Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring is here and amazing donations!

What a weekend. The migratory birds are streaming into Maine by the thousands. Practically by the hour I was hearing or seeing a new species. On Saturday morning I went to my favorite birding spot and saw a couple palm warblers and a ruby crowned kinglet—other than that not too much going. This morning, however, was amazing. There were literally thousands of birds, palm warblers feeding on insects over the water, white-throated sparrows flipping over leaves, winter wrens foraging along streams, and yellow-rumped warblers thick in the trees. These birds have been all waiting for the weather to break, and now that we have a southern breeze they are on the move.

I wanted to give you an update on our fundraising campaign. We are bowled over here at BRI; since we started the $50,000 campaign we have received $25,000 in donations! Absolutely amazing—we are half way there. Thank you all for your extremely generous support. And now it is looncam season.

I just received word, ten minutes ago that a pair of loons has returned to the lakes where we set up the camera. There is still skim ice in places, but it should be gone by the end of today. I was working last week to get the loon cam computers up and running and this week Lee Attix and I will complete our preparations for out installation next week. If all goes as planned we should have the camera live by the end of next week or the beginning of the following.

Lee Attix has a blog for the loon cam which is and the loon cam can be viewed at

Over the weekend there were some great question about mercury and why it may be higher inland than on the lakes. The short answer is that the mercury is less diluted in fresh water systems than the ocean. I wanted to provide you with two links to two of our recent reports which outline how and where mercury is concentrating. This first report explains what is currently known about mercury levels in the environment This second report explains the mercury hotspots in the northeast that we have documented

As far as the florescent lights that contain mercury. They are excellent lights that use significant less electricity, much of which comes from coal-fired plants. Since coal power plants can contribute significantly to mercury deposition and global warming these light reduce green house gas emissions as well as mercury pollution. They do contain mercury, and need to be recycled once they have died—usually after many years. Here in Maine, the state is working on expanding our mercury recycling stations.

I note about the eagle. I would expect them to generally stay around the nest site, and I would expect that you should continue to hear them and perhaps see them dropping by the nest to feed on a recent catch.

Here is a link to a great story written about the birds in this weekend's Bangor Daily News.

Wing Goodale, BioDiversity Research Institute


Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for all the updates. I am so glad about the donations. I will make a second donation today as a big thank you for making all of us feel a part of this. I also want to thank Judy for all her videos that allowed us to see the feedings, etc. that occured while we were not connected.
Diane from Long Beach, Long Island, N Y

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you wing for continuing to provide updates, news and links. i am so glad to hear of the donations! The Bangor newsarticle was very interesting, and i found myself once again getting teary eyed! i have tried to tune in to other eaglecams, but they just arent the same for me. I look forward to next year.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here in the Boothbay, ME area we
received much storm damage. It is
wonderful to have some warm weather
now and watch the arrival of spring.
Thank you, Wing, for all your
updates. I love reading them.
I look forward to the Loon Cam.
We live on a saltwater cove and
have two loons who have been
hanging out here. Soon we should
see a baby seal on our "Seal Rock"
waiting for Mom. Life goes on and
our family thanks you for allowing
us to see it up close. 4-23-07.Judy
A. B.

10:47 AM  
Blogger JO said...

Good Morning: Very excited to hear that your loons have returned. Went out yesterday to our favorite loon spot here in northern NY, and while scoping the lake, low and behold, they flew right over us, crying out. Almost like they were saying "Welcome Back". The Creek they call home is closed to all motorized boats so it is incredibly serene to be out on the water in a canoe. Last year this pair had two chicks and we watched them all summer. As excited as we were to watch the eagles, I must say that the loons are our favorites. Hope they all have a very successful year!! Can't wait to see them on the live cam.....Ward from Massena, NY.

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Wing, for the update. I am amazed and so happy about the donations. People are totally in love with this site. Also, appreciate the info on Mercury,light bulbs, loon cam etc. I will be checking the loon cam as soon as it is up and running. I still check the eagle's nest everyday. I miss them like everyone -- this morning has been especially quiet at the site. Probably out soaring in the warm air. I did see and hear them around the nest this past weekend.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wing--Thank you for another great update. It's nice to hear that the eagles will stay around the nest site. At about 11:00 am EDT I heard the male call out a couple times--I did not hear the female respond. Camera zoomed back a while ago--I like the new perspective! Heard a motor vehicle start up about a half hour ago; hear planes every so often. Lots of other bird sounds--crows, seagulls, others I don't recognize. Looking forward to more eagle sightings at the nest--and thanks for the videos everyone--especially Judy for the one of dad on the nest a couple days ago--it was comforting and reassuring to see him again.

