Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Anything is Possible

Well, this behavior is interesting. If the birds were to nest this late, this would be very, very unusual, and I'm sure would break a record for late nesting--I will have to check for sure with Charlie.

A couple things to look for as far as nesting. 1) nest always occupied, 2) bird stands up looks down and rotates eggs, 3) quick nest exchanges between mates, and 4) the birds stay on the nest through the night. The IR light I think is not working anymore so we may not have the view at night that we would like, but we certainly do not want to be on site when the birds are behaving this way.

Please keep up your great comments and observations.

Wing Goodale
BioDiversity Research Institute


Blogger Mari said...

Wondering what was unusal and interesting. I saw an eagle yesterday in late afternoon just sitting, and then calling out, and then flying away.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Wing, Just an observation, I've seen wind blow this camera before, but the camera is way off center & seems to be moving alot more. Maybe someone on site can check it out for you, lost the IR the other night, maybe because it was loose & hit the tree with that wind & broke it. I'd hate to see BRI loose this camera as well. Hopefully it's the nest tree thats moving more.

Anne, NJ

11:37 AM  
Blogger keyboardqueen said...

5/13 at 1:30 Michigan time...

I didn't see any eagles today on the BRI tree, but it is a windy day today in Maine. I think it must be moving from Virginia because I was checking out their eagle cam in the Norfolk Botanical gardens and their camera tree is whipping around like a hurricane is coming. Can the Maine eagles hold on in a wind like that even with the nest bowl being so deep? It seems they would be blown out to sea.

Wing, if the camera goes down, will BRI be able to climb the tree to fix it or will it scare the eagles away if you do that, or can it be fixed remotely.

It is a sunny and calm day in Michigan today...I will try and send some your way and to Virginia.

Your finch cam is great. Keep up the good work.

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/13 2:10
Wow Anne you're right! The camera does seem to have an extra motion to it; I could only watch for a minute or so before feeling queasy.

J in S.P.ME

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, can't believe how long the eagle sat in the bowl this morning, really got my hopes up. Then I looked again after lunch and it was gone:0(

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:55 PM EDT 5/13

Nest is empty.

Bill in Conn.

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:25 EDT Wednesday May 14th.
I was watching as daylight started to permit to see shadow of an eagle on the nest about 15 minutes ago. It must have spent the night there.
Night vision is not working.
The adult eagle has now been perched for quite a while, pruning and calling. There was no indication of egg turning activity when it got up.
Aline in Québec City.

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eagle at nest for a little while, I think the eggs will be laid soon. Keep watching!!


6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/17 11:30am Eastern time

I haven't seen the Eagles for a while and I thank you Peggy and Sir Lance for your videos.

11:05am-11:15am, there were three squirrels running all over the nest!

What on Earth are they doing way up there anyway!?

11:32 - The squirrels are back! Too funny!

Sue in MD

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5-21-08 9:22 eastern time. There is one eagle standing on the edge of the nest. Just looking around, moving twigs. Now he's gone.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/25 10:40 am EDT

Found eagle on nest. Seems to be dad moving sticks around. I don’t know how long he has been there.

10:41 Jumped to branch then back to nest.

10:42 Flew out to left end of Y branch.

10:43 Flew off with crow noise shortly thereafter.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

05/21 @ 17:25

Have been gone and was disappointed to find few new posts when I returned home. Either the eagles have gone missing or our armchair biologists have stopped writing!

The nest looks as though it has been rearranged somewhat.


5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/21/08 11:06 EDT
Dad flew back onto nest. It looked as thought he might have been chased this time. Looking up and vocalizing with another eagle.

11:09 Dad flew off with lots of vocalizing off camera.

1:29 Dad flies in and moves some sticks around.

