Nesting behavior and two new webcams
As one commenter speculated, it is possible that other birds are moving around and looking for new sites because they lost their nest in the storm. Charlie Todd of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife was telling me that he saw many nests that had been blow out of trees and it looked like many pairs of eagles around the state were affected by the storm.
I wanted to let you know that I am working on another webcam system on a new species! We have the equipment, and the location. Now we have to work on the Internet connection, installation, and equipment. If we don’t run into a problem of some sort, which is entirely possible, we should have a very exciting and dynamic pair of birds for you to watch within a couple of weeks, perhaps sooner.
Tomorrow, we will be installing the looncam, now with not one by two cameras. If all goes without a hitch we will have the camera online by the beginning on next week.
I should have an update on the fundraising campaign, latter today.
Wing Goodale, BioDiversity Research Institute
Thanks for the update Wing!! Oh how exciting!!! I can't wait to see what bird we'll be watching next!! and of course the Loon Cam too!!! I have to say that I'm not very optimistic of our eagles renesting this year. I've not seen either eagle at the nest at all today. But I look forward to next year. and I'm looking to the other endeavers as well.
I love this site. With so much trash on the internet it's nice to find a place where you can look at something so beautiful. Both of my children and I (and my husband when he thinks I am not looking) love checking this site everyday and look forward to the updates :^)
How cool would it be for these two to "beat the odds" one more time...........
The weather here on the coast of Maine is pretty darn nice today. A bit overcast, but nice, moderate temperatures. Much saner time to be raising a family, if you ask me!
California Kid
How exciting and I am sure looking forward to these new additions. This has been such a wonderful and exciting experience though a sad one with the loss. Life goes on and hopefully these two may nest again. My fingers are crossed. Thank you for this opportunity and thanks to all who blog here and make it all the more interesting.
5-2 @ 10:20 am Pacific Time
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WING!!!! YOU DA MAN!!! Thanks for the info on Mom's nesting behavior. We had quite a time yesterday trying to figure out who was visiting the nest, along with an intruder... what a day...
10:30 a.m. Dad calling AZ Sharon
5/2/07 1:40 Clicked on to find a single eagle on Y branch, preening. Flew off at 1:46
May 2nd, 1:29p.m. Eastern.
Mom arrived on nest, followed by another Adult eagle that she quickly chased away and didn't allow to land. Then Mom walked out on the "Y" limb and sat there calling for a few minutes and then she just relaxed and groomed herself. At 1:44p.m. she flew away.
5-2-07 Thanks for the update, Wing.
Your new webcams sound very exciting.
You must have the most interesting
job in the world! We are sooo
hoping for a nesting. Judy A.B.
just checking in after lunch and saw an eagle on the y branch from 1:34 (when I peeked in) until it flew away at 1:45. In each 15 sec still, it was looking in a different direction -- possibly keeping an eye on intruder?? Without live video or sound - can't be sure from here.
Thanks for the updates Wing -- and good luck on your current projects. Happy Learning!
Dawn, upstate NY. :o)
Looking fwd to the new cams!! Patti in CA
Thank you for the update Wing. Its always reassuring to hear from you and to have to decode the eagles' behavior for us armchair biologists.
The activity at the nest sight has been a little different these past couple of days, so maybe we will get another chance to watch nature at her finest!
Good Afternoon All:
Wing, I can see you have been working overtime, and all for the love of wildlife.
What exciting plans you have and I am so-o-o-o looking forward to each of them. Guess that means, yet another donation will be coming your way from me. My pleasure, I'm sure. Any bloggers going to join me today? There are thousands of hits on this site daily, can you imagine if everyone sent in just $5 each? Any amount can and does help. Please, it is important to me and other bloggers to keep this great site up and running.
Thanks, Wing, for the new update. We do look forward to it and understand when you cannot get to it. We, the bloggers, can keep each other going with info but there is nothing like the word when spoken by you, Wing.
Still hoping here in Maine for new life.....
Mom landed at 1:30 after discouraging another eagle from landing before she did. She called a lot for the first few minutes and then quieted down. Spent most of her time on the Y branch and left at 1:46.
I was so encouraged by yesterday's nesting behavior of Mom and Dad. I so hope it is leading to something big, but I remain confused by their behavior and the threat of competing eagles.
Thanks Wing for all you are doing for the Eagles (and other species) and for us!
Thanks Wing!More excitement??? Better than any reality show! I'm looking forward to the cam being set up on the "mystery" birds. The loon cam will be new to me so that sounds wonderful as well.