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Wing for the updates. This morning while out with the children we saw about 40, what we thought to be turkey vultures at first because of the circling, was actually hawks. Not quite sure what kind but one group circled over then a second group came by with a few stranglers after that.We had a red tailed hawk looking for prey yesterday and all last winter had a northern goshawk out back. am waiting patiently for the song birds in the area and for May to get here along with the hummingbirds, oriole, and scarlet tanager. Still watching the eagle cam also. Cyndi (Gray,Me.)

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your work Wing! Although I love the view of the nest it's still so sad not to see Mom and Dad. But I check in everyday. Judy, and others have posted beautiful picture and videos. I just found this site a few weeks ago but I look forward to next year with great anticipation! And my donation is still forthcoming!!
Patti in PA

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that the donations are strong.
We have had an Osprey Nest in the marsh at our beach for a number of years. This year we have a new pair
that have been building a nest in a telephone pole very close to the first nest. All seem to get along well. No eggs that we know of yet.
We also have a site in Woodshole that has a camera. They just laid the egg sometime after 7pm and 5:30 am (4/22-4/23)the site is
I miss seeing the eagles, I check in all the time but have only caught their calls.
Thanks again for this wonderful site.

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello everyone. so happy about the continued web site and looking forward to the loons. We have a great website in WMass that has an eagle cam & the two babies are beautiful. No sound or blog so it's not as exciting as the one here in Maine. Thought some of you might be interested. here is the link:

have a great day!

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:06 a.m. AZ Time Monday 23 April... Mom is nearby... you can hear her very clearly... AZ Sharon

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wing, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on the wonderful donations, response from people who appreciate your work... I am wondering why my sound is so poor... ever since the storm it sounds like a motorboat bubbling in the water, and behind that I can hear mom... sure wish I could hear clearly again.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

Hi Wing and Everyone 4-23-07

It is Monday afternoon and what an awesome day and weekend we have had. The sun is shinning and the temps are climbing. I have been watching the nest and Sunday night I saw one of the eagles do a quick fly by and I hear the eagles talking quite often.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

Monday 4-23-07

I am writing this post to ask a favor of you Wing. Is there any way you could make the cam go off night vision earlier in the morning and stay off longer into the evening. The days are getting longer and it isn't keeping up. Some have said a 5:00 am would be great and a 8:00pm to 8:30pm would be awesome. Thanks in advance for considering it. Tonya

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Wing and everyone for all the updates and info. All through the storm I was wondering how these eagles will fare if the storms increase in number and intensity because of global warming. It's reassuring to know that reducing the electricity I use in a day will make a real difference for these birds.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Monday, April 23 4:33 PM ET

Hello Everyone,

Dad is calling softly in his raspy voice not far from the to my ears...sadly no visual but I'll keep checking on and off at least a couple times a day. Glad the cam will be left up and running.

Wonderful news about the donations Wing!

Grand Island, NY

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news on the donations. I am longing to hear the eagles again. I have missed them since my viewing is limited. I too look forward to next year as well, but I look to the imediate future just to see mom and dad again. Thanks! I am so glad the weather is finally good there.


4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was reading the blog at 4:50 PM, 2/23 and heard the male calling so I looked at the video feed just in time to see one of the eagles fly across the background. It was quick, the eagle zipping in front of the bright blue water, but a stunning sight none the less.

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4-23-07 4:51pm

Just saw one of the eagles fly by behind their tree. Oh my goodness ... it was a beautiful sight (and totally unexpected). Even heard Dad in the distance. Can't believe that I'm still "hooked" on this cam.

Great story in the Bangor Daily News, Wing. I bet you will become the next "Jacques Cousteau of the Air".

Checked out the Mass. eagle nest. The two eaglets remind me of Big and Little from last year.

--Liz (W,DC)

4:57 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

Monday 4:56pm 4-23-07

Just watched both eagle go soaring by. Been listening to them also.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4-23-07 4:52 pm EDT
Both eagles flew by, left to right, over the water. One was further out and the second much closer to the nest. They must have circled because they began calling from quite close by the camera.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/23, AZ
What a wonderful response for donations! Yea!!!
I will be watching the loons again with bells on!
Thanks for the very upbeat news after our sad blogs.

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:52PM + 5:02PM
Saw a fly-over in the background, eagle calling, and then again at 5:02 an eagle flew over in the background, and lots of calling. I am convinced the female is alive and well. I had my doubts. but I know her voice. The male answered I believe. She is still calling. If only she'd land on the nest. She has to be very closeby.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This time the flyby was much closer to the nest. Again I heard her call. Come on, Lady Eagle, land on your nest.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

eagle on the nest 5:20 pm Monday

5:13 PM  
Blogger heather said...