They seem to be agitated about something.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen "our" eagles of late - did see the squirrels, though.
Over on the west coast (Channel Islands Webcam) there has been some interesting (odd?) eagle behavior. Two 7 week old chicks were attacked by a sub adult while the parents were off hunting for dinner. Thankfully, both chicks survived the attack. The story and more information is available at http://www.knbc.com/news/16344587/detail.html?dl=mainclick
Many web cam observers helped by alerting the web cam authorities to the attack, which allowed them to promptly rescue the chicks from the ground. One has a cracked beak and the other has a fractured wing.
Just thought people might be interested.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

5/22 at 10:40am EDT Well I watch several webcams at my leisure & I find this year to be extremely harsh on our bird world. I witnessed the Eaglecam at Virginia have two failed clutches due to intruders, now to have the one remaining egg that hatched to a beautiful eaglet, has a growth protruding from his beak, the peregrine falcons I watch in NJ have had two of there poor chicks die due to the weather & mom not being able to keep them all warm, the CA eagle nest with the recent attack whick left the two eaglets injured & being rehabilitaded, the Barn Owl cam in TX that had originally a clutch of 4, I watched daily as there were three,two & then one before I wrote a nice letter to the webhost saying that the remaining pictures were just way to graphic for human viewing so they shut down the camera & a later email revieled they all perished at that site as well. This has been an extremely challanging year for these wonderful animals. What is nature doing? I'm in NJ and I currently have my heat on? These poor birds have no idea about dates, they usually respond to the weather right Wing? Well birds around here probably think it's Feb or March. Well going to go check on some more Wildlife Cams & check back on our Eagles later. This nest failure or abandonment leaves me upset due to the tremendous track record. Even the Loons???? What's up here in USA?

Anne, NJ

10:55 AM  
Blogger keyboardqueen said...

5/22 at 11:45 Michigan time

For those of us who need an "eagle fix" the eagle cam at WVEC website is a good substitute. Today I watched them take the eaglet out of the nest to biopsy a growth on its beak. They are checking for something called Avian pox. It was an amazing view of the Botanical Gardens and the guys who actually climbed the tree to the nest. The baby is not back in the nest yet. They must be keeping it for observation. Evidentlly it is not contagious to humans.

Hope this will help satisfy our "eagle fix".

11:53 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

7:48pm 5/22 Eagle calling off camera. The nest looks a mess! No house cleaning lately.

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fri, 5-23-08
Has anyone checked out that story of the sub-adult eagle that attacked two eaglets in a nest on the Channel Islands in California!!?? Fascinating- wow nature is ruthless! But man is helping. Here is where I found it. http://chil.vcoe.org/eagle_cam.htm There is updates and pictures on the discussion board. Just great. They have a group that sounds like 'us'! Named the eaglets - Skye & Spirit - even... like here. I haven't seen anything of the Maine eagles in quite a while. I do keep checking, tho.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May 23, 11:30 am ET
Eagle in the nest. Looks like Dad. Looks kinda lonely. No sound. Shoot! He just flew away!


11:31 AM  
Blogger armkar1 said...

5/22/08 1:33pm PDST
Hi Everyone, Wow I just heard about our wonderful Eagles that they may be attempting a late nesting. That would be so AWESOME! :)
I have been watching over at IWS and all the goings on with the nests over there. This past Monday there was an attack on the Pelican Harbor nest and the two 7 1/2 wk old eaglets by a 3 yr old sub adult Eagle that lives on the Channel Islands. That was terrible watching that happening. The one Eaglet Skye has a fractured wing, and the other Spirit had a fractured beak. They are both doing fine and getting medical treatment on the mainland.
That was one scary moment that I surely don't wish to ever witness again. Still having nightmares of it! :(
So I now that I have heard about my most favorite Eagle pair maybe making another attempt at being a family. I will be watching here more right along with the others.
Keeping my fingers crossed to get a look at them again, I have been checking the cam but haven't seen them for a long time really miss them terribly.
It is now 1:45pm PDST and no Eagles at home in the nest.
I will continue to have the cam up anxiously awaiting a visit from them.
Karen in WA.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, for the first time in many weeks there is an eagle on the nest.
Saturday May 24th 9:45 a.m.

Lucy in Wells

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:50 am ET, 5/24
Dad's on the nest looking out to sea. I wonder where Mom is?


10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

05/24 @ 12:00

10:05 - Found an eagle on the nest at the base of the Y. Preening, facing water.

10:26 - Found an eagle on the main Y.

12:01 - Eagle still there.

Nice long stay. Something very soothing just seeing an eagle at this nest!