I have not been seeing anyone during my peeks at the nest, but according to others they have been around. I count on those observations to keep me hopeful. Cam away, Wing, cam away! We are all with you!
It looked like Mom landed at the nest around 1:30 p.m.,May 2, followed by an intruder, and then I think the intruder went to a branch below on the right. You can see the intruder in the last two pictures, the very last picture look in the bottom right hand corner and you will see a beak.
cnn't wait to see what the new cams bring, also looking forward to the loon cam. thanks for the update wing. just checked on the nest 315 pm est no eagles.
5-2-07 16:10 (EDT)
More exciting news, another species and cam.
I'll have to look at the Maine bird species again and try to second guess which it could possibly be.
The Loon cam will certainly fill the void. Such a lovely bird!
Been watching this cam site since early last year. I've seen and learned a lot! Now, just a few days ago I realize people have been leaving comments on what they have observed. I could write a book! I might as well - I'm not getting much work done! On that expression "On a wing and a prayer", We have the Wing, now we just need the prayer!!
Wed. 5/2
4:44 PM ET
Heard a few moments of Eagle Chatter but no visual. Have to get moving. Will check back later.
Anna, Thanks for keeping us up to date on the weather report for the nest area!
Wed.May,2 Hello Wing! So good to hear from you. As you can tell by the blogs we're all pretty confused as to which bird is actually the intruder. I get the feeling that Dad is trying to reclaim his nest. Just my guess..Who knows? Can't wait to find out about the new "birds" you are planning on studying. It's exciting! I'm excited about the loons too. They are so beautiful I will love seeing them up close. The sun is out and the sky is so blue and beautiful..and it's supposed to stay this way all through the wknd. and part of next week. YaHOOO! I wish you all the best in your new endeavors and thanks for all your hard work and dedication.
I'd like to thank all of you that have captured those moments on video. You guys really add a lot to this blog and I sure do 'preciate it! Thanks to everyone for making this such a nice place to visit. Peace.
Maggie, NH
Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed watching the Eagles over the last two seasons. I hope they renest this year, but as always, nature rule.
Cannot wait until the new web cam and the loon cam are up and running.
We have a pair of Eagles on the small mid state lake where we have our seasonal home and cannot wait to get up and see how they fared this very harsh year.
Lynn from Pa
The still image is not coming up on my computer. Is everyone else having this problem? All I get for last few days is the "JAVA" sign.
Wednesday May 2, 6:20 PM
I've been watching the nest live about 4 hours. Heard eagle talk in the distance only once, few bird calls of any kind. Saw no activity at all.
Checked in off and on all afternoon. Not an eagle in sight. Sad.
Someone came to visit this afternoon, looked at the live video and remarked how much they liked my "screen saver'.
Oh yeah, and that was even without an eagle.
5-2-07 7:38 (EDT)
Wing, has there been another fly over in Maine to see the extent of nests that may have been lost; and if any eaglets are seen in any current standing nests?
Didn't have time to post this morning but single eagle (not sure if it was male or female..but my guess it was the female) arrived at nest at 8:44 this am. moved stuff around in the nest for about a minute, sat in the nest for a couple of minutes then went out on the branch to the left behind the wider branch...stayed there for 3 minutes then flew off.
7:43PM - Alls quiet. I haven't seen anyone at the nest since I've been home (around 5PM).
Did I say we'll see an egg in the nest by Thursday?
There is nothing now except the wind moving among the branches.
Ah, but what beautiful branches, and what a strong, beautiful tree sheltering such a beautiful nest.
Great eagles constructed this nest Great eagles will nest here again for years to come.
This I believe.
As always, Wing comes to the rescue of us that are appropriately called "armchair biologists." I always look forward to your posts. Thanks! The East Texas eagles looked great on Saturday at sunset. The baby is practicing flying by leaping from one side of the nest to the another. What a game! The adults watch over him/her and correct the baby at times. Little talons are probably sharp. Tonight they are in for rough weather, so keep them in your prayers. Winds have been clocked at 80 miles an hour ahead of this storm. Pray!
Go Eagles!
Any hint on which new "species" we may be watching next, or is it a secret?
We all love this site!
OH, thank you Wing! The anticipation of not only the loons, but the unknown with perhaps a re-nest. Well, we will be eager to see what happens. Thank you again for all the hard work. Sharon
Thanks Wing for the updates...
Us guys up here in Canada are looking sooooo forward to the loon cams. We do after all put the pretty little darlings on our money. *s*
I'm encouraged and polianic about a new nesting but realistic as well... Being a golf course operator up here in Eastern Canada. I'm very close to observing the wildlife.