MONDAY AT 5:11pm

I finally am getting the chance to see one of "our" Eagles in the nest!! I think that its Dad, but I am hearing them both calling. What a sight for sore eyes, I was going through withdrawl!
Its now 5:20 and Dad? is still standing in the nest.

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am either dreaming or our female has just laid and egg. It couldn't possibly be, could it? She has been on the nest, calling and getting answering calles from the male, for quite a bit. I couldn't believe that she actually showed up.
I am speechless!

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:22pm AZ 4/23
Hooray! :) I finally caught an eagle on the nest. Dad came flying in and stayed on the edge for sometime and the two eagles called back and forth. Mrs was out of sight. The sky and ocean are beautiful looking today.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:20 pm EDT Eagle at the nest! For several minutes. It might have been mom--camera is zoomed back so far I couldn't tell, but it sounded like mom's voice. Did anyone else see/capture it? Hope so!

5:25 PM  
Blogger Rob White said...

Congrats on the fundraising.

Just an FYI. I opened the live cam at about 5:10 pm today (4/22) and there was an eagle standing in the the nest, looks to be the female, though not completely sure due to the wide angle of the camera. It was looking around and calling during this time, then flew off at 5:22 pm.
I could still hear eagle calls after she left the nest in the distance.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw an eagle friend on the nest at 5:13pm,est. Think it may have been dad. He/she called out to its mate several times and then flew of at 5:21pm. I got so used to checking in on these two every day - now I miss seeing them sooo much! Can't wait to see what the future hold though. Thanks to all at BRI for all of the wonderful things you do and for allowing us all a glimpse into the wonders and struggles of nature.

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:14pm EST: One of the eagles, possibly mom, landed on nest and stayed around until 5:24pm. The eagle kept calling out and, at times, I heard the other one call back.

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She took off. But I did see her.
Egg or no egg I feel like nature handed me a precious gift.
I did not believe that the female survived because I only saw the male after the storm, and only briefly.

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks Wing for the update, cann't wait for the loon cam to be up would like to see that to as i have never seen one.


5:32 PM  
Blogger AnnieMae said...

Just tuned into the cam at about 5:15PM(I'm supposed to be working) and Mrs. Eagle was sitting on the nest calling and calling. I couldn't tell if he was answering her. She flew off at 5:21PM and I can still hear her calling. I don't know how long she had been on the nest. She sounded like she was saying "how about bringing me some food" or "ya wanna fool around and make babies?" Oh! she's back on the nest. Have to watch! she only stayed for a few second, but there is a lot of "conversation" going on. Oooh! I am so excited! I hope they try again for a family this season!

5:35 PM  
Blogger AnnieMae said...

I sent a donation a couple of weeks ago (online by credit card). It hasn't been processed yet; I hope it went through alright.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just after 5:30 p.m. EST the male landed sat for a few minutes, could hear the female in the distance. The male flew off but then returned again, so that made me very happy. He was just sitting and calling to the female, who was answering him. Then he just sat in silence jsut looking about, it looked so calm there today. Congrats on the donations!! Cannot wait for the loon cam and I hope they (the loons) have a better outcome this year.

Kim from Central New York

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:44 EDT Third landing by dad on the nest in the last hour (earlier thought it was mom, but now sure it's dad--can hear his squeaky voice--mom is calling so close by, though, that I thought she might fly into the picture, but haven't seen her--dad seems to be the one attached to the nest site--he's really calling out for her to join him, but she apparently has other plans for the evening). It's so nice to see him! Also, as someone else said, my sound level seems to be lower now than it was before the storm. I think Wing said something about maybe one of the external microphones going out and he was going to check it when he was out at the site--sound did improve over what it was at that time, but it still doesn't seem to be as loud as it was before the storm. It's still pretty good, though.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all, I checked in to look at the nest and the Atlantic Ocean upon arriving home from work. At 5:45, when I logged on, I believe it was Dad that was standing on the nest looking around toward the camera. Mom called from closer to the camera and Dad answered in his hoarse tones. He stayed until 5:51 then flew toward the camera. I watched a bit longer and will go back after loggin this, and Mom was calling loudly from near the microphone. It was good to see him instead of just hearing them. It is good to hear them as well rather than nothing.
I have found some other eagle cams and some have babies hatched but none is as awesome as "ours". The sound and the camera quality as well as the scenery are the best.

Great news about the $$$. Thank you again Wing for your updates. Stay well. God Bless. I will be checking daily for activity and appreciate the opportunity to communicate in this community. Barb, PA.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:36pm EST: Eagle flew into the nest and sat for about a minute before flying away. It called out once or so while it was on the nest.

