Friday, April 11, 2008
Well the birds certainly keep us guessing. According to bloggers the female spent the night on the nest, sitting mostly in the incubation position. This morning she was gone from the nest, but this could be a good sign. Although, they probably don't have an egg at this point since the birds have now left the nest.
If the birds do have an egg they will not leave the nest unattended or more than a couple of minutes and will look down towards the egg and rotate it every so often.
Thank you for al your great observations
Wing Goodale
BioDiveresity Research Institute
Do you think that because of last year they waited longer to nest so the weather won't interfer? Haven't seen an action yet this morning. 4/11/08
Wing, apparently this drama has you as excited as all of us! All I can say is NATURE can keep us glued to a computer for all the right reasons...I can't imagine wanting to watch any other "action" other than what happens at our nest!
I was out last evening so didn't have the chance to log on, but whoever shared that great news is my hero today! Once again I will fire up our classroom computers and spend most of the day casually watching until someone shows up and I can't contain myself. The boys will jump out of their seats and clamor away until I have to yell, "OK! Enough for now! Re-focus on your test"...or whatever!LOVE IT...I can hear dad. Bye all!
April 11 - 8:12 AM in SE Michigan
I just logged on and an I'm disappointed go see nobody home. But, it looks like a beautiful day at the nest site and I'm going to keep checking on them today.
Last year, Lil Wing was "hatched" on my birthday (April 12) when we didn't even think there were eggs in the nest casue those clever birds had buried them. To all the veteran bloggers, do you remember that excitement when we saw that little head bobbing around and Wing and folks zoomed in to the nest to comfirm an eaglet? I do! So, here's to an egg laying on April 12 this year... against all odds :-)
Roxy in NC
04/11 @ 08:48
The suspense of this compelling drama continues. Nature is writing quite a script ... just when the story hits a presumed conclusion, BAM we have more intrigue. The television networks could learn a lot by watching this site!
As evidenced by the many continued posts, "keeping the faith" is apparent even when not articulated. Again, thanks to all ......
4/11 EST
8:30AM I am so excited to hear that mom spent the night on the nest! Wow what a wonderful suprise. I have hope...once more. No eagle here this morning just a quiet nest with a body of water flowing by. Such a serene site. I will have to learn how to be a night owl if I am going to see Eagles.:) Love the sounds this morning. 8:38 heard the sounds of a crow and then it sounded like the Eagle got into a battle with it. 8:47AM Once again a crow then the sound of an Eagle. Is the crow harassing her/him? 9:00AM Sounds of Crows and eagles once more. At least the Eagle is around somewhere. Time for me to leave. Have a great day everyone and hope you have better luck than I did.
April 11th 5:30am dad arrives and both leave 5 minute VIDEO no egg
9:55 AM EDT
Why would she leave after spending all night on the nest? I thought I saw her earlier this morning, but nobody's been there since then. I was getting so hopeful!
Diana in Fairfield, Conn.
4/11 10:10am Eastern time
No Eagles right now but it's looking like a good day for an egg!
I believe we still have a good three weeks left for a family. I know it's a stretch, but possible!
Thanks again everyone for last nights update. This is fantastic news!
Sue in MD
4/11/08 7:53am PDST
I have to say that Mom's last nights' stay has rejuvenated my hopefulness!
I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning my time, with all the crazy antics of being in the nest than not seeing them for so long I was afraid to go to bed. :) :) Although, the body can only take so much abuse at my age, and then it takes on a mind of it's own. :) Getting too old for all nighters'.
Not a whole lot to report on this morning. Since when I woke up Mom had already flew the nest. I will be checking in again as normal throughout the day.
Happy Maine Eagle Watching!
Karen in WA
Wing, I have a question. I was watching the Norfolk Botanical Garden Eagle Cam and they said they took the eggs from the nest. Why would they do that? I know it's not YOUR nest, but I am still curious and a little saddened by it. Thank you also for all your hard work. I have been a watcher for several years and this is my first time blogging. SW in BH,ME
4/11 12:10 EST- been watching all morning and no signs of eagles on nest. As prev posted, I heard loud, close eagle chattering @ 8:47 and again @ 8:59. Fingers still crossed.