12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:36 pm ET 5/24

Now Dad is hunkered down in the nest. Where oh where is Mom?


12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe my eyes. Our Eagle has been on the brancdh for over an hour and now is in the nest. Haven't seen the other one and don't know if it's the male or female. I would think it's the female. It's so nice to see after all the distressing news from PH and VBG. 5/24 12.42pm

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/24; 1:09 pm
Just tuned in to find an eagle sitting in the nest bowl. Can not tell if it is mom or dad, but they have been moving around a few branches.

1:14 PM  
Blogger armkar1 said...

5/24/08 10:08am PDST

I have been watching since 8:24am and what I think to be Mom has been at the nest.

Mom is presently down in the bowl and has been doing incubation behavior for about 40 minutes.

Sure wish the cam was zoomed in so I could tell for sure which one it is Mom or Dad.

Was watching yesterday until it got dark and no sign of anyone in the nest. Without the light at night this is going to be hard to see if there is an overnight stay.

I will post everything I see today in a later post, still watching an enjoying seeing at least one of our eagles back in the nest.

What I think is Mom has been at the nest a total time of 1:51 minutes

Karen in WA

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:16pm 5/24/08...I can't believe my eyes. On a whim, I tuned in to see an eagle sitting on the nest like she's been incubating for a while. Anyone know how long she has been here?

Mary in Ohio

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:58pm 5/24...and she's still here...looking around like she's been here for days...

Mary in Ohio

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:00 PM

Just checked in for a quick look, and what a nice surprise to see one eagle sitting down in the nest bowl. This is the first time all week I have seen anyone home.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/24...At 2:06pm, she got up, stretched, preened, looked around and at 2:13pm, she settled back down...

Mary in Ohio

2:15 PM  
Blogger Robert Pollien said...

5/24 2 PM EST we have a nest occupant

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/24...2:26pm, she gets up, preens, and stands looking until 2:45pm when she hops to the y branch and calls, then hops off camera and calls some more and then at 2:47pm the calling stops...silence...

Mary in Ohio

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/24 12:33 EDT Tuned in to see eagle on side of nest and then sitting deep in nest bowl with just the top of his/her head sticking out. Would like to think eggs but it is more likely it wants to get out of the wind

12:44 Crow sounds and eagle answers. Sounds like dad.

1:40 Crow flyover with calls and dad answers.

2:06 Crow calls. Eagle gets up and stretches.

2:14 Eagle back down in nest.

2:25 Eagle stands up again.

2:45 Eagle jumps up a little, goes to Y branch and must have moved to some other part of the tree since he is still vocalizing.

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/24 12:33 EDT Tuned in to see eagle on side of nest and then sitting deep in nest bowl with just the top of his/her head sticking out. Would like to think eggs but it is more likely it wants to get out of the wind

12:44 Crow sounds and eagle answers. Sounds like dad.

1:40 Crow flyover with calls and dad answers.

2:06 Crow calls. Eagle gets up and stretches.

2:14 Eagle back down in nest.

2:25 Eagle stands up again.

2:45 Eagle jumps up a little, goes to Y branch and must have moved to some other part of the tree since he is still vocalizing.

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/24 3:15pm Eastern time

Hey everyone, so I log in at 1:30pm and there's an Eagle sitting way in the nest bowl!

A sight I miss seeing! Don't know how long it's been there.

It's pretty quiet today and a little breezy.

2:05 It's Dad! He stands up to preen, looks around and to use the side of the nest! (know what I mean!) After like five minutes he plops back down. Looking content but lonely.

2:45 Something made him jump up and over to the Y. He starts talking and flies off to the left. I wonder what it was.

There has been more trouble at the Norfolk Botanical Garden nest, the poor little chick had to be removed from the nest because of a growth on its beak and it was growing too fast. I don't know what the outcome is yet it just happened yesterday. That poor pair has had it rough this year also.


Sue in MD

3:39 PM  
Blogger armkar1 said...

