08pm without intruder. They sure are on level 5 alert today.... :^) Maybe a sign that they're not done with the nest yet this could hope anyway...

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, where is this interloper coming's swooped/attacked at the nest/eagles several times over this past 55 mins. Quite a lot of action! CJ im MN. 3:13pm cdt.

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its 4:07pm and the male is being attacked by another mature male eagle. Looks as if he was knocked out of the nest.

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

back again

indiana 3:06 indiana time another eagle dove at the nest and dad went after him about a minute later dad came back....looks like some one is trying to take over there nest...making a lot of noise and standing there looking around

4:11 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

4:10 PM male chased off another Eagle from near the nest. Both Male and Female are guarding the nest ever so closely. They are on the alert.

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG - around 4:05 PM ET a third bird made 3 passes at the pair on the nest. Dad (?) may have either fought or chased the attacker since they both disappeared leaving Mom (?) on the next. Dad flew back after a few heart stopping moments. It was so fast, but it looked like an eagle was attacking. Can that be?

4:11 PM  
Blogger roxy said...

3:35 EST Both Mom and Dad on nest. Awesome. Tending to nest, talking alot. Then around 4:10 EST, lots of calling and another large Bald Head Eagle swoops down on nest. Mom and Dad very upset, and eagle swoops across again and Dad pursues (one with raspy voice). Oh my gosh, my heart stopped! I went from total contentment at watching them together sweetly to horror in seconds. Dad returned within a minute or two and both are now on nest again. Wow, what a TV special as someone earlier said... unreal! I'm so blessed to get to witness this. Oops, appears intruder is flying by nest again, at 4:12 EST - saw his/her shadow. Eagles very vocal.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom and Dad both at the nest just after 4:00pm. Another eagle intruded, flying by several times. Lots of whaling by Mom and Dad, defending their turf.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

The Intruder keeps on testing them, and they keep looking into the nest. 4:15PM

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This intruder seems to be very persistent. I can see it's shadow as it flys over the nest and sometimes in front of the camera. Our eagle couple are very vocal. Do intruder eagles want the nest?? or the female???

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that's the male sitting on the branch, he's in fine voiceall of a sudden. The one in the nest who had those great wings out a bit for a long time (after chasing off the intruder), and who was squatting rather than sitting, is smaller. Mom? Wish I had a close-up view.

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/26, 4:08pm

When I checked the cam at about 3:39p both eagles were on the nest. When I checked back shortly after 4, they were still there. They both were looking in different directions and then they started vocalizing, but it didn't seem to each other. Then then had an adult bald eagle intruder and Dad gave chase. He came back a few minutes later a hero. I think this is the first time I have caught exciting action in real time (Judy I hope you caught this on video). Though I hope this is not going to be a repeat. We think if it's not one thing it's another -- certainly seems to be true for our eagles. They were still on the nest when I clicked out. I hope these turf wars will not interfere with their starting another family.

Maura (VA)

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:12pm 4-26...another fly by from the intruder. They sure aren't happy about it. Both defending nest. I think it's neat that they're both staying at the nest to protect the nest instead of chasing after the bird in question...looks like they're more worried about the nest itself right now instead of just the teritory around the nest...have settled down a little now and both are cleaning the nest bowl again....4:16 pm

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:18 PM
Another eagle just flew over, just as what almost sounded like a challenge came from our branch-sitting one.
What is going on?

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may just be paranoid but these two on the nest don't look like our mom and dad. Do eagles try to take anothers nest?

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these the same two eagles? They are getting dived-bombed by what looks like another eagle.4:15pm 4/26/07

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thurs Apr 26 4:15 pm EDT - both are on the nest and limb. Another eagle swooped in and was run off by the male (?) There may be food there or possibly the one is just rearranging stuff, and there's lots of chatter between them. Focus is blurry on camera, so cant see great detail.

4:21 PM  
Blogger rizmy said...

This day has been a surprise, a wonderfull one I may add. My office sounds like a bird sanctuary for eagles, most of the computers are tuned in off and on - Mostly on - I wish the world could learn from this majestic Bird - just by us watching nature, they have brought so many people to so many levels of emotion - yes this could, and I hope it is a wonderfull event - but what also is wonderfull is what it is doing to so many who have come together-
Thank You does not say enought to BRI and all who make this possible - great job Wing and Judy

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just on the site and both eagles where there.One in the nest and the other on the limb.It is 1.23 pm pct.