5:42pm EST: Eagle returned to the nest and made several calls out to mate. Mate returned some of the calls. Eagle on nest flew away around 5:53pm.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 23 6:45pm Maine time

I believe Mom was sitting serenely in the nest. She stayed for about 10 minutes and left. I didn't hear any singing or calling but she was beautiful to see.

Take care,

Lisa in Maine

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/23/07 I heard the male calling and came in to see, and there he was standing on the nest and just looking around. It's the first I've seen him since last Wednesday. It's good to actually see him and not just read about others seeing him. It was about 5:40 and he was there for at least 10 minutes, calling sometimes and the female called back. I found this cam from Hampton Roads Virginia with a nest and 3 eaglets, already with their feathers. No sound, but it's nice watching them. It only operates during day light hours.
Phyllis, Johnstown, PA

6:10 PM  
Blogger JO said...

Male (I think) landed on the nest several times in the early evening.


Seems to be waiting for the female. You can hear her, quite vocally, just out of sight.

Very interesting!!

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear something, like wings flapping (couldn''t be mating, could it?) she and he (?) vocalizing. Her 'voice'! No doubt about it. That's how she sounded when they mated on the tree limb. And that's how she usually sounds when calling for food or a break from nest-sitting, or just because....

6:38 PM  
Blogger heather said...

Monday 6:30pm (Mi. time)
I'm so happy to say that I have been seeing Dad on the nest on and off since I posted at 5:15, and I have been hearing Mom the whole time as well :o) Maybe now that it has been this length of time since the little ones were lost, we will get a glimpse of Mom and Dad more often. I have been watching the Va. eagles a little (just to see an eagle) and its just not the same.
My donation is coming next week, on pay day to help BRI reach and exceed the $50,000 goal as this is such an important and worthy cause.

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:27pm EST: Eagle landed on nest and remained there for less than a minute.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Wing, and BRI folks, for all that you have done and continue to do for "us" in eagle viewing land! We love you all. Looks like 'color' a bit later than usual on the nest cam...thanks for that, too. Can't wait for the loons...they were such fun to watch last year.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Have heard parents calling back and forth most every day I have checked in. Also heard what sounded like mom calling this afternoon around 7:25 p.m. EST and at appx. 7:29 p.m. EST observed eagle fly by nest from left to right side of screen. I am so glad that they are staying in the vicinty of the nest. They appear to be doing well. I will continue to check in daily for a hopeful glimpse of them and to check the blog comments.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Mon. 4/23

Some intermittant vocalization between Mom and Dad between 7:28 and 7:50 PM ET this evening before the wet weather set in. Quite breezy. I missed Dad's fly by an hour earlier but saw the video...super!

Thanks Wing for delaying the night vision mode of the cam.

Grand Island, NY

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 23 It sure is nice to finally have Spring weather here. The weekend was glorious. Lots of birds around, flying and chirping every where. The wasps have come back to life in full force. Tonight I can hear the peepers going to town. It's wonderful!
It was so exciting to hear mom and
chatting away tonight and so happy to see dad fly in and out of the nest. Hopefully mom will pop into the nest again soon.
Still a lot to observe here. Thank you for the chance to be involved with this wonderful, entertaining pair.

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several people think that it is Dad each time in this clip of April 23. It is hard to tell from so far away, but as others pointed out it sounded like Dad and his injury looks much improved. So I hope it is him!

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU so much for letting us continue to view the nesting site. I usually check early in the morning and late afternoon and they never fail to call each other. We were in our yard today and heard our eagles calling out, it meant so much more to me because of this site. We still have loons hanging around and the wood ducks have hatched. Thank you again and I look forward to watching next years chicks.
Chapin 8:36pm

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evelyn i cant get that website you talk about. can you put that in again? thanks

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Wing: I WONDERED where my warblers and kinglets had gone! J in S.Central Texas

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the eagle come to the nest today - on three occassions. I was very happy, as I have not seen them since last Wednesday.
They started getting very vocal shortly after 4:30 PM. One came to the nest at 5:10 and stayed until 5:20. She was very loud and they were sending calls. She (I think it was the female) came back at 5:40 and stayed for another 10 minutes, and they continued calling each other. I saw one more landing at 6:25, but that was a quiet and brief visit (maybe a minute). They were calling to each other for most of this time span. They must have been relatively close to the nesting area.
We are pretty new at this and have a lot to learn. I am hoping that someone can tell us what the behavior signifies (head straight- up and calling). We are anxious to learn all we can about their behaviors and habits.
This has been a great experience for us. We only wish the little guys would have made it. :-(
The P's

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was at our camp in hancock county this weekend, cleaning up from the storm,saw an eagle overhead checking us out made me wonder if it was mom or dad...had to stop watching the live eagle cam to depressing, and with no sound and others talking bout listening to them...i miss their sounds...hope the sound works on the loon cam.