Terri, Upstate NY
Last night i thought the old couple had come through. Boy was i some disappointed this AM.But at least they are not giving any signs that make me give up hoping.
4/11 12:15 p.m. Excited to hear that the female was on the nest all night; I, also, had just about given up any hope of seeing any eggs.
Question: Where do the eagles roost for the night??????
I finally got some sleep and now have the energy for my observations. I am putting them in time frames.
1 to 2 am EST
Mom primarily looking around, as the sound was on there was a bird or animal that makes barking type sounds. This put her on alert a couple times. She would stretch and snuggle down.
2 to 3 am EST
Mom sleeping mostly. She stood up suddenly and fluffed her butt area for a few minutes. Snuggled down again, dozing. Stood up again and pooped. Settled down and put her head I guess under her wing and just a calm breeze.
3 to 4 am EST
Mom sleeping soundly, very soundly as that weird animal (owl maybe, but sounds like a holler monkey or a tasmanian devil sound.) It has been going on for 10 minutes and she is sleeping all the way through until all of a sudden she hears it. Now she is awake and very alert. After a while she settles down and goes back to snoozing.
4 to 5 am EST
Mom gets up moves something around, then walks a little bit around the nest bowl. Goes off to the Y branch and is just looking out over the water. She looks very majestic just standing there looking out in the semi darkness. She calls out a couple of times.
5 to 6 am EST
Light is coming up, she is calling out and looking around. Dad flies in and they are both on the Y branch and after a brief 5 minute visit they fly off. A fly by by one, but no visit. And all is quite.
Question for everyone, what animal has a sound that sounds like a barking dog? IT was very very loud and if it was flying it seemed slow. But you could hear it at a distance.
When the second session of the mystery sound came around, I was hysterically laughing in the middle of the night. As Mom was so sound asleep that I was wondering if she deaf. I guess eagles are known for sight not for their hearing. But when she finally heard the barking sound it startled her and her feathers were a little ruffled. It was hilarious.
Sorry some things are just to funny and this was one of them. If she only knew how many people were watching her I bet she would make her pooping a more private moment. LOL
Regina N, Coloraod
04/11/08 9:27 PDST
To Sir Lance:
Thanks you sir lance for posting the video this morning. Is it just me being a little sleep deprived? :) Did you mean to post a video of Our Mom & Dad from this morning?
What I saw was an Osprey nest with an egg being left alone with todays date at I think 7:45.
Just was checking to see if I have lost my marbles here or not! :)
It was great viewing anyway! :):)
If any of you can erasure me that I haven't lost it! That would be great! :)
Karen in WA
I have been watching every evening between 6:45pm Eastern time till about 7:15pm. Both eagles seen to arrive during that time, but last night the female settled in and stayed the night!
Gee, I'm wondering if Mom is a little near sighted and like some of us mistook that surgical mask for an egg. Then decided to sit for a while and see what would happen.
The eggs at Norfolk were left unattended for days due to intruder. They started new clutch, lost first 1 or 2 eggs and now tending 1 egg.. All the info is on the site.. CLC
2:05 on 4/11 Michigan time.
I have been watching off and on all day...nary an eagle or any eagle screeching. I am missing my daily eagle fix. lol.
On the flip side, please send some of your gorgeous Maine weather my by Lake Michigan it is gray and rainy, and is supposed to be all weekend.
Carol, i hope your weather in SE Michigan is better than ours.
3:20 pm Michigan
Again saw 6 dark swimmers off in the ocean. I had thought whales, but someone suggested seals. Have no idea. The nest is quiet but I do hear some crow(?) calling quite close. This is a very serene view and I think we are all so fortunate to be able to share in this experience even if the eagles don't oblige us with babies!