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at about 3 local time today I saw a third eagle come swooping in twice... and this third and one of the pair flew off ...but now there are two again..... any thoughts on who this third eagle is????

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello All,
first time writing - This is very exciting to see these two back on the nest. It's 4:20pm and mom and dad are hanging out. i do not know how to tell them apart. One is perched on the branch, the other in the nest. The one in the nest is busily working making it nice and comfy. They seem to be hanging around for awhile and making a lot of noise.

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:30 (et) one eagle is on the branch above the nest

3:33 second eagle landed on the nest followed closed by a third bald eagle who swooped between the 2. Lots of vocalizing by eagle on nest.

3:46 both eagles pecking around in nest.

3:50 one left briefly and came righ back hollering at something

3:51 flew away and right back again.

3:52 shadow of something flying over nest (pair still at nest vocalizing)

4:05 third eagle swooped to nest, eagle in nest chased (other one still sitting on branch)

4:07 both in nest again

4:11 shadow of something flying overhead - both in nest vocalizing

4:17 third eagle flies by again

WHAT IS GOING ON? Is the other eagle attempting to takeover the nest?

Karen in Pittsburgh

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:25 Mom and Dad hanging in the nest for awhile. Mom seems to be fixing up the nest. Another bird is flying around but I can't make out what it is. Maybe another eagle? it is making a lot of noise.

4:28 PM  
Blogger dukeyboy said...

4/26 at4:04 edt
Since 3:30 there has been an attack(?) on the nest- possibly by another eagle. Both mom and dad very vocal.

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:05 pm Eastern time. Both adults have been on the nest vocalizing and placing nesting material for some time. Suddenly there was very load vocalizing from both birds and a third adult eagle swooped in. On the second attempt, our male took off in pursuit of the intruder. He returned in less than a minute. The intruder has made several more attempts while I am typing this. Our pair seems determined to defend their nest, screaming and wing flapping each time the other eagle approaches.

4:15 pm: The other eagle circled the nest tree but did not approach the nest. Our pair is remaining very alert.

4:18 pm: some rearranging of nesting material by what appears to be the male. Things seem more relaxed.

4:25 pm both adults in nest bowl moving around nesting material.

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 26 3:57 pm.
Both eagles are on the the branches next to the nest.
4:21 Eagles are still there.

These eagles continue to amaze all of us. Talk about perseverance!

Our class had a great discussion about the wonders of these eagles.
We have talked in length about life cycles, food chains, etc. Although it was somewhat sad, the students accepted the fate of the eagle chicks. Their attitude was great. Perhaps next year was a comment that I heard.
Perhaps we won't have to wait until next year!

We once again hope for success. Perhaps the next few rainy days will not hinder them.

Thank for the video clips as we cannot be glued to the computer.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Miss_Lin said...

Well, checked in a little after 4 pm ....MAJOR renovation going on. Dad, shrieking at Mom to stay put as he will do all the moving and lifting. She wants that stick over there and that bunch of grass over there, and add a few sticks to that wall. She sit over on the "Y" branch as he situates things, then she comes over to inspect i.e. supervise? He moves things around some more while she sits looking out to sea looking ?? to be with egg(S)??? I hope I hope I hope!

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/26, 4:30

They are still on the nest. I think Dad got a fish on his way back from chasing the other eagle. They were both eating.

Maura (VA)

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's now 1:50 PM in NM, 26 Apr and there ARE three adult eagles at nest. What appears to be "our" two were at nest site. One on or in nest(this was the smaller one) and the other on the branch. Eagle in nest, flew away and third eagle (adult) flew in. There was no noise made by eagle sitting on branch. Original eagle flew back and new eagle flew away. There was then a lot of screaming between the two original ones at the strange eagle, who was now gone. New eagle was smaller than one on branch. There was no fight nor response to third eagle when it flew into nest by eagle sitting on branch. Only response occured when original eagle flew back into nest while third one was there. Within 10 minutes, new eagle came back and both smaller eagles flew off, with original eagle chasing new one. The larger eagle, still sitting on branch was screaming. In about 2 minutes, original small eagle came back and since then, I have watched as third eagle has attempted to run original small eagle away by diving at him. Anyone have any idea what is going on??? Are we sure this is the same pair that built the nest, that is now attempting to use it??? I believe the two that were at the nest when I tuned in are a pair as when they are by themselves, there is no screaming, just chattering unless other eagle flies by. Would another male eagle attempt to mate with "our" female??? Very confusing!!!!