For what it's worth, none of the Geese and ducks have shown up on our lakes with offspring as yet as it's been a cold windy spring. But we do know they are nesting.
I expect the ducks, geese and of course the eagles are smarter than I am.
Keep up your good work and I and my crew will be doing our part with donations as we get some income after a long winter.
My observations today were meager at best because of what I do for a living. Just plain busy.
Times are in EDT.
Wed, May 2nd.
1956: Empty nest.
2053: same
2132: same
2204: no cam pics available to me.
2244: same.
2300: live cam on, still cam still frozen in daylight, no help.
Nest still empty on live cam.
I hope that fills in some gaps and was encouraged others saw some activity earlier in the day.
Rob & Joy
Renfrew, ON, Canada.
5-3-07 4:05AM (EDT)
The only visits were at separate times yesterday.
I've recorded each visit and condensed both into one short video - 2mins 45 seconds.
May 2nd Video
Thursday, 5/3
7:14 AM
Heard what sounded like Dad in the past hour. Only vocalized for several seconds. No visual. The nest is quiet and serene on a breezy morning.
Armchair Biologists!!! I love it. This is so wonderful!!! Thank you Wing/BRI, and everyone keeping an 'eagle eye'on the nest. I get on every afternon and read the new heppenings.
Also congrats with the new camera. How excititng for you..Well, now that I think about it us too!!
Thank you again!!
5 a.m. CA time ... no eagles ... VERY windy ..
5/3, 8:10 EDT
Been watching the next for the past 25 minutes, but no birds in sight - just a lot of wind.
Thurs. May3
The nest is empty. It looks kind of windy there today but clear. I'm still hoping for a clutch of eggs or at least one?? Hopefully,
May 3
I think mom will lay an egg on May 7, because they don't live by the standards of other eagles. They make their own agendas.
Can't wait for the loons. Hope they have a good year.
Anxious to see the what the other cams are about. Never going to get anything done this summer.
Big thanks to all involved in making these sights happen.
Eagle sitting on Y branch. May 3, 12:17pm
Hey everyone,
I think Dad is at the nest now. This is the first time I've seen anyone for a couple of day. Boy, is it windy up there. Arrived at about 12:10
Just tuned in at around 12:10 PM EDT on Thursday, May 3, and to my pleasant suprise, saw an eagle on the left side of the Y branch (think it was larger female). She is grooming and looking around. Flew off at 12:21 PM. Was hoping she either has been laying/pre-incubating on the nest before I started watching, or would while I was watching!
Eagle on nest 11:20 a.m. Chicago time. Sitting on Y-branch and then flew off. Not sure who it was!
It is 12:20pm and there is an eagle sitting near the nest. The wind is blowing so I can't tell whether it is a male or female. It then flew off.
Just read the blogs and thought you might want update not reported on non-nature activities yesterday. After the birds left the branch about 2 pm East Coast Time there was the sound of an engine racing and screeching of tires - and other engine noises - sounded pretty loud - some wildlife sounds of distress that I couldn't make out and perhaps hootin and hollerin by humans mixed in. Heard a few eagle calls before and during but not after all the noise. Didn't see the eagles return after that time and it took a few minutes before other wildlife sounds were heard after the tires screeched away.
Good Afternoon once again, my friends....5/03
It is 12:40 and a beautiful day throughout Maine. Our eagles at the coast are enjoying a clear day with the temp at 56 degrees. A slight normal breeze for all at the coast, sunny and a good day for basking in the sun.
Now, I am reluctant to admit that Lotte and I may have been wrong in believing eggs might be laid between May 1st and the 5th. True the 5th is not here but the action at the nest does not resemble the action, in any way, of early March. I was hopeful after seeing copulation on the 26th of April that one would be incubating the eggs by now.
I do have a question about the mating. If the copulation is successful, then eggs are laid, right? What if it was not successful......does that mean no eggs are produced? I know hens lay eggs regardless, but only hatch them when they have been fertilized by the rooster. Still they lay eggs....
It is becoming more clear to me that there is a problem with the second mating period.
It seems to me as if the initial pair are still around....the question is, which ones are they? If it is, indeed, the original pair that keep landing on the nest then they are not interested in laying in the nest, only picking at it for a few moments, then jumping to the branch as if to say "this is my territory, stay away". If it is a new pair, then I believe the original pair is still around and fly in when they see another pair trying to take over. There seems to be a conflict in just who is going to claim the nest. All of this action has kept our original pair from feeling safe enough to start the second brood.