Mimi in Michigan
04/11/08 1:26 PDST
Been checking/watching off and on most of the day since my last post this morning. I do have to get some work done! Even though I would rather watch them. :)
I am accomplishing to get some work in since they haven't made their appearance yet. When they do I know I will be glued to the screen again! :)
Haven't actually seen the eagles at the nest but have heard them close by vocalizing.
Do I dare to hope for another evening visit and a nights stay in the nest! :) Maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up but I can't help myself! :)
Oh well break is over, back to work. :(
Watching and Keeping my hope! :)
Karen in WA
Sorry about the link.. Must have been running on a half a pot… LOL… If that ever happens again click my Youtube name on the page and scroll down you will find the right one. Most are dated in the title. I won’t post a video that’s not there at all. I just clicked the wrong link..
This is the video I meant to post of mom and dad in the morning April 11
I was wondering why so many people watched one osprey video..
:-) Chris
4/11/08 6:38 p.m. ET
No eagles at our nest, but lots and lots of seagul(?) activity! I can hear them and see them flying by. What the heck was THAT I just saw zooming around in the water??!! Geeze it sorts feels like something is going on, but I'm just not sure what! Maybe I've been watching this too long? I'm starting to SEE things! lol
Anyway, I was thrilled to hear that Mom spent the night on the nest! I have NOT given up hope on our eagles!!
I saw one fly in for a few minutes at 7:03 pm EST and was there for about 5 minutes and then flew off.
Regina N, Colorado
4/11/08 7:12 p.m ET
The night cam just came on and you can see/hear the sea gulls still flying around the water. I've NOT seen this before - what is UP with this??!!
I DID see a quick trip to the nest by dad? at around 7:05. He poked around in the nest a second or two then went to the Y branch for just a few seconds. Then he was gone.
04/11/08 4:10pm PDST
4:05 I checked in to find an eagle sitting on the Y didn't have enough time to identify who because a minute or so later he/she flew off to the right.
Lots of Gull? noises and flyby's under the Y must be some food out there, they sure are making a ruckus!
Oh well I'll leave the cam up fopr a while and see if the eagles come back! Please Do!
Karen in WA
7:25pm Can see and hear LOTS of seagulls... wonder what's up??
Bird in nest around 7pm
7:30pm nest empty, tons of seagulls.
Also heard fire truck sirens.
7:45pm ET
Been watching for 1 hour.
7:03 dad (I believe) flies to rim of nest then on to Y branch.
7:05 dad flies off.
7:33 Can hear sirens very close by.
Still have not seen mom Eagle.
Pam, in Colo.
Jeepers's like feeding time at the zoo for the last hour! the gulls are loud and flying this way & that, crows & ravens joining in, even the eagles once or twice. Some fish must be running; at the southern coast last evening we saw gulls diving and catching little fish (alewives?), a few loons around as well. Saw a harbor seal right beside the osprey nest at SMCC just floating in the water...he'd slowly bob up nose first the way they do, float, then roll over and dive down. We were lucky to watch him playing for about a half hour.
Around 6:40 this evening I think I saw a bunch of seals playing around under the eagle nest...and now the bird chorus that won't quit - smells fishy to me!
J. in S.P.ME
7:02pm visit video
9:01 PM
Nobody on the nest.
Bill in Conn.
can you tell me about the egg that is laid outside the center of the nest? someone zoomed in on it yesterday. When the eagles came, they didn't seem to care about it.
April 11 10:00 PM in SE Michigan
Nobody is on the nest at this time.
Keyboardqueen: We had 70's today and a tornado watch in the late afternoon.
Last night i thought the old couple had come through. Boy was i some disappointed this AM.But at least they are not giving any signs that make me give up hoping.
4/11/08 10/15PM, Doesn't appear that anyone is at home. Mom must not be spending the night a home tonight.
Have a great weekend everyone!
The "black things" swimming are most likely seals. The baby seals are making their appearance this time of year. I have not caught them on the cam, but see them in our waters just down from the nest area. This bay is too sheltered for dolphins or whales.Also, we have cormorants and ducks swimming around. It won't be long before we see The Great Blue Herons arrive for the summer. All very exciting- now for a couple of eaglets to complete the picture!