4:31 PM  
Blogger mary jane said...

Wonderful site !! Have watched for over 2 years...... Given site to many and they just are loving it as I have!!

4:31 PM  
Blogger heather said...

This 3rd eagle hanging around the nest since about 3:30 today that I noticed, is really getting mom and dad worked up and has make me think about a couple of it possible its one of the past off spring? is it trying to gain attention from mom? It was dad that flew out of the nest after it a little while ago, so does that mean its another male?
I hope Judy caught that on tape so WIng can watch it and figure out what is going on.

4:31 PM  
Blogger mary jane said...

Have trouble trying to get to tell you about what I see but will keep trying!!!!

4:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Time to zoom in??

If it looks like behavior and timing is right for egg laying could you zoom in on the nest again? I've really enjoyed the bigger view but I'm guessing we would love to be a bit closer to witness the next steps of this amazing journey with the eagles. They have surprised us so often that it almost isn't surprising anymore! They don't want to go down in history as having a nest failure.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Female flew off nest, male on branch now. 4:30 PM. Hope the threat is gone. They were both fixing things in the nest, and covering things up.

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's promising that although the male has been off the nest on and off for the past hour and a half the female hasn't left once. Maybe she has something cooking and doesn't want to stray far from the nest for now...

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 3:11 PM Eastern the birds were working on the nest and an intruding interruppted what appeared to be copulation. (I only saw a fraction of second.) Lots of chatter. I watched for over an hour and the female was very demanding of the male during that time. If he left, she called and he returned immediately. The intruder visited again at 3:35 snf 4:07. Thetre were 3 fly-bys. They are definitely nesting! He fluffs, she pecks at him when he moves the wrong thing. How funny that we humans mirror the nesting process. Remember, we were created last. I watched for over an hour awestruck at the maginificence and power of God as He continues to make the way for our eagle family.



4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4-26 3:45pm
One adult in the nest, one on the far branch. One was calling out a few times. Both eagles in the nest now. Looks like they're eating something in there?? One eagle now looking toward the camera (then flies to the closer branch). The other still poking around in the nest bowl.
Adult on the branch flies away and then lands back in the nest bowl. Lots of vocalizing. Flying eagle flies away again then comes back -- with food? One in the nest bowl moves onto the far branch (mom?). Did I just see something fly by? This may be the cause of their distress.
4:06pm I swear another adult bald eagle just attacked the nest. Then 2 fly-bys ... and then Dad(?) went after it. AMAZING. Mom on the branch calls out.
4:07 Dad returns to the nest and starts his squeaky calling.
No signs of incubation ... just sitting at the nest.
4:11pm Another fly by. Maybe another (see the shadow). Mom jumps onto the nest. Another fly-by. Both on the nest now. Maybe there is food in the nest and that's what is attracting unwanted visitors? Dad picks up something from the nest bowl. Nibbling at food?
4:16pm Mom jumps back on the far branch.
4:27pm -- Mom's back in the nest bowl and they're both eating something or just doing some housekeeping?
4:29pm -- Mom flies off. A few minutes later Dad jumps onto the far branch (left side of the "Y").
4:33pm -- Shhhhh. Dad takes a poop.
4:45pm -- Dad still on the branch, looking out over the water.
Pulling the plug. Over and out.

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great feeling! I was on this morning for about 15 minutes and all I saw was one eagle sitting on the branch looking out at the ocean. It was good just seeing that. I've been at work all day and shortly after lunch decided to check on the nest and saw both parents at the nest off and on fixing up. I immediately went to the blog and red Wing's update. I just couldn't believe it. I've been watching the triplets in Virginia, but it's just not the same. Even it they don't nest, it's just wonderful seeing them together or alone at the nest instead of an empty nest all the time. It was getting to the point that everytime I tuned in and saw the empty nest I got that empty feeling and couldn't watch for too long. I guess I'm not as crazy as I thought, or at least not alone, in the joy that these birds bring!
Phyl - PA

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to see both eagles on the nest this afternoon. They are such beautiful birds. A third eagle flew by the nest (I think it was an eagle), but was quickly chased off. This is such an awesome site. Looking forward to seeing what comes of this, but just happy to see the parents again.

kb -Utah

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4-26-07 Thursday 4:53 pm soooo excited to see both eagles again, one on branch and one on side of nest!!! Can we all say WOOOHAAAA :o) SO AWESOME!! Wendy from Maine

4:55 PM  
Blogger Miss_Lin said...