One lone bird on limb when I checked in today at 12:10 p. Stayed about ten minutes without calling, just observing.
I am always interested in coming back to this site to find out what others have observed. Hopefully, between all of us, we are able to keep a complete record.
Thanks.....keep the faith.
My best..Anna
Keep us posted we can't wait to watch again we are all hooked.
Lotte, it's still early on Thursday, and somewhere else it'll be Thursday for quite sometime. ;) You never know with these two. They just may prove you right. Would that be cool?
I saw 1 eagle land on the nest and then hang out on the "Y" branch for a little while earlier today - around lunchtime. May 3rd.
Wing, I just wonder if you had any inkling that this would be SO popular with SO many of us. We watch and wait on your every move and expert opinions!! us 'armchair biologists'. I haven't been able to watch much today, but haven't seen anything so far today. I live in Central Mn in the 'lakes area' and I have two eagles nests I can view pretty easily... both on lakes. One has been inhabited for longer than the other, but I believe the youngest is around 5-6 years. Have you any idea of the mercury
status in MN? How do I find out? Thanks for everything you-all at BRI do! Obviously we LOVE IT. CJ in MN. Thur, 5-3-07, 12:40pm CDT
5/03 at 2:45pm EST heard a scratchy call & then an Eagle flew into the nest, a little wabbly landing, called out, looked around & left out the back next to Y branch....couple of more calls from the distance...
Anne, NJ
Wing, any flyovers planned for the Eagles? I know now isn't a good time for this pair, but any others?
Thank you for the update from Wing that is very exciting news. Thank you to all the people doing the videos. When I check in at the nest there has been no one home. So glad other people are catching our eagles on the nest. The intruder video was very exciting. Looking forward to the Loon Cam and the new bird Cam. Thanks again to all the bloggers.
From Southern California
3:17 intruder alert. Swooping and diving behavior by two eagles.
2:18 CDT What looked to be "old dad" at nest site - flew after intruder - several fly in and outs resulting in what appears to be "new dad" at nest site - old dad gone for now. No sign of female during this altercation.
Thanks for the update Wing!! Very excited about the new cams coming online. I was surprised to hear that Mom has been back at the nest and "maybe" something going on. I have been checking frequently and have not seen either one in days. Yesterday I had jury duty all day and apparently missed Mom at the nest. Not getting too excited though but this pair has held MANY surprises for us this year. WHO KNOWS!!!
I found a website for an eagle nest in Norfolk,VA that has triplet babies - whereas they are cute, there is NOTHING like this place to come and watch and feel the commaradarie we all have toward these beautiful birds. AND to have such wonderful people at BRI that are doing such a great job bringing us beautiful nature in "real time". Thank you Wing and all at BRI for all the joy you have brought to so many people. You are all awesome!
If you are interested, the Norfolk eagles are located at
Like I say - it's nothing like we have here but it is cute to watch and you can get a little bit of an "eagle fix".
2:18 EDT
Highland Lakes, NJ
Just got home from work. Mom on Y branch. Flew off, and a few minutes later flew back to nest. She's standing in the nest bowl and making lots of noise.
Hello Eagle folks.....checked nest at about 3:20 p.m. and one of the eagles flew into the nest, he or she stayed about 8 minutes, mostly sitting on the Y branch. Did a considerable amount of hollering. Then flew off. I sure wish they would renest. But I am excited about being able to watch a new bird of some kind. I can't wait to see the loon start nesting. Those are my favorite birds to watch. Til then....Loon fan from Palermo
3:30 eagle got thrown out of Y branch by another eagle.
3:23-not an expert, BUT, I think we may have an egg in the nest. Very peculiar behavior,sat on nest and lifted tail feathers,lots of calling off camera previous to this. What does everyone else think? Judy, I hope you got this on video. Oh, no, intruder again. What is going on with this nest?
Ward-Massena, NY
Thur 5/3/7 3:29 PM One eagle has been coming by and making a lot of noise. It looked like anohter one was swooping in trying to chase her/him away. Then she/he sat down in the nest bowl for a few seconds. I thought that it was going to stay, but it took off.
3:32 An eagle just flew into the nest with another close behind chasing the first one away. The second one is now sitting on the Y branch just watching.