5/24/08 1:31pm PDST

Hi Everyone,
Ok, here is the run down of what I saw today, before I had to leave to get my hair cut and give it to Locks For Love Organization for Cancer Patients. Just a note about that first, my hair was all the way to my rear quarters, and they cut off two ponytails around 20 some inches up to my shoulders. Hopefully that will help make someone very happy. I know it made me feel really good to do it! :)

Now for Our Nest Update:
8:24am PDST I found who I think to be Mom at the nest sitting on the Y facing looking to the right of the nest.

From 8:24 - 9:32 Mom sat right there on the Y watching all around and doing some preening at times, also doing some wing stretches.

At 9:32am Mom went down into the nest by the bowl and did some moving of nest materials, then settled down into the nest bowl. Mom was just showing signs of incubations practice. No adjusting or moving of anything while in the bowl.

From 9:32 - 10:49 Mom stayed in the nest bowl the whole time.
Around 9:44am Mom started raising her head up towards the sky and making calls. Whether that was to Dad to come or just warding off intruders from the nest that were getting too close, I really can't say. I can say that Dad never showed up though. :(

So to give you and BRI (Wing) an idea of how long Mom was as the nest total time while I was able to watch was:
Total time at nest: 2 hrs & 25 min.
Total time in Nest Bowl 1hr & 17 min.

When I got home at 1:31pm I found the nest empty so don't know how much longer she spent in the bowl or just at the nest after I stopped watching at 10:49am
I will say that it was AWESOME seeing at least Mom at the nest today! :) It has been too long since I have seen them, it really made my day! :)

Have a Wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! :)
Karen in WA

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/24... Mr. was on and in the nest and on the Y branch at least since 10 this morning! Please let us know if you saw him earlier. It was nice to share my morning with him. I missed him!

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evening everyone
No Eagle visits today that I know of. I made some videos of all the visits on May 21 and then again yesterdays visits on May 24

Maine Bald eagle 05/21/08 ... 8:38 AM

Maine Bald Eagle 05/21/08 ... 9:19 AM

Maine bald Eagle 05/21/08 ... 9:39 AM

Maine Bald Eagle 05/21/08 ... 10 - 11 AM

Maine Bald Eagle Visit with arival 05/24/08 9:29 AM

Maine Bald Eagle Visit preening and Y branch 05/24/08 10 AM

Maine Bald Eagle 05/24/08 preening on the Y branch

Maine Bald Eagle leaves after a long 5 hour visit 2:45 PM


9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Logged on this morning 9:17 EST expecting to find an empty nest... and there was an eagle sitting in the nest. I think they're having fun with us! Even though no babies this year, they're keeping us interested and intrigued!

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in case anyone else cares anymore there has been an eagle - male I think - at the nest for about 20 minutes. He was just rearranging furniture - go figure

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May 28th 11:45am

Adult eagle on nest this morning.

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/28 2p.m.
Have been watching an eagle standing in the nest for about 45 min. now. Was first sitting in the nest bowl but soon got up and began a bit of preening. They sure seem to like hunkering down during these windy days.

Does anyone else seem to have blog entries not show up? I've blogged twice in the last 3 days here but they don't show--maybe I've said something bad? But in the same time frame my loon entry and finchie entries have been accepted... so curious...

J in S.P.ME

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May 28 - I have been watching since about 9am est and much to my surprise an eagle (not sure which one) has been in or on the nest the entire time! It's 2pm now.
VB in SC

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/28...one of the eagles spent over 4 hrs. on the nest today from about 10:30am to 2:20pm preening and looking around. It called out a couple of times, but was pretty quiet the rest of the time.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eagle on nest around 10am I think it is the male-stayed for quite a while-just preening and waiting--haven't seen them together for a long time. He left after 2:15pm.

B in Brunswick

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lone eagle on nest when I first looked at just before 10am.

When I left at 2:15pm, same lone eagle on nest. No sign of eagle since I returned at 3:30

Very quite visit. Sat in nest, looking all around, as if to say "Where is everybody."


4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/28 10:49 AM EDT Tuned it to see eagle sitting on the edge of the nest, preening a bit.

11:45 Sounds like dad. Sure is great seeing him sitting there. It doesn’t seem like mom has much interest in the nest.

I had to leave so I have no idea how long he was there.

I wish you folks would make some arrangements so that the blog could be updated more frequently.