Twice since around 4 pm, there has been another Eagle dive bombing the nest site, and mostly at Dad, or so it seems to me? Both have screetched at it and it continues to fly over??? What is it trying to do?

Very worried.

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its 4:52 and I thought I was seeing things! There were 3 eagles by the nest! Looks like one is an unwanted guest, as he was shooed away by either Mom or Dad. Could not tell. Have never seen that before. Anyone else catch that?

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All hell has broken loose. The intruder is determined to get into the nest. But here is my own burning question: Which one is the intruder. I honestly don't know anymore. And why does he/she insist on coming here. He is very aggressive.

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God I hope someone caught video of that...4:54pm eastern time another eagle almost lands on the nest. the dad flew to defend and in the twistage I almost though the intruder came back on the nest and the dad flew off. I can't imagine that to be true as I would think mom would be kicking intruders tail feathers but the eagle that came back to the nest has white on it's chest that I've never noticed there before with dad.... Hope someone caught video :)

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

04-26-07 4:49pm OH dear! both eagles were hanging out on the y branch when an intruder flew in and chased dad off. Mom is still sitting there with the intruder sitting in the nest! I'm sure it is an intruder because it has some white feathers on its chest. Mon seems to be ignoring it. she has her back turned to it and now she is swawking like she does when she wants dad to return.

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:52pm EST Wow. That was interesting. I just saw another adult bald eagle fly over and perch on the nest for a second. One of our eagles was on the nest, the other was on the Y branch, both yelling at the intruder who flew away rather quickly.

I'm so happy to be watching this pair again. I was so sad when I learned their babies didn't survive the storm, as were many people at my job. These were the same people who initally laughed at me for watching an eagle cam.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just looking and saw two eagles on the Y formed by the branches. Eagle 1 seemed to be minding his'her own business. Then I saw a third eagle fly by and scrae away eagle 2. Eagle 3 then sat on the nest. eagle 2 kept flying by several times.
Eagle 1 seemed to not care about any of it.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:59 pm NHJudi again...
Dad is now divebombing the intruder! But the intruder is holding its ground!

4:59 PM  
Blogger roxy said...

4:55 PM EST - One eagle has been guarding nest for awhile on Y branch. I think Mom, but now unsure. Another eagle returned and climbed out on the other part of the Y branch. Then another "attack" from the intruder (adult Bald Eagle). Actually 3 eagles around nest for a split second. The instruder has flown by several times now. This is intense. It's incredible that this pair has been this successful every year if they have to put up with all this every year. Would be nice for them to "get a break!"

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, it's still dad on the nest. Intruder did another fly by and the voice gives him away. Whew...I was afraid maybe mom was going to trade dad in for a younger model :^) They sure are having a lot of trouble with the other eagle this afternoon.5:00pm eastern time and he just did another fly by. Getting awful brave and awful close to landing on the actual nest. Our pair haven't budged yet and they are STRONGLY defending their nest....GOOOOOOO Team!

5:01 PM  
Blogger KOhman said...

It definitely was another eagle. It flew in and actually landed on the nest. Mom and Dad are holding their ground and not going anywhere for now. --Conway, NH

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom and Dad are both in the nest but have been "dive bombed" by what appeared to be another adult eagle. Maybe one who lost it's tree and/or nest in the storm.
Nature is amazing......
4 p.m. texas time

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/26 - 5pm

That other adult eagle is still harrassing our eagles - doing fly bys, fly overs, and fly throughs. I don't remember this happening last year. Does anyone else recall whether they had a lot of harrassment last year?

Maura (VA)

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is five oclock and the two lovebirds on there again..yippiee..but something is flying by them .I cant tell if it is a eagle or a hawk..the eagles really get upset...

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 matures in the nest!!! What the heck is going on? At around 4:54 I checked in and saw 2 eagles sitting on branches and then one left the branch for the nest then suddenly a 3rd one swoops into the nest and stays - looks like Mom did the swooping but who was the mystery mature? They have been vocalizing a lot today and watching the skies as well - you've just got to be on your talons at all times!
J in S.P. ME

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:03 pm EST Mom and Dad still defending themselves and their nest from another mature eagle that keeps dive bombing at them. They are very aggatated


5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and now over and over this other bird is diving at the pair in the tree and nest. Wonder what that is all about. holy moly.