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tueaday 4-24-07 @12:50 Michigan

Wing, thanks for all the wonderful updates. Being "eagley" challenged, why don't other birds use the nest if the eagles are not using it. WOuld they chase the intruders away, or would they take their nest back?

In Grand Rapids, MI, we had a peregrine falcon nesting program to help bring them back for quite a few years. The nest boxes etc were at the top of all the skyscrapers downtown. They had a falconcam. We had quite the show some days. Not as many returned as they thought would. STill it was interesting. Keep up the good work. Kudos to the Nat Geo union.

12:54 AM  
Blogger Tonya said...

Tuesday 4-24-07 3:30am

Thank you Wing for changing the night vision setting. :):):)

What a busy evening the eagles had last evening. One of them went to the nest 4 or 5 times. One of the visits, the eagle stayed for approx. 10 mins. calling out. I wonder if he/she was calling to the other eagle to come and join it. It was absolutely wonderful to see at least one of the eagles one the nest for a while. Hadn't seen either one on the nest, since the night they abandoned it. That was a sad night. The winds were blowing pretty hard there last evening again. :(:(:(:(
It is 3:30 in the am and all is quite right now as it should be. I am hoping for another beautiful day today. Tonya

3:46 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

4/24 Tuesday

6:23 AM ET Caught Mom and Dad at the nest for a few moments. Wonderful!

Grand Island, NY

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was watching at 6:20 this morning when the female landed on the nest. Shortly afterward the male flew into view and the female took off after him. All is quiet now.

6:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This short video starts a little after 5 a.m. April 24 when the eagle leaves the nest and includes a beautiful, graceful approach around 6:23 a.m. :-). You briefly see two eagles in the air.

6:40 AM  
Blogger Bald Eaglecam said...

Just got into the office after early morning birding. Amazing what a change in one day. Palm warblers and white-throated sparrows have moved on and now the blue-headed vireos and towhee have arrived.

Interesting to hear about the birds visiting the nest. To answer a veiwers questiona about other birds using the nest site: these birds should defend the nest site through out the year.

It is fairly common for young eagles to stop by and check out the nest, byt they are usually quickly driven off by the adults.

What do you feel about the current zoom of the camera. Is it too far back?

Wing, BRI

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Wing, could you bring it in a bit closer. So we can watch Mom and Dad when they visit briefly. Also others that land on the nest. We could see the waves and anything on the water better also....if it were zoomed in a bit. Though it's was nice to see how HUGE that nest is!

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/24 7.35am CDT
Finally got a glimpse of one of the eagles. Although it looked like Dad it was probably Mom as she has been sitting some where near the nest for over an hour calling. The eagle flew on and off the nest very quickly.

Judym-Lisle IL

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/24/07 8:34am

Think it was Dad who landed in the nest for just a second -- and then took off in the direction of the camera. And there's been a lot of calling back and forth between Mom and Dad this morning.

Congrats to BRI for their fundraising success!!! Good for them and good for us.

Wish I could get excited about the loons and warblers and sparrows, but for now my heart is with our pair of Hancock County bald eagles.

Wing - Love the panoramic view of the nest and water. Maybe if you zoom the camera in just a bit. Either way, I'm just grateful you've kept the camera online.

--Liz (W,DC)

8:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I like the camera setting! It's great to see them coming and going even though it is difficult to tell the male from female. If they do surprise us by re-nesting then there will be plenty of time for a close zoom.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Sherri said...

Tuesday 4/4/07
Wing wrote:
"What do you feel about the current zoom of the camera. Is it too far back?"

Tough question! ;o)
I love being able to see Mom and Dad flying in the background and into the nest. However, it is nice to have the closer up view as well because there is more detail and easier to tell who it is and what they are doing.

Maybe you could alternate now and then?


8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 24
I like the current setting of the camera. It allows us to see more of the flybys and on goings around the area,as opposed to just watching the empty nest and wondering if they are nearby.

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Wing...I do think the cam is pulled back a bit too far - it's harder to see our friends but also as you pull further back you're exposing more of the locale. As a policeman's daughter I worry about the natural dectetive in some of us. None of us I'm sure REALLY want to find and distrub all the hard work you've accomplished but you know what they say about curiousity..... I don't mean to throw negativity in but I want to keep watching for years to come!! Thank you for all that you and BRI do for our environment and our lives.
J in S.P. ME

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this cam view as it allows seeing the eagles flying in. A bit closer maybe.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Wing, My Fellow bloggers......