Phyl in PA
5-3-07 Thursday Was happy to see Mom? in nest, she picked for few minutes then layed for a few being very vocal the entire time. She then flew onto Y branch when other eagle swooped down at her I WISH THEY WOULD LEAVE OUR EAGLES ALONE *sighs* she flew off still being very vocal near by, an eagle flew back into nest, guess not our eagle as OUR eagle swooped in and drove it off. How r we ever going to lay an egg!! There must be a single eagle lady out there some where lol Maybe we should post an ad haha sorry I get nervous i get silly :) Our eagle is now back on Y branch....its 3:34 p.m. Wendy in Maine
I hope someone is watching and are able to get a video. I don't know what is happening. One eagle (I thought Mom) on the nest, making lots of noise. Another eagle comes in and scares Mom off. Now, this new eagle is on the Y branch. It doesn't look like Mom or Dad. The wings are lighter.
5-3-07 3:36 YAY our daddy has landed on nest talking to mom who is still on branch!!!! Wendy in Maine
Hooray - 2:36 CDT Original Mom & Dad at nest site vocalizing dramatically - got to run but hope they keep control here!!
Wing, thank you for all you do! You and the eagles along with the loon family and the bloggers have become our extended family. We have been with everyone through out this drama with the eagles this year and last year. Our grandchildren and friends are always asking us how are the eagles doing this year? So now we have them all hooked on Bio's site!
We are looking forward to your new projects you have mentioned.Thank you for the education that you are giving to the children and all of us everywhere!
We have donated and will continue to donate to help your wonderful
work with nature!
Thank you,
Bob & Cheryl Ingalls
May 3 about 3:00 to 3:50 so far
Wow- what another wild afternoon. Lots of screeching off the nest and action on. I think there was another female attempting to take the nest and mom chased her off a couple of times. Also there was a time that a male was there and was also chased off. I think so far our mom and dad have prevailed.But it's not over yet.
About 3:30 pm, Wed there was a male on the nest calling and calling. I could hear the female's response call. I could tell she was flying in as her calls got louder quickly. Her arrival on the nest almost seemed to push him off. He flew off to the right. She called some, then flew to the Y branch. A few minutes later a male flew back onto the nest from the left. They both then settled onto the Y branch periodically chatting.
12:40pm pst 5/3/07
Two eagles: one at the water side edge of nest and the other right above it on the Y branch. The one on the nest edge screeching the other one just sitting there
May 3
Not sure but it looked as if a different female was trying to lay in the nest-sometime around 3:34 this afternoon.
Eagles together at the nest at 3:45
looks like mom and dad guarding the nest 3:51
5/3/07 3:50 P.M.
I am at work and can not watch the live eagle cam but according to the stills both eagles appear to be on the limb. This must surely be a good sign.
3:55 pm two on the y-branch - leaving my office soon, so will not be able to watch them long, hope others have logged on and can keep track -
2 eagles on next at 3:50 pm NJ time...on y branch.
3:35 Both on nest, seem very agitated. I've never heard so much communication from eagles before. Lots of movement, from branch to nest, and back again.
Sitting side by side now, how beautiful!! Lots of chatter!!!
3:53-first one then the other leaves the nest. Stayed quite a while....
Ward-Massena, NY
2 eagles on y branch at 3:50 NJ time. Looking pretty. ARe they our couple or different birds? can anyone tell?
Eagles together at nest at 3:35 till 3:55 sounds like the original dad with her.. sat together on the branch.. left together around 3:55p.m.
5/3 At 2:15CDT Mom was on nest and just chased the intruder off. Lots of chatter.
2:30CDT Mom flew off
2:26 Intruder flies into nest. Sat in nest for minute like sitting on egg. Makes a strange chatter sound not like Dad's.
2:29 Intruder gets on branch and other eagle attacks knocking him off branch. Intruder sitting off camera chattering
2_30 Intruder returns
2:31 Mom flies in and drives him off and she stays on nest.
2:36 Dad flies in to join Mom.
2:252CDT they both fly off. Now that I have heard Dad and the intruder call out, I think the intruder's call is weaker than Mom's but a little stronger than Dad's. Now I am sure Mom and Dad are still together.
Thursday May 3rd....There was a lot of commotion at the nest beginning about 3:12 PM. It looked like the female was fending off an intruder...lots of flying/chasing by the nest and calling for her mate. Finally 'ole hoarse-voice came to her rescue and both of them spent about 1/2 hour at the nest. The two of them sat on the Y-branch, occasionally talking to each other; perhaps yelling at a flyer-by. It is now 3:55 and they both just flew off. It was good to see them. I feel like they are old friends.
the 15 sec picture doesnt seem to be changing for me. i got lucky and saw mom and dad when i tuned in to the live feed at 3:35 EST dad (still has a voice thats almost gone) played leap frog several times passing directly over the female from branch to nest and back again. i observed them at the nest preening and calling off and on until aproximately 3:53. dad left followed in a few seconds by mom.