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ARE YOU KIDDING??? I am doing the happy eagle dance with everyone else!!

Saw Mom and Dad home this morning and was happy just with that but now.... OH, MY WORD!!!!

The soap opera continues: Days of our Eagles or As Hancock County Turns. I am so glad, and hopeful for the donations to continue as we all stay involved and tell everyone we know.

My family has labeled me the Eagle Geek. Fingers crossed for a long, eagle filled summer.

Love to all,
Lisa in Maine

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom just fell from the nest when other dived at the other eagle is going after Dad...I can't watch this

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the one in the nest is actually the intruder?? Anyone know or have any ideas??

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now they are both gone from nest, mom is still yelling

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dive-bombing now. Is this a fight over the taking over of the nest. The small eagle almost seems like a juvenile. but why would the big one on the branch tolerate him?

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

could this eagle try to take their nest.or is he trying to get Mom

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About 5pm on the 26th there was what appeared to be a MAJOR territorial dispute. A mature eagle was attacking the nest site for 10 to 15 minutes until the pair left.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't figure out what is going on at the eagle nest. Is obvious that this other eagle is very upsetting and keeps diving at the one on the nearest to the nest.

Wing, have you ever witnessed this before. Its puzzling.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:08n pm... After multiple passes by dad the intruder has finally left the nest but not before mom took off.

5:08 PM  
Blogger roxy said...

More attacks. Mom and Dad have flown off nest. Hope someone is recording all of this (maybe Judy :-) I'm going to have a heart attack watching this! Can hear eagles crying out, so maybe they are perched near by... I feel so helpless. The intruder looks pretty big and is definitely persistent.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4-26-07 5:06 Our eagles are being attacked by another keeps swooping in very close, so close looked like it knocked mom off branch then again and again at dad while he was on nest! This is crazy....nail biting moment for sure! Hope Judy caught this on video!!! Wendy in Maine

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the past hour we've seen another mature bald flying by and what looks like "dive-bombing" the nest. On fly-by one of the adults took off after it but the rest of the time the two have been staying on/near the nest and making noise.

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nest is empty and all is quiet, I hope they are alright

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WING, THIS OTHER EAGLE/S IS SERIOUS. He's bombarded the residents numerous times and just now knocked the female off the branch she was on, and then the male took off after the attacker, after it swooped thru the nest area a few more times!! I hope they gang up on 'him'. It's very exciting. I'm not getting much work done. shame on me.

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After being attached several times by a third adult eagle, both of "our" eagles left the nest.

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/26 at 4:05CDT
WOW!! Almost couldn't believe my eyes. Mom and Dad sitting quietly on nest then sudden start calling frantically. Then a flash flies over the nest and Mom flies off. Dad stays on and then the intruder flies by 3 more times diving at Dad. Definitely looked like another Bald Eagle. Now Dad has also left the nest and all is quiet. No one home. Whew!!

5:11 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Oh My GosH!!!
It is Thursday 5:02 PM. Mom sitting on "Y" branch and dad sitting in the nest. It appeared another bird (looked like another eagle) was diving at the nest. It made several passes. Mom and dad were very verbal and chased the third one off. This was over a five minute period of time. Very stange incident...not sure what that was about, but they didn't want company!

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The eagles have seemed a little agitated for the past half hour or so. I saw something fly below the nest on the water side and they both vocalized toward it at 4:30 or so. Around 5 PM a strange eagle almost dive bombed the nest but both our eagles made sure it didn't hang around. It was another adult because I could clearly make out the white head. It is now 5:10 PM and both eagles are gone, probably driving off the interloper.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:11pm, 4/26
Both eagles sitting near the nest.
They begin calling in an agitated manner. A third eagle flys directly over the nest several times apparently trying to force the two eagles away from the nest. Eventually both eagles leave the nest and all is quiet.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:10 pm nest empty again. Intruder left area maybe?

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:05pm EDT April 26 ~ I am in shock after watching another adult eagle swoop at the nest 10 separate times over a period of 2 minutes. One of "our" eagles held ground, but one was driven off. At 5:07 the 2nd eagle left the nest and I didn't see the attacker again. Would love to hear your take on this, Wing.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


continuation of attack on nest:

4:36 both eagles at nest sitting on branches.

4:52 third bald eagle attempts to land in nest - is chased away.