What a joy it is to check into this site and know other bloggers have brought you up-to-date when one is unable to observe it for some reason.

Yes, for me, the camera is back too far. It is 9:30.....almost looks like an eagle is on the nest, but I am just checking in so did not see one fly in if it is so. A closer cam shot would let me know immediately without seeing action around the nest. Maybe a happy medium, somewhere between where the cam is now and real close, would be a good place to test it and get viewers thoughts. Thanks, Wing, for your constant up-dating for us. I know some of the reports must help you but I also realize what a busy person you are and I am so grateful for any of the time you can fit in and keep us "on top" of the situation.

Seems as if I missed a lot of the action yesterday afternoon. This morning at 4:50 A. an eagle flew onto the nest. Sit there a couple of minutes, then hopped onto the limb by the nest. Stayed there until 5:07. What a nice sight to see. The reason for being there, I am not sure. It was early....maybe another nosy bird flying close, checking out to find an empty nest to take over? maybe just the feeling of making sure all birds know that "this is my house, hands off!!" Regardless, it was a joy to observe one of my friends the first thing in the morning.

Keep up the good work, bloggers.....You make it possible for all to continue enjoying this wonderful true story of "The Flight of the Eagle".

I appreciate everyone of you. Have a great day.....and to you, words can express how much you have contributed to the education of wildlife, how much you have enriched our lives and added to the true enjoyment of what might, otherwise, be a daily grind.

My best...


9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Judy, for the clips. I have been watching for just a short while and was very disheartened to learn that the babies didn't make it through the terrible storm. Yesterday evening I saw and heard one eagle several times late in the day and became concerned that one of them didn't make it. But your video this morning was reassuring. Thanks again. Thanks to all who work on this project and make it possible for us to be a part of such a beautiful sight.
Laura in Texas

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
Wing, it would be nice to zoom in a little closer, however,it is beautiful as it is! I question from all the postings if there is a chance that they still may nest? I hope so! If this is the case, it would be great to have the camera closer to the nest!
Judy, thank you so much for the video web address. I can't wait to visit it tonight!

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wing--you asked what we thought about the camera zoom. For me, the current zoom is perfect for most of the day. We can see the eagles flying in the background. There seems to be the most activity at the nest in the evening (Ward--thank you for posting the exact times for yesterday's sighting--I also saw four landings by dad yesterday at those times), and maybe early morning. Is there a way we could have the camera zoom in at about 5:00pm EDT so we can get a better look at the eagles if they show up at the nest, and zoom back out at maybe 8:00am EDT so we have that lovely vista during the day? At least until something changes in their behavior pattern. Just a suggestion--others may feel differently.

Also, someone asked about the calls the birds make--especially the one with the head back and the beak pointed straight up in the air. I, personally, have only ever seen the male eagle do that, so when I see that call, I think dad. Maybe someone else can add more.

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone asked for the address of the Woodshole Osprey CAM.
I had no trouble getting in early this morning 4/24, but now it isn't coming up.
Here is their web site and you can get to the CAM from there if its up.
good luck.
Have been hearing the eagles talking alot. It is comforting to hear them. Caught a fly by and a landing as well.
Thanks Judy for getting some great footage to watch.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday was a great day! I too was watching and listening off and on between 5 - 8:00 P.M. It was GREAT! to hear them calling back and forth. I personally believe each nest visit has been Dad (defending the territory!). His voice is much lower toned and raspy. Mom is louder and clearer and more high pitched. As for the camera zoom - I like Sherri's idea of alternating once in awhile. Early morning and late afternoon/evening seems to be when they are heard and seen the most.? Just as long as we get to see it! That's all the matters! Thanks Wing!!

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Judy for the great video. I live in Southern California so very hard for me to see early morning visits. Wing, I like the view of the landscape for now. If the eagles come back and sit you could move in closer.
I am very happy about the donations to BRI and the eagle cam. I sent mine last week. :-)

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice video clip of both eagles this morning, Judy

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apr. 24 11:38am

Dad lands on the nest. Very vocal. Stays only a minute. Can hear Mom in the distance. Dad answers.

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't seem to get the other Osprey cam up. For those who can't, ours here in Connecticut is pretty good. No sound though and jerky but I will take it.