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will you know if they are indeed sitting on eggs?

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/30 7:30
Lucky to see an eagle sitting on the Y branch. Nice evening...we're headed out for a walk. Love the black & white...perfect for eagle viewing!

J in S.P.ME

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:40 and in that short a time...it's gone - and now so am I

J in S.P.ME

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just logged on at 10:30 am ET and see Mom on the nest. Definitely her - I recognize the ruff of feathers. Please, Mom, lay an egg while you there!

10:32 AM  
Blogger Laurad said...

31st May 08

There's a group of people who use Judy's Maine Eagle nest forum who watch this nest from dusk to dawn and we feel that Mom has not been to the nest since she spent the entire night on 11/12 May 08, although she is often heard close by. There's nearly always early morning chatter around twilight, Dad often lands on the nest and she can be heard, but we feel she has not visited since then. He appears to be enticing her.

He spent one and a half hours on the Y branch yesterday and has also spent over 5 hours a couple of times recently. I'm keeping a log on Judy's forum of all visits and calls heard and have done so since November 2007. Of course we cannot be 100% sure which eagle it is or even if an intruder sometimes appears.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/30...6:30 PM...Dad on Y branch. 6:33...calling to Mom. 6:56, 7:00, 7:03, 7:04...calling, hear an answer. 7:40PM...turns and flies to left. Rare appearances are exciting!

7:23 AM  
Blogger AnnieMae said...

1:26 pm eastern time. June 1.
Eagle on the nest. Looks like Dad. He's kinda skinny? Where's Mom? C'mon you two! Get some eggs laid already!

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/1...12:45 PM, Dad, facing right, preening on Y. Must be wet from yesterday's rain. 12:56, calling out. 1:14, beautiful picture, blue, wavy water, green pine needles, huge nest, and the male eagle. He knows it's the perfect place to be! 1:28, poop. 1:32, calls. 1:39, calls and answers, flies to right. 1:40, chatter.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eagle on the Y branch from about 1p.m to 1:40 or so. These rare apperances are nice.

J in S.P.ME

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

06/02 @ 11:13

Found an eagle looking around, facing right on the main Y.

Interesting post from Laurad. Thanks.


11:17 AM  
Blogger Bald Eaglecam said...

just a quick comment that the finches are preparing the nest for another round, so be sure to check out the finch cam.

Wing Goodale
BioDiversity Research Institute

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out todays entry on Birdchick.com to see amazing photos of a bald eagle attacking a trumpter swan in mid-air! Very cool.

J in S.P.ME

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wing -- I checked out the finch nest per your suggestion but their is no "Watch Live" button on the cam. Can't get a video.

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no 'watch live' for the fiches....just the 15 second stills...15 seconds of up close & personal all day. Enjoy

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/5 8:20 pm

Saw an eagle on the nest this evening for about 15 minutes...then it flew. Nice to see before it got too dark.

J in S.P.ME

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday, 6/6/08
Roughly 6 a.m.?

Watching the eagle nest, saw something moving, assumed it was a twig or the like moving in the wind, however, it was a tiny birdie checking out the nest for future reference! tehe It flew away in an instant. I miss the eagles! I watch for them every day. They are such a joy to watch when they are there.


7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/9, 11:47 AM, Dad flies onto the nest from the right! Calls and preens, 11:48, flies to Y branch, preens and stretches his wings. 11:59, flies off to the right.I've noticed that this time of day seems to be a time when he likes to visit the nest. I watched all day yesterday, though, and never saw him.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

11:15 EDT on June 10th Hello to Everyone who still hangs around here. A crow just landed on the far right branch above the nest & then a fly by....a bunch of squalking crows. No Eagle sounds or sights today. Looks like this nest site is being abandoned at this point. Maybe going to just be a future roosting place for Dad's when Mom has chicks in nearby nests! This was a really nice nest with several years of productive nest outcomes. Seems like weather, food, other birds (Crows & Ravens) & other factors (cut branches at nestsite), new young birds including juvenile Eagles, all play a factor in cohabitating. This Eagle Pair is hopefully still together at a nearby nest site being as productive as they have been for many years. Stay well all & maybe, Just maybe we'll get lucky & they or new will be back next season to entertain us armchair biologists!
Anne, NJ

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
1:33 pm.