4:58 another fly-by by intruder

5:03 again

5:05 eagle on nest goes after #3

5:06 this is getting hard to watch - #3 is "dive-bombing" the nest. Mom & dad BOTH take chase. No one in nest.

5:13 still no one home. I hope someone is taping this.

Karen in Pittsburgh

5:14 PM  
Blogger karnf said...

It is 5:11pm and on the eagles nest
there was just a confrontation with
an intruder eagle who kept diving
at one of the eagles. I couldn't tell
whether it was the male or female.
Maybe it was trying to steal the nest
or the male. The nest is empty now and not sure if they are safe for
both parents where in the crossfire
at one point.
Will keep you posted.

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its me was two eagles.they were diving at them I could see them clearly...darn it .I am madd

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From 3:35pm EST The nest was being guarded by both Mom and Dad. The extreme vocalization by Mom and Dads raspy voice! This was a nail biting experience! This other Bald Eagle....Where did it come from? Kept flying in attacking Dad who was on the nest & Mom perched up on the branch as the lookout. Every time she started to scream you saw this other Eagle dive bombing them. At approx 5:10pm EST Both Mom & Dad flew the nest after the last attack. Wing, is the other bird looking to take over the nest? Thanks
Anne, NJ
4/26/07 5:14pm EST

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm feaking out - there's some nasty dive-bombing going on and it sure is nerve-wracking after our peaceful morning. How nasty could this become Wing? Defend your nest Mom!
J in S.P. ME

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/27/07 4:15 CDT
Nobody on the nest

5:16 PM  
Blogger KillyKat said...

I have been watching most of the afternoon and both mom and dad have spent alot of time at the nest today. They have been bringing in more nesting material and moving material around inside the bowl. At around 4:05 pm CT another eagle was dive bombing the nest with both of them in it. I can't understand why. Could the other eagle want the nest? I am so addicted to this site - I watch all day at work. Thans Wing for all the update - keep up the good work.

5:16 PM  
Blogger heather said...

5:00 EST. Another eagle has been attacking our pair. Dive bombing them and even knocking her off the branch. Havent seen or heard anything for the past four minutes. The attack was pretty vicious. I hope all are okay!
(Heather's sister)

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:10 pm est - What is happening a territorial war? The pair have been under attack for about 20 min., from another Eagle with a white head ( adult ). Ms. was knocked off a perch at 5:05, Mr. was fighting and ducking before she was hit, then he flew after her. Nest empty still at 5:15. - Mike

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Came home from work and checked the eagles about 4:45EST. I'd seen them sitting together this morning and then at lunch had checked from work and one eagle was sitting on a branch. However, what I saw when I came home was quite exciting! One eagle sitting and calling an alarm was quite quickly joined by the mate. They both called warning something away that could be seen as a shadow passing over the nest for a few passes. Eventually one eagle jumped into the nest with one remaining on the branch, but both still screaming at the attacker. The attacker became more and more bold and it became obvious that it was another adult eagle. The aggressive passes were so close that at one time it looked as if the intruder was going to fly right into the camera. Eventually the eagle on the branch seemed to take off in pursuit while the one in the nest stayed for a few minutes though ultimately also flew away. I could still hear the cries though increasingly they were from a distance.

This all very interesting behavior and I hope someone with knowledge of eagles will be able to explain why the intruder was so aggressive. I wonder if this was the same bird that was so aggressive in the night before the storm?

I usually am very good about not watching too long, but this time I have to admit I stayed online watching for about 20 to 30 minutes. This certainly is reality Television at the very very best!

Viewing in Maine

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not watched since the chics died but I had to check today.
4pm CST there is another eagle dive bombing the nest,both eagles are there and after several attacks Mom left and then Dad.

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The nest was occupied by the pair for quite some time between 4:00 and 5:00 pm EDT. It looked like a fellow eagle was trying to invade their territory -- swooping down at the nest several times, right in front of the camera. What's up with this behavior?


5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just spent the last 25 minutes watching Eagle wars. The pair was being dive-bombed by an intruder. Perhaps the old occupant? Everyone is gone now. Hopefully, they will be back!

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5pm est i tuned in and was excited to see the 2 eagles on the nest. however about 1 min later saw something streak by repeatedly. by a few min later was able to see that 1 or 2 other bald eagles was attacking the nest and drove off or distracted off first 1 and then the other bald eagle. attacks came from several directions in rapid sucession which is why i think there may have been 2 of the attackers. by 5:08 est both eagles had left the nest, either to drive away the intruder(s) or driven away. the attacker was definately another bald eagle as it came directly towards the camera at 1 point.