If you go to the "archives" you will see last year the parents had a blue teddy beanie bear in their nest. They threw it out when they arrived this year. They seem to like blue as they replaced it with a blue tee shirt. When the Nor-Easter hit last week, it blew away. Seems today, the Ospreys found that tee shirt again and it's back! hahahahaha She laid 1 egg on 4/11. Second egg on 4/15. Third on 4/16. Fourth on 4/18. This Osprey is having a litter. :) hehe She was hunkered down and blowing in the Nor-easter as well. I think these eggs survived as they rarely leave the nest. If you watch at around 4-5 pm Eastern time, Dad usually drops WHOLE, BIG, fish on her! I miss Maine's Eaglets terribly, this has been my second choice. No night camera, or sound. Nothing beats BRI!

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wing, I like the camera where it is for now. It allows us to see if the eagles are in the area and watch them fly in. And the view is beautiful, so as least we have that when the eagles are not there.

Thank you.

Maura (VA)

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the still images updating
still at 15 seconds? I seem to
be having a problem with updates
and I've tried more than one
browser, installed
the Java updates etc.

Just curious and thanking you
in advance for the reply.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wing -

My son and I are apprecative of the work that you do with BRI. I am very active contributor to both NWF (how I found out about this site) and NGS, hopefully some of that will trickle to you. Although I love the eagles, I prefer to give to organization where the money can be distributed where it is needed.

I have shared this site and been working through history, habits, etc with my cub scouts, who have laughed and cried over the videos, pics, and blogs. We all appreciate the updates from BRI and the other bloggers (and I appreciate the cleaniness and friendliness of the bloggers).

Was wondering if you have summer internship programs, so that perhaps some of Americans future "little Wings" can truely develop the appreciation for nature and environment. Any ideas?

Thank you and keep up the good work.

Andrya and Zack
Madison, AL

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just wondering if it is possible to have a clock under the live picture with local Maine time. It would help to register sightings and it would be great for all those watching from overseas.

Thanks for sharing this amazing webcam with all of us watching from afar.


12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I myself preferred the cam pulled back further, as was this morning. We were able to view the eagles flying by at a distance much better. If an eagle does land on the nest, it can usually be identified as male or female by it's call.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 24
All the action has been outside of the tree. Not much has happened in it. Liked it better the way you had it pulled back this morning.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for asking for people's opinions on the zoom, as it sounds like you have a lot going on. It looks like it's been zoomed in a little (or I'm just going out of my mind), and that seems like a happy medium for all of the comments that I read. I know I love to see the water and scenery, but it was hard for me to tell the eagles apart before unless I heard them "talk".

Thank you to you as well for posting the videos to watch. It is so nice to see them visiting the nest again, and I would have missed it without your videos.

I think seeing the perseverance in these two eagles is helping all of us to heal. It is nice to read the blogs and feel enthusiasm from all of the bloggers.

Amy from Cape Cod
4/24 1:43pm

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the triplets in the Nofolk Botanical Gardens,VA. They are thriving and doing well. They are expected to fledge around memorial day according to the blog. I love to watch them. I also still check in from time to time to see if mom and dad will try again this spring

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wing!! My sound is MUCH better now... I don't know if you changed something, or if some other expert did something, but the "motorboat in the water bubbling" sound has gone, thank heaven...

I have a request about the blog, Wing... could you please post the date next to the time at the bottom of each post, please????

As for the cam... while there is little going on at the nest, I really prefer to have the view out somewhat as you had it before... I LOVE to see the fly-bys and flying in and out of the nest... I can tell who is who by their call...

Throwing the head back... I am certain that it was mom on the nest when she threw her head straight back and called dad several times... she did this frequently when she wanted to leave the nest, and dad showed up. I would know mom's call anywhere.

Anyhow... I am happy with everything, as long as I can see and hear them...

BTW, the Norfolk babies are SOOOO big now... there was a time when one of them was much smaller than the other two, and I was concerned that she/he didn't assert herself when mom/dad showed up with food... then one day I saw dad positively stuffing the little one... she was soooooooooooo fat, she looked like she swallowed a softball!!! It was hysterical!!! Then the next day it seemed like she had grown immensely!!!


2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apr. 24 '07

Dad lands on nest at 3:43pm. Calls out a few times. Two minutes later, jumps and sits on the big branch. Flies off a minute later. At the nest for total of 3 minutes.

3:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Its 3:45 EST, and one of the adults just flew away! ;) What a beautiful sight after so many days of an empty nest!

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:09 pm 4/24 female in nest, male came in shortly after and Mom flew off

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:10 pm Dad still in nest appears to be eating

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:15 Dad ( I think) stiall on nest just sitting facing the water, calls out often 5:16 flew off nest

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! Just saw both eagles (4:09pm central)fly to nest; one (mom?) is now sitting in nest, looks to be eating something while other flew off. Stayed in nest until 4:17 (called out to mate just before leaving).