Have not been able to access the live video of the eagle cam at all today. Anyone else having this problem?

Thanks so much,


1:41 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

2:00pm EDT 6/11 I wish I could read this Eagles mind......been checking in on the still camera & it's been there for the last 2 hours now. I didn't have the live feed un until just now & I guess the picture was updating the whole time. I thought it was just a picture put there with the Eagle but now I'm on the LIVE feed & it is still there sitting facing away from the camera, looking out at the water. It looks so peaceful, not calling out or anything, just perched there taking in the beautiful view. Georgeous day there I guess.
Anne, NJ

2:08 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

3:00pm 6/11 Lone Eagle still on the nest. Called out a few times in the last hour but hardly any response. Wing Question?: In the past three years of watching I hardly remember Ravens in the area. I do recall Crows on occasion & hearing them off camera. I was wondering if this nest site has a new Raven Crew Too Close For Comfort? I have seen the attacks that the Ravens have been making on other Eagle Nest Eaglets & was wondering if that is a factor as to why this nest site may be vacant this year? They even visited the nest as if they wanted to take it over. Maybe too much pressure???
Anne, NJ

3:12 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

5:00pm EDT 6/11/08 Lone Eagle has been on the nest all day, about an hour ago it jumped onto the Y branch when a couple of crows flew by. It let out a couple of hollars as if to say "Stay away, I'm still here!" A couple of brave little birds like nuthatches were playing around the nest with the Eagle just sitting there & then they flew onto the camera tree & they got pretty loud. Now a plane is flying over. Wing or Charlie is that you? Well this Eagle seems really content at the nest here today, hope it's OK? Maybe just hangin out.....Well gotta go get something done today. Check back later to see if the Eagle is still here.


4:59 PM  
Blogger jcover said...

I tuned in around 5:00 on Wednesday night, and the eagle is still sitting on the branch back to the camera. Just hanging out today. I check in now and then here as well with the loons and the eaglet in WV.

5:19 PM  
Blogger jcover said...

it's 5;21 on Wed. and the eagle is still on the branch back to the camera. Just hanging out. Nice to see.

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the eagles is sitting in the shade on the left side of the y branch peacefully looking out over the water. I don't know how long it's been there or if it's the one who was here earlier this afternoon. It's very comforting to see one here even if the nesting failed. This gives me hope that the nest hasn't been abandoned...

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

06/11 @ 18:38

17:02 - found an eagle on the left Y branch. Facing water with occasional grooming.

18:42 - still there.


6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:05 pm ET, 6/11/08
Have been checking in from time to time this afternoon from about 2 pm and there has been an eagle on the Y branch every time I looked. Can't tell if it's Mom or Dad, but I think it's Dad.

8:07 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

8:00pm EDT 6/11/08 Eagle still at the nest? Does anyone know when it got there? As far as I know it's been there since 12:00pm EDT? Doesn't it need to eat? what is it doing? Maybe the poor thing has heat stroke? WOW I've never seen it sit there that long unless it was with eggs or eaglets? Or of course with it's mate. Big distinctive white stripe down it's center of it's back. Just got up to answer the door & came back & it's gone. Did it fly away? Missed it. Oh well, that was the longest visit i've seen in years.

Anne, NJ

8:20 PM  
Blogger Yearly Watcher said...

Just finished reading the few new posts. Saw the ref. to Laurad earlier post by JAM in il.Went back and read Lauread post and remembered a post I ment to make.
A couple of weeks ago Date??? i was watching live feed and saw Mom take an awakward fall over backwards on the Sea side of the nest. I heard soom banging below then nothing. Note to myself since that day have not seen mom in the nest. Lots of visits by Dad but no Mom. When dad is in the nest i believe i have heard respones to many fo his calls but no sightings. Jam and Laurad post made think of it
Well in 19 days I'll check it out.