SM in downeast ME
04/12 @ 08:04
Very short visit on 04/11:
19:04 to 19:06 - Eagle (male?) lands in nest, remains standing, moves to main Y, flies off to right.
i checked 9, 10, 2, 4, and 7 last night no birds. Now its 8:11 on 4/12 and no birds still. Were could they be.
04/12 @ 08:47
08:35 to 08:42 - Eagle lands in the nest (male?). Remains standing, looking primarily to the right, sometimes looking up or into the camera. Flies off to right.
4/12 8:45am Eastern time
Dad came in this morning for a ten minute visit, from 8:31 to 8:41.
It's looking dreary today and it's a little windy.
Dad just looked around, no nest picking. Maybe just a visit to make sure everything is in order.
Sue in MD
4/12, 9:06 Rain and wind on the camera, no one home! Haven't given up hope!
4/12 EST
9:08AM Once again, it looks like I missed them! The camera is looking above the nest. Must be the wind knocked it out of site. Another nasty day in Maine. Northern Maine is getting snow. Not a nice thing to wake up to so I understand why the eagles are hiding out. Be back later to check. Have a great day everyone.
To anonymous who asked about the "egg" in the nest, it's not an egg, it's a face mask that they have brought to the nest. It fooled us all for a bit awhile back, but someone actually saw Mom or Dad playing with it one day and that's what it was!
Thanks for letting me know the swimmers I been seeing were seals. I've seen them on several occasions and since there is little to reference size, I just guessed. This is such an amazing view and I feel so fortunate to witness whatever appears on the camera because it is all so unlike my daily view. Thanks to all of you for your insights and observations. But I sure would like to watch the eaglets again as I did two years ago.
Mimi in Michigan
10:47 AM EST
Eagle sounds very close by. Sounds like making whoopee again. Could the camera be zoomed our just a bit now that there is no one in the nest?
11:45 Crow very near and eagle seems to scare him away.
12:17 More crow and eagle sounds.
4/12/08 1:21 p.m. ET
Anonymous, the "word" is..... that white thing on the side of the nest is a "surgical mask." Seems our very smart eagles stole it from a nearby construction site and are using it as a decoy in their nest. Pretty innovative huh??!!
All quiet at the nest right now. Was mom teasing us the other night when she spent the night at the nest??!!
Last night I actually finally had to turn the volume way down because there was a feeding frenzy going on! I've never seen so much action and heard so much chatter here in the water and in the sky! I heard eagles screeching and squawking from 5:50-5:54PM. At 6:33PM, the gull activity started with fly-bys and crying! By 6:57Pm, there was LOTS of fly-by action. I think there were crows or ravens, gulls and eagles all trying get some dinner! I could see black things in the water, and birds diving towards the water. At 7:03PM, Dad got on the nest briefly and then onto the Y. He was listening to all of the chatter. By 7:05PM, he was gone!
3:45pm PDST
Been watching live cam most of the day through the IWS link. As of yet haven't seen the eagles at the nest.
So right now it's 6:48pm ET still no sign of eagles or sounds as of the present.
I'm going to hold on with fingers crossed that maybe they will have a night visit.
By the way Live Cam on BRI home site is still down.
Everything is still crossed :)
Karen in WA
3:52pm PDST Just heard the eagles in the distance off camera.
8 PM. empty nest.
Bill in Conn.
EST 9:154 to 9:04/13/08
Sure looks like one in the bowl looking out to the water. Looks like the 2nd also in the right side of bowl. Could be the white glob thing too but looks like a beak on the blob now. Lighting makes it hard to see good but maybe?? I am not giving up hope yet.
Both eagles were present at the nest at 2 PM this afternoon. Then one remained on the Y branch for a while after.
4/13 1:36pm CDT
Mom was on Y branch when I tuned in. She flew away at 1:45pm.