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:17 wishful thinking but I thought I was witnessing something special, Mom depositing an egg, but guess not

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In answer to your Zoom question, yes. Can you zoom in to cover the clear area in this screen capture ?

Just my opnion, that way we can see the eagles better for identification and still see a good amount of the surrounding area.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

It is Tuesday 5:17 PM. Dad flew into the nest and cleaned up some. He was there about a minute when Mom flew in (he left)and did some serious cleaning. She straightened the nest, was quite verbal and then flew off toward the water. She was on the nest maybe five/ten minutes. I was so excited to see both of them and know they survived the storm. Maybe we might have a new family?

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 24-2007- 5pm EST- both eagles visited nest - 1 stayed about 15 minutes.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Diana B. said...

Pretty funny to have another Connecticuter watching both this and the Conn. Audubon osprey site! I am the person who keeps sending in "egg alerts" and pictures that get posted to their site ! Nothing compared to the BRI site. But it is nice to be able to see right into the nest. Their decor is so funny. sometimes they have white stuff as well as blue -- the other day it was purple. And once there was something white with a picture of a blue bear on it ... a friend said it was a "ransom note" for the blue teddy bear!

I have watched this site for two years and was devoted also to the loon site last summer. Can't wait for that to start up again, although my family thinks I am crazy. We leave the eagle cam up in the evenings after coming home from work, and I run in to look whenever I hear them calling. Sometimes I get lucky, as I was for the very brief landing last night at 6:25.

I so appreciate all the work of BRI, Wing's informative and educational postings and the videos so many have been putting up as well as their comments.

As many have said, the sadness of the loss of the chicks is somewhat softened by the sight of these beautiful birds visiting the nest, so we know they are still there!

See you on the loon blog!

Diana in Fairfield, Conn.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all who wrote about kids sneakers with lights...the EPA website responded to my question and said shoe manufacturers stopped using the mercury in the early 1990's.

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are they, you can usually hear them now. Haven't seen Dad since about 5:20

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have loved watching these eagles. I think the camera needs to be zoomed in closer.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, I can't believe I am STILL crying at the loss of our babies. I wish we hadn't named them.

10:24pm EDT
Highland Lakes, NJ

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you zoomed in a bit.I think the policemans daughter was on track, as in you were showing too many identifiable land features, no need to tempt anyone with ill intentions.

CV Nebraska

10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 3:45 the male (?) came to the nest. Looked around and yelled at something. No reply. Stayed at the nest for 2 minutes than left. It was nice to see him as I have not seen either one lately.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't had a chance to watch the nest today at all. So happy to hear that Mom and Dad are close to the nest. I like the view there is now. I would love to catch a glimpse of one or both of them flying by. Congrats on all the contributions Wing! That's wonderful. I will be sending my 1st one in May and hopefully BRI will exceed it's goal of $50,000. Good luck! Such beautiful weather we are having now and the buds are coming on the trees and it's just great to open your windows and hear all the happy sounds of spring! Warm wishes to everyone and thanks for making this such a nice place to visit.

3:09 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

On my way to work (Robinhood Marine Center on Riggs Cove) this morning I watched two crows chasing a Bald Eagle over the marsh in Arrowsic. I have in the past witnessed the eagles fighting over our osprey's nest (the osprey always win), but have never seen such small birds tackle an eagle. Our osprey returned to their nest (as always for the past 20 years that I have been here) on April 11. The pair of loons that live under the spindle on Blacksmith Shop ledge all winter left a few days after the osprey returned. The loons have been here each winter for the past 11 years and I have always wanted to know which lake they return to. We still have Buffleheads and Eiders this week, but they will be heading off soon too. Keep up your great work, we all appreciate it.

7:20 AM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

4/25/07 At 10:15am I can hear both male and female talking, they are close to the nest. Seem to be just out of sight of the camara not quite sure what all the commotion is all about.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Linda in Maine said...

BOTH eagles in the nest this morning at 6:37 AM. Thursday the 26th. Female appears to be working in the nest while the male watches out from above. Let's keep our fingers crossed~

6:36 AM  
Blogger Linda in Maine said...

4/26 6:45 AM

BOTH eagles on the nest-female io working and moving branches. Male watches on branch aboue....

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a NICE suprise I got this morning when I decided to check in before getting ready for the day. THEY WERE BOTH ON THE NEST!!!! I had not seen EITHER one of them since the we lost the babies, although I knew they were okay from other posts and WING'S updates. Well guess, what??? THEY MATED!!! No I'm not getting my hopes up but was just so happy to see them!!!! Now I WILL have a great day!!

6:58am EDT
Highland Lakes, NJ

6:58 AM  

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