BK&SK in
9:20 EDT 6/11

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very long visit from eagle (dad) yesterday. So nice to see he is still around. Hoping Mom is also.
The live cam has gone down the last two mornings at the same time each day.
Enjoying the sounds and sights here very much. Thanks.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/11, 5:55 PM, Dad high on left of Y. 6:01, stretching and preening wings. 6:10 through 6:36, still stretching and preening wings, fluffing and fluttering wings. At7:06, stretches, calls out. 7:16, raven fly by, noisy. 7:50, eagle calling out. 8:10, calling, 8:17, gone!

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to give you all an update on our Washington County eagles, and maybe shed some light on what is going on with our eagle cam nest this year. The eagles in Calais, Maine went about their usual business of building the nest this spring, and were even seen mating. Suddenly, Mom eagle was long gone, and another youngster was in her place. No eggs at that nest this year, but th biologists and others feel she may have met some natural causes. They have been laying eggs at that site and raising young for almost 20 years. Anyway, maybe the nest will have some new occupants next year. Also, our new young couple apparently perservered this spring and successfully raised THREE young. Not bad for a second year. Here's to next year!

7:27 PM  
Blogger Yearly Watcher said...

Good evening

2231 EDT 5/19
Sorry about that miss q when i was logging in.Dont mean to be pushy but six days without any postings published is a bit long. Sure is a good way to get people to stop looking in.
Sorry Im so grumpy its not been a
great day.I need Eagle theropy.

BK & SK , NH

10:36 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Today June 20th is the Official
"American Eagle Day"

"The American bald eagle gets its due come Friday. June 20 was designated "American Eagle Day" by the U.S. Senate, through a resolution introduced by Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Robert Byrd, D-WV. Adopted June 5, the resolution encourages all Americans to celebrate "the recovery and restoration of the bald eagle, the national symbol of the United States."

I thought I'd start the day off right! Have a Happy American Eagle Friday everyone!

Anne, NJ

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm suffering from acute Eagle Withdrawal. I hope the nest hasn't been abandoned.


11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure if you are still reading this blog or not. Just wanted to say that we still enjoy the view and sounds. Still hear calls every now and then from an eagle.
Would it be possible to change the times of the night cam? It would be nice to see the early sunrises in color.
Today it has stayed black and white for some reason. Never changed over. Thanks in advance.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

06/28 @ 08:03

Sad to see no report of eagle sighting since 06/11.

I have hoped that my limited viewing recently had caused me to miss catching eagles at the nest. Any news would be appreciated.


8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think there is a night camera anymore. Black and white is how our days have been here in Maine lately.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frances. It's not unusual for the eagles to be away from the nest for periods of time. They do occassionally stop by and do a little nestoration or eat and sometimes just sit in the limbs. Don't give up.

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like the last poster, I love to tune in to the live feed from time to time and just listen to the ocean and the calls of the birds. And once in a while there is the thrill of seeing an eagle put in an appearance! Hopefully, they'll be back to their full time starring roles eventually. I think they like to tease us by letting us hear them when we can't see them;-)

3:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are a couple of videos of the last three visits.

Maine Bald Eagle visits nest ... 06 28 08 8:57 am

Maine Bald Eagle visits ... 06 28 08 10:20 AM

Maine Bald Eagle visits again 06 29 08 ... 3:35 PM


7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the videos, Peggy and Sir Lance. I really enjoyed watching them, especially the last one. That looks like Dad to me. I am wondering what that calling sound in the background is, must be a bird of some type. Also, I'm wondering if those are little birds or big bugs flitting around the nest? Oh, I love to see an eagle visit the homestead; it gives me hope that they haven't abandoned it.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Yearly Watcher said...

Hi All
1500 hrs EDT

Back on June 11 we posted our concern that Mom had not been seen in some time. All the video was of Dad (male). We have been encouraged by the answers to many of Dads calls. Arrived at the family place for our peace of time this summer. Saw Dad right off last Sunday. Because there are no young the adults spend less time in the nest as it doesn't have good sight lines.
One of their favorite pirchs over the past 13 years is a very tall pine about 75 yards south of the nest, to the right as you look at it.This tree is on a small point and gives the birds over a mile plus clear line of sight both north and south.
On Thursday the 3rd of July my spouse tells me after I return from town ,that she had been watching both Mom and Dad together high in the favorite tree.Concern gone we
now simply enjoy their morning calls and then fall back to sleep.