4/13/08 3:00pm ET
Mom has been sitting on the Y branch looking out to the water, preening for about 1 hour. She has called to dad several times and has now flown off to the left of the camera.
Saw several seals in the water behind her.
Pam, in Colo.
4/13 @ 2:47 pm EDT
Logged on about 2:15 pm and Mom was on the "Y" branch. Lots of preening and looking around - she was facing to the right.
She turned around and was looking around, and just flew off to the left at 2:47 pm
Male landed on nest 2:01pm Sunday carrying lunch, female right behind him, she stayed for 3 minutes, didn't eat. He stayed on the Y and flew off after 45min.
Sun. 04/13/08
Have been watching all day off an on from Augusta, GA. One eye on the Masters and one on our feathered friends. First spotted both in the nest about 2:00 pm EST. They couldn't have been there long at that point. One left after just a few minutes, I don't know which one. The other stayed until about 2:45 (I had to step away at that point - I was back at 3:00 and it was gone) Spent most of the time out on the "Y" - grooming much of that time.
4:20 EST 04/13/08
What a bummer. I now realize what I saw this morning was not the eagles. Still kind of hard to see but, it is just debree or something.
This is my 3rd year watching and I love this so much. I have many pictures of 2006. Big and Little? I have the video also of Little trying to fledge and falling. (and a close up of Big backing up to the edge and pooping over the edge) Lol
I, of course look at all the other sites and links my fellow bloggers are so generous in sharing. Nothing compares to this site though.
I have to admit my disappointment that I seem to be the only one commenting so far today. That will hopefully change by the time I click on publish.
Today is the first time I was able to figure out how actually post a comment. So easy too.
I sometimes feel I live for all of your comments? Where are all of you guys?
4/13/08 5:58 p.m. ET
Ginger, we are here, we are all here! We are just waiting for "something to happen." You are not alone on THIS site, believe me! I've never seen such dedicated bloggers!
As I watched earlier, I did see a boat go by the nest. I didn't get the time as I was doing homework and was trying to concentrate on that! hehehehe.
All's quiet now on the nest.
I have watched all day long and have only heard the eagles nearby. I was so glad to read that they had been on the nest today from 2-2:45 PM. I had nodded off in my recliner. I MISSED THEM!!! I long to see them so much! I'm still hoping they'll stop by the nest tonight! Let's keep it positive!Thanks, All!
Hi Ginger....I probably shouldn't be the one to answer, since I'm not sure I totally understand how it works. But I think in order for the comments to be posted, they first have to be read and Wing or someone at BRI?? It is my assumption that they do not have staff to just sit and do that constantly all day long. I noticed last Sunday, I think it was, that comments didn't get posted most of the day, and the same was true today, so I'm hoping that Wing is having a day off when that happens - much needed, I'm sure. And I'm sure there are times during the week when he/they are busy with field work, etc. As I said, this is just my interpretation....
I could see what you saw this morning, the light was weird, but the giveaway was the size and the fact that it never moved.
Wonderful site, as you say.
cj in Maine
Eagle on nest at 6:58 - not certain which one it is - have heard them in the area this afternoon - this time he/she landed - picked idly about the nest and then settled down in the nest. Sat for 10 minutes - looked about toward the end of the sit - then took off to right of Y branch.
Donna - OKC
04/13 @ 19:06
Live feed frozen???
19:02 - found an eagle standing in the nest ... female, I think.
Unfortunately, don't know when she arrived or how long the feed has been frozen.
19:08 -Will reload live feed. Hooray, she is still there, looking around while facing the water.
19:09 - She flew off to the right.
DARN IT!!! Female flew in about 6:55 Eagle Time and "nested" for a bit, but left at 7:09....It's still light enough for her to return, though. I just can't give up hoping that they will surprise us all....
cj in Maine
Sunday, April 13
One arrived, moved a couple of twigs, inspected the nest, looked out over the water
Settled down facing trunk
Called out (two short calls - does anyone speak eagle?)