Hello My Friends.....
It is 4p...Anxiously awaiting an update to bring me up-to-date with the events this afternoon. First heard a lot of commotion at nest site around 3:15....I could not get to the monitor. What was going on? I was able to see the female land on site at 3:30, then the male at 3:35. They seemed very concerned with what might be going on around them. Both male and female expressed themselves loudly as they went from branch to nest to branch. They hopped around on limbs until 3:52 p. then both flew off.
It is a little windy at the coast this afternoon. 16mph winds with gusts up to 29 mph.....but a nice temp of around 55 degrees and partly cloudy. This can now be expected through Monday.
Okay, y'll.....did I miss an intruder? Hope not.
05/03 @ 16:10
12:00 - finally caught an eagle on the nest. On left Y-branch around 12:03, alert to something in the air with a little "head ducking." Seemed to vocalize (beak action) but my sound was not clear/loud enough to make an id. Still on branch at 12:15 when I had to leave.
15:46 - signed on and found 2 eagles on the Y-branch. I think Ms. Mom was closest to the nest. No head visible on the other ... excuse me while I laugh, but rather difficult to attempt an id! Once again, had to leave computer and both were gone by 15:53 when I returned.
Not much, but at least I saw eagles today. Hopefully somebody has more info and maybe even a thought on which eagles I saw. Without sound or movement I don't have much to go on. Also, small window didn't allow good observation while full monitor was fuzzy. Geez.
Afraid we are running out of time for renesting ... but then, Ms. & Mr. Mom have surprised us before.
May 3 flew in to chase off an intruder. She stayed on the nest and then the Y branch until 3:23pm. She came back about 5 min. later and started calling for dad. At 3:35pm dad flew in and landed on the nest with mom on the Y branch. Both were chatting back and forth. Mom preened and dad talked and dad fluffed while mom talked. At 3:44, dad flew onto the Y branch and both sat there mostly in silence until 3:52pm when dad flew off followed by mom. Dad's foot held the branch well. I'm positive it was the original pair. I recognized their voices, they don't at all sound the same.
Thanks, Wing for allowing us to continue to study this small piece of the larger picture of life.
Mary in NE OH
Checked on the nest at twenty to four and both eagles were here with one on the nest, the other on the y-branch. One with the inverted v, Dad maybe?. The two of them were engaged in some intense conversation for a while. Loud voice belonging to Mom, maybe? Both ended up on the y-branch. It's quite windy out so when one of them moved higher up and out on the branch, and the wind blew harder it had to hang on to keep its balance. Both of them had to hang on and the wind ruffled their feathers. Pretty sight.Didn't bother them at all. Both lifted off at about ten minutes to four.
After they left I noticed that they must have worked on the nest since I last checked this morning. The larger stick at the rim of the nest (ocean-side)which they placed horizontally initially, and which the wind (?) moved almost to 'vertical' is now back in its original horizontal position.
(all this behind my back so to speak. I am so disappointed because I was waiting for days now for one or the other to tackle it again.
My guess for the new species webcam is osprey. The restuarant in Woolwich has one set up right in the dining room. You can watch on screen, the nest that is right outside of the restaurant. It makes for an interesting dining experience. I'm looking forward to the loon cam and the new cam, whatever it may be, because I'm not too confident that the two eagles will renest. I was hopeful at first but with all the distractions with the intruders I think they were disrupted; but what do I know, I'm only an armchair biologist like most of us out there.
I'm going to get out in my kayak for the first time this weekend and I plan on checking the eagle nest on the river to see how it fared after the storm. I'll try to get some photos and post them if I do.
Videos that will open in Real Player and are best viewed in the smallest size window which is 1x.
Unclipped video around 3:23 p.m. May 3rd.
Edited video starts around 3:28 p.m. May 3rd and they leave around 3:51 p.m.
back on the nest at 5:33 sitting and calling...moving nesting material around.
May 3
Looked and sounded like a different female trying to lay in the nest again. She did a lot of calling. It didn't sound like our mom. It looked as if she might have felt threatened and flew off in a hurry. Lots of noise after- off the tree.
Darn.....those eagles wait until I leave the room, then when I return, they are raising a ruckus.