B&SK @ EaglesNest

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a video of tonights visit to the nest
07/06/08 Maine Bald Eagle Visit 7:50 PM

Sirlance and I went to The Maine Wildlife Park in Gray this weekend to see Lawrence an immature Bald Eagle that was brought to them after a biologist found him injured. The biologist was going Little sebago to tag the mom and found two Eagles on the ground Lawrence and his sister (sister did not make it). Lawrence had a broken wing and had to have half of it amputated and would never survive on its own so the Maine wildlife took him in. Lawrence has been there now for 3 years. And is starting to get his white feathers.
Chris and I took some short video clips and some pictures and put together a video. Hope you enjoy the video


10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update on Mom and Dad both. It makes me feel better just knowing nothing has happened to her. I will await next spring and hope for the best as far as egg laying goes.
Thanks again. It was a very appreciated message from this eagle watcher.

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peggy & SirLance,

Thanks to both of you for everything. Your efforts to record and share the videos of the visits are greatly appreciated. The video of Lawrence was great.

We visited Mount Desert in early June. We were fortunate to see the eagle behind the bookstore or in the surronding pine trees in Somesville, on several occassions.

I still keep looking several times a day, to see the eagles on the nest.

Joe in Baltimore

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is anyone else having problems accessing the Live Video for the eagles? I haven't been able to see for at least 2 days. Help! :)

Thank you.

9:00 a.m. EST

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the Maine EagleCam down or is it my computer?


5:24 PM  
Blogger walpolema said...

Peggy, thank you for the wonderful video of Lawrence and the information about the animal park in Gray Maine. I'll look forward to making a trip there sometime. Just got back from two weeks in Maine, numerous osprey sightings and a bald eagle in So. Brooksville! Keep up the good work BRI! It reaches far beyond your own online nests! Nan

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cam is working but no eagles are around to see just the nest
16:37 07/19/08

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/23/08 3:40 pm CDT

Lone eagle has been at nest eating for about 45 minutes. Sitting on y branch now. It is so good to see one of our eagles again.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How nice it was to see the eagle on the nest yesterday. It was a good long visit. Looks like it brought in a good size prey. Been great to hear mom and dad chattering every once in a while this week..wonderful feeling knowing that they both are still around.
The live cam is not working this morning, perhaps something to do with the t-storms we have been getting?
Thanks so much for keeping this cam going. Love it!

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the nest is being used to eat meals now! There was an eagle there late yesterday afternoon eating a big fish.

John H.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, was on little Sebago today and saw a lone bald eagle. My friend who lives there said that there has only been one for a couple of summers. Does anybody know the scoop? Are there really two and have they been successful in breeding?

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out Birdchick.com blog entry for today to see an albino Golden Eagle that is now in the care of Pueblo Rapture Center in Co. His feathers were being eaten away by parasites and he was not able to fly. They hope that when he molts, feathers will grow back in full force and he can be released.

J in S.P.ME

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

07/26 @ 20:10

No live feed for several days ... the same hazy still. Hopefully the cam will be fixed soon.

I appreciate that BRI has kept the eagle cam running and bloggers still post comments and videos. Thanks to all ....


8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick hello. Our cam went out on Thursday after the storm, Due to power outages. BRI is hoping to have it back up and running by Tuesday. I had caught a couple of visits from our Eagles. Hope you enjoy.

Maine Bald Eagle Visit ... July 22, 2008 ... 7:05 AM

Maine Bald Eagle visit with prey 07/23/08 ... 2:57 PM

Our Maine Bald Eagles ... Happy Birthday JoAnn VIDEO


6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the live cam disabled? I haven't been able to access it for days. Thanks.

8:30 a.m. EST
July 27,2008

Becky, Virginia

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess no more Eaglecam unti the "action" starts again (hopefully) in a few months. I hope we have some babies next winter.

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry...not true albino but 'leucistic'...light pigmentation - anyway it's an amazing looking light cream colored golden eagle with a long year ahead. However reports are that it seems very happy in its large pen with water pool and fresh food! I'm sure they'll be happy for donations.

J in S.P.ME

1:32 PM  

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