Called out with same call again
Called out again, while rising a bit and backing up
Rose fully and faced water
Extended wings and flew off to the right.
4/13 7:20pm Eastern time
I checked in earlier around Noon and only heard Mom and Dad very faintly.
About 6:40 I heard them again but closer.
I missed the arrival but when I came back at 7:00 Mom was snuggling down in the nest! She even started fluffing around her chest!
7:02 Mom calls out twice
7:06 Mom twice
7:07 Mom twice, and she's starting to stand up while she looking for Dad, I think.
7:08 Mom's all the way up and facing the water. Calls out twice.
7:09 Mom flew off to the right.
Darn, darn, darn! She's making me crazy! I'm still not giving up on these two.
Sue in MD
I just saw someone fly out of the nest! Very exciting! I am not sure if I was seeing a male or female; whoever it was was hunkered down in the nest and then started moving around. Stayed for a few minutes looking around and then just took off. Earlier today there was an eagle on the limb near the nest for quite a while. Since I am fairly new at "eagle watching" how do I tell male from female?
6:55 PM... Hello, Mama! It's about time! Mama sits, turns, fiddles with nesting stuff. She gets out of the bowl and looks around, so beautiful and majestic! 6:57 PM, settles in bowl. 7:09 PM, off she goes! PLEASE come back!
4/13/08 7:46 p.m. ET
Anonymous, who asked how to tell the male from the female:
I am NOT an expert (far from it!) but I've learned from fellow bloggers that our Male is Way smaller than our Female. Our female seems to have ruffled feathers where the male seems more "prooned." The best way for ME to tell them apart is their size and of course they need to be in the nest together to see this. The female is MUCH bigger than the male.
Glad you are watching!!
4/13 8>54 PM ET
Empty nest. No sounds.
Bill in Conn.
10:12 pm no eagles in the nest!!!
April 13 - 11:31 PM in SE Michigan
I've been away all day and was disappointed to see nobody home when I finally signed on. I'm happy to hear from others that there was activity on the nest today.
Hey Ginger - glad you're posting your comments - this is the best group and the best Eagle cam of them all. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.
Here are a couple videos Peggy made.. Today and yesterday
eagles visit 6:55pm 04/13/08 Entire visit
Last 5 minutes of afternoon visit 04/13/08 around 2pm
Today 04/14/08 5:55AM entire visit
April 14 - 8:19 AM - SE Michigan
There's nobody home at this time but I don't think I've ever seen the nest looking so beautiful. The wind is blowing but the sun is shining and the water is sparkling. I'm going keep an eye out today and let's all keep hoping.
4/14 8:50am Eastern time
Wow! Sir Lance and Peggy, you are quick! Great videos. Thank you very much.
I guess since Mom got her breakfast early today she won't be back for a little while. (It HAD feathers!)
There's nothing but calm right now.
Sue in MD
4/14 9:35am ET
To Anonymous who wondered how to tell the difference between the male and female. Karen in Central Maine mentioned the difference in there size. A way to tell them apart when they are not together is their voices. Watch the video done by Sir Lance and Peggy posted this morning. The 5:55am Entire Visit (3rd video). It is dad that lands in the nest at the start of the video. Listen to him call out. His voice is very raspy and different from the females. It sounds hoarse. Also note his rather thin, long looking legs...quite different from moms. After a while you'll be able to tell the difference when they aren't together although it's hard sometimes. Watching past videos that have been posted will help you because we don't see them in the nest together for very long anymore.
It's good to hear from everyone. Mom and dad sure seem to still be trying to lay some eggs. I miss seeing them with their chicks this year. If you all want your "baby chick" fix there are 3 in a nest not far from where I live:
The camera at this site is not nearly as good as our favorite Eagles with BRI and there's no sound but they are adorable little guys. The oldest is less than 2 weeks old and the youngest is about 4 days old. There are 3. I check in on them every day and then come back to this site. After 3 years we've all gotten to know the different bloggers and our love affair with mom and dad Eagle! It's too bad Eagles don't stay in touch with their offspring. It would be fun to see their juvenile from 2006!