At 5:23p. the female is sitting in the bowl treading back and forth a bit....wondering just what might be under her....She has been voicing an opinion but not in my language. Funny, we learn English, French, Spanish, etc. but was never given the opportunity to learn Eagle Yankee!! LOL Sure would like to know what she is saying. Maybe Dr. Doolittle could help us....he talked to the animals, didn't he?
She flies off at 5:43 p but you can hear her around with her mate. Anxiously awaiting their next frolic.
Stay safe, my eagles....
5-3-07 6PM (EDT)
Two videos of the excitement at
the nest this afternoon.
It appeared Mom wanted to lay an egg, but had distractions. She layed in the nest then sat up a bit. That egg was due yesterday or today.
MOM fights Intruder
Here Mom looks as if she wants to nest again.
Dad joins Mom
This is the entire visit at 5:30 p.m. May 3 and will open in WMP.
Well, with video cams going into service all over the place, I have to say (I've kept this inside all day)we are all part of Cam-a-lot. Who said there was no such place? Can't wait.
We can't open Judy's recent videos and we have Real Player. Can she send the links like before rather than the video? We could open them.
Viewing Judy's clips of 3:28 today, those are not Mom and Dad. They are both the same size. Thanks Wing for all your insight and instruction on the ways of our birds. All you give us is very much appreciated. Your life is very full now and we just want you all the time! Can't wait for the secret new species.
I thought I wouldn't enjoy watching this site after the loss of the eaglet(s). But now I can see another part of the eagles' lives. It is very informative and beautiful.
Thank you
5-04-07 00:04PM (EDT)
Here's the last video I have for today; "yesterday" now.
Very very strange happenings and I've almost, not quite, come to a conclusion about the INTRUDERS.
Could this be a young pair of eagles, lost a nest in one of the 2 storms. Maybe an inland, not coastal pair.
They begin to search and the young female is desparate to nest and her mate is trying his best to help her lay a clutch of eggs.
Certainly, we will never know. Just an idea I decided to throw into the muddle.
Here's the video - this is the ORIGINAL Mom and DAD:
Video Link
This is the video I believe is a young 'female' needing to lay her clutch - also in my last posting:
New Famale?
Hi Wing,
Could you please look at Judy's 1st video at around 1:50 in the video? (The one titled "Unclipped video around 3:23 p.m. May 3rd")
It looks almost as though the eagle is laying an egg. When played in slow motion there is a definite object being ejected but we can't tell if it is an egg or not - viable or otherwise.
5/3. 10:11pm, AZ
Empty nest. Time is running out!
here is a video that looks to be an eagle laying her egg in the nest around 1:50 watch closly.
you have to copy and paste as I don't know how to make a link in here
does any one else see it???
what does anyone else think???
Friday 6:50AM EDT
It sounds like both Mom & Dad are both in the area, being harrassed by crows. I saw something fly by on the lower just now.
5-4-07...6:53AM...I can hear them but can't see them. Wouldn't they be spending a lot more time on the nest if they were renesting?
Good Morning...05/04/07
It is 7:55 here in Maine this morning and our friends on the coast are waking up to a calm morning of 42 degrees and may see their warmest day yet, with winds at just 6 mph. They can expect to sun themselves without much interruption until Tuesday evening when they can expect 30% precipitation.
It is quiet on the waterfront as I write this. Just checking in hoping to see one or two of them before I head out to work for a while. I heard them earlier but they were busy off cam, I guess.
I'll check back later to get all the great updates that you great bloggers afford me.
My best,
There's a pair of eagles that lost their nest and eggs in the BIG STORM in Phippsburg ME. They often can be seen sitting high in a tree overlooking the water at Winnegance. It was an old nest, and just seems so sad to lose it like that. I guess, as all of us who have been watching know, Nature's strength and capability for destruction should never be underestimated. And the hard fact that it doesn't take humans or animals into account.
I hope I am wrong but I believe all we are seeing are the eagles protecting and rebuilding their nest after the storm. There must be many eagles trying a takeover. But I am keeping my fingers crossed. I think if the eagle did lay an egg she would have been sitting on it now - which is not the case.
I was on pins & needles reading the blogs this a.m. ... Thx for all the updates & videos as I was unable to participate yesterday. Keep them coming!
05/04/07..Haven't seen anyone this a.m. yet and its now 10:00 est am.. Just want to thank KUDZ and Judy and anyone else who has contributed photos and video for us to watch, It is extremely helpful to me and also . I so enjoyed the thumbnail prints of our male. He is my absolute favorite. I know that she has not changed mates as they are so loving to each other still and depenmd on each other to help defend the nest. The fight was so impressive. THANKS AGAIN!! BEV
Wing....thank you once more for all that you do. You have developed quite a group of supporters!