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure the bloggers will be writing like crazy after the sight I just witnessed.

At 4:30, I checked in...eagle on limb. Mate flies in at 4:36 P. Flies off at 4:37...then back again at 4:38. He sits on the limb with his mate. The female keeps calling, I thought maybe it was copulation time again.

Suddenly, all hell breaks loose. Another eagle flies in and attacks the male eagle that has scurried from the limb to the nest. It is 4:48. The eagle keeps coming back to attack. It does this many times. At 5:04 P. after another attack, the female eagle is jolted from the limb. The stranger keeps coming back at the poor male that is on the nest....over and over again. Finally, the male gives up and takes off at 5:06 P.

I am so worried. He could not seem to protect the nest by himself. The strange eagle was relentless.

What did others observe? Was it indeed the right male on the limb to begin with or did the rightful male come back and try to remove one that shouldn't have been there. If Judy has filmed this episode, I would be interested in finding out if the male that was on the limb in the beginning was the last one to fly off .

The nest is now empty.

The fighting was so upsetting.

Anxiously awaiting comments....


5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been watching the eagles fighting with a third eagle that's diving on them in the nest. Is this an other eagle trying to take the nest?

5:22 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Newsflash!! tuned in at 5:oo p.m EST. There set mom and dad on nest. Within a minute I see another eagle fly by ...the two nest eagles become very upset and vocal..a second closer fly by occurs. Dad is standing in nest, Mom on branch they are both clearly upset..then..a third fly by ...even closer. On the fourth fly by it was clearly an attack and father is jumping up and lunging, talons spread in attack mode. Mother is screaming. On the fifth attack the eagle attacks Mom on the branch and she flies off as Dad lurches upward in attack at intruder!!!! Dad holds his ground as there is yet a 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th attack! After the 10th attack Dad flies off nest at 5:10 p.m. EST. WOWWWW!!!! What an amazzzing viewing!!! I am now confused as to whether it was Mom and Dad on the nest being attacked or a pair of invaders being attacked by Mom/Dad. Did anyone else see this??? Any thoughts or clarifications? This was just such an awesome situation I lucked up and witnessed.

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was really nice seeing both eagles at the nest (2:00 p.m. PST)... 1 in the nest 1 on the "y-shaped" branch!

5:26 PM  
Blogger Mom said...

Yikes! Do we have a threesome? Or another couple trying to snag the nest? The attempts have been so quick, it is hard to tell what is going on and who is who, but there is definitely some territorial issue going on! Between 3 and 4 o'clock there was lots of vocalizing and "visitor/s." Any ideas? This is REALLY beginning to sound like a soap opera!

Diana in Fairfield, Conn.

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe what I've been watching! I checked the nest at about 4:10pm and found Mom and Dad at home. Mom was on the Y branch and Dad was on the nest edge. All of a sudden Mom started to screech and Dad went on alert. A third mature eagle buzzed the nest! I couldn't believe what I was seeing until I saw it fly over the nest again. The unmistakable white head and tail. This bird harassed Mom & Dad by buzzing the nest at least six times. Twice he almost knocked Dad off the nest as Dad bravely defended their home. At about 5:04pm the intruder buzzed the nest again only this time he knocked Mom off the Y branch. Almost immediately the intruder returned and tried to knock Dad off the nest again, three times in succession! (Could hear Mom in background screeching) Shortly after that Dad left and all has been quiet since.
I hope this hasn't discouraged Mom & Dad

Upton, Maine

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did the branch-sitting eagle who was larger than the one on the nest have such a strong voice all of a sudden? At one time while the dive-bombing and fighting was going on, and the screeching I thought I heard "our" males weaker vocalizing off cam but close by.

5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just watched Eagle wars. From 4:45 to shortly after 5:00 the new nesting pair were being dive-bombed by an intruder. There was quite a bit of screaching and the new guy was flying past pretty quickly. The pair have now left. Hopefully they wont let a little comptetition stop them!

5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard the Dad, haven't heard the Mom since the after the dive bomb when she fell off the nest. Hearing Dad again, still no Mom, he sounds fantic

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God I hope she is Ok, he sounds very frantic

5:34 PM  

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