Have a good beginning to the week all!
Pam in Colo
Hunkedoree question.
Since many of us think they are doing the hunkedoree off camera my question is this.
If they are doing it, birds do it for reproduction vs recreation. Am I correct about that? If they have been doing it up to about a week ago, from what has been written, then would they be trying to reproduce? I know that if they these are the same eagles then their age might be a factor and at this time would it be pretty much sad to say, that they are not going to lay any eggs this year?
This was my first site to view eagles and now I am hooked. I would love to have them have a family and not being anywhere knowledgeable about avarian reproduction I hope that someone can maybe answer the question.
Regina N, Coloradp
4/14/08 8:41am PDST
First Thanks Sir lance & Peggy for posting the videos of the visit 4/13 & 4/14. I have been bouncing between getting things ready for my CA trip and keeping an eye on the nest for the eagles. To say the least I have been missing them, glad at least to read others have seen them at the nest. If I can't catch them myself, the videos help on the eagle fix! :)
As of 8:46am PDST No Eagles at the nest, very windy day it looks like, only sound of the water and some construction. Faint sounds of birds but can't tell from that distance if they are the eagles.
All quite, will continue to check throughout the day. Hopefully I will catch them, if so I will post.
8:49am PDST Dog barks, eagles are close because they sent out warnings of not being happy. No sight on camera though. Also Mr/Mrs Crow/Raven is close also can hear it off camera.
Take care,
Karen in WA
Mrs. Driscoll's class loves to watch the eagles! We think the eagles are cool. The male is darker than the female. They both have white heads. The male has a whiter tail. They live by the ocean. They have a huge nest, bigger than other birds. They have loud squawks. We like watching the eagle movies. The eagles aren't on the nest very much lately. When they are, they sit on the Y branch sometimes. The mother eagle fixes the nest or eats when she's there. One of our classmates saw the dad bring a mouse to the nest. Eagles are one of our classmates' favorite animals. Keep watching! from Grade 2, Greene Central School
It appears that the eagles are using the nest as a place to dine! It's time to set up housekeeping and raise a family, I only hope that the time-line isn't too short now. We'll keep our fingers, toes, whatever crossed.
WOW, what a great post from Mrs Dricoll's class!!! Thanks for sharing that with us, kids - and you keep watching, too!!
Regina, I have been wondering that same thing.....if they are mating they are trying, right??
cj in Maine
4/14 2:30pm Eastern time
To Mrs. Driscoll's 2nd grade class,
I'm gald you're learning about the great Eagle's, you all have very good observations!
Keep up the good work!
There's nobody home right now.
Sue in MD
04/14 @ 15:06
We are so fortunate to have observations and posts from all age groups. These eagles have touched the hearts and minds of several generations and help demonstrate how important our natural environment is to all of us. Learning to appreciate and become good stewards of the earth and all of its creatures has no age boundary. These eagles and this nest have connected us all.
4/14/08 3:43 p.m. ET
Welcome to Mrs. Driscoll's 2nd grade class! You all are very lucky to be able to watch these eagles. I can tell you've paid attention and have learned a lot - great job!
It's all quiet in the nest right now.
4/14 @ 4:10 pm Michigan tme.....
Have been checking off and on throughout the signs or sounds of eagles. However, IMHO, this is the best time to see the nest, when the sun is shining into the nest and all the colors are bright. It is pretty windy right now though. Hope this is not a sign of weather to come.
Carole...our weather is chilly but sunny. No warm weather until the end of the week.
Mimi...where in Michigan are you?
Hello- I've just discovered this blog, although I've been watching since late February, my first year. Regina was asking about a barking animal, and it may be a fox: they have a loud, sharp, raspy bark that sounds a bit like an animal being tortured (first time I heard it was outside our bedroom window in the night and I almost hit the ceiling!). The eagles are fascinating, not to mention addicting.. hoping, like everyone, to see a brood soon!
Marlie in MA
JeezLouise! These