A note to Anonymous in Winegance & Phippsburg.......
So tickled to read your entry, as I've been a faithful participant ...and I work in West Bath. This last week I spotted these 2 magnificent eagles high in the tree....I stopped on the causeway and watched them for awhile...they seemed so HUGE! I could only stay for a short time as I would be late for work. (Work SO gets in the way of my eagle watching!) One or both has been in the tree each morning since. I so look forward to seeing them! To hear their story now, after watching our dear eaglets also perish in that storm.....makes it seem all the sadder. Thanks so much for sending that in. Was the nest at Winegance or Phippsburg? What a funny coincidence!
As to our current free-for-all......I remain baffled as to what eagle is what or who is who...all I know is that there is far too much commotion going on there to encourage ANYONE to raise a family!
Wing, are there other nests in the area? Or, should I say any other destroyed nests?
Thanks to all of my fellow bloggers for writing in with observations and clips.....
Keep the faith!
Linnie in Fairfield
Friday 5/4
12:25 PM ET
Mom and Dad have been on the nest for about a 1/2 hour. Mating occurred at 12:20 PM. Now they are enjoying the ocean view from the Y branch. One just flew off.
Hello eagleMainiacs!
Finally saw an eagle perched low on the Y branch just looking out to sea. That makes me think it is probably Dad because he was always doing that when they were nesting. I think I hear thunder in the distance or is it actually big gusts of wind that the microphone picks up? Anyone know?
I still have hope that the original Mom and Dad will be together again. I miss watching them. Teary eyed in NH
6:05 pm. Someone just came noisily onto the nest and is sitting there calling. I think it is Mom, judging by that magnificent face and head. 6:14. Now she's sitting on the Y branch. She is looking out to the ocean and all around her. I'm sure she is looking for Dad. Where are you, Dad?
6:16. She just flew off to the left. I hear a lot of chatter nearby, but just out of view.
I think there are eggs in that nest. Do you see how deep they lie down into it. It looks like they move things around and cover it in a couple of the wonderful videos posted. I'm keeping optomistic:-)
Lori in PA
Tuned in at about 7:45 pm on 5/7. Mom and Dad were on the nest. They both stayed a while then one of them left. The remaining one sat deep in the nest for several minutes before flying off.
Eagles were at the nest when I looked in at 7:40 flew off after a couple of minutes than the other...not sure how long they had been there...great seeing them
Wednesday, May 9th
10:00 PM ET
I've been watching Mom (I think) sleeping on the left side of the Y shaped branch for 1/2 hour. She has her head tucked into her wing, looks very peaceful. When I checked Judy's forum, it looks like she has been sleeping like this for over an hour. I don't ever remember seeing the Eagles sleeping on the branch like this at night before. I'm thrilled to see her!
Wednesday 5/9
Mom just awoke from her nap on the Y shaped branch 11:37 PM ET. Fixing herself up a bit.
5/9, 11:55pm - peeked in just before midnight, and spied one eagle perched on the Y branch, sleeping. I realize hope is dwindling for this pair to renest successfully this year, but it's good to just observe them as they continue to recover from the big storm. Quite a thing to watch.
First time posting comments on this blog, but I've been watching from the beginning. Amazing stuff.
Thursday, May 10th
Mom went back to sleep at 11:50 PM ET. Remains on the Y shaped branch
Sleeping peacefully with her head snuggled into her wing at 12:07 AM.
Little, if any breeze, beautiful sound of the waves lapping on shore like a lullaby.
Thursday, May 10th
Mom continues to get her well deserved beauty sleep. Remains on the branch. Time 1:45 AM ET.
5/10 3:30 AM
Woke up to find Mom on the Y shaped branch...snoozing away
I feel like I have empty next syndrom , hope to see those new cameras up soon
Good morning.. Judy and all.. again thank you for the amazing stills and videio of the fight last night!!(05/10/07) I just love being able to see the things I miss at night. I believe our male was the winner, because of the neckline hair( upside down V) Oh, well thanks again to all of you who get the videos and stills. It sure is appreciated. Bev
05/15/07.. sHERRI, First of all thanks to you and Judy for all the GREAT photos!!!! Second of all I think the female this am is our original femal. The one you are trying to capture her neckline is our female. At least thats my opinion. Again thanks, Bev
If you read the archived biologists columns from last year you'll get a lot of information about eagles. Click on the list of them, by month, down on the right hand side of the page, month by month, as the eagles hatched and grew, last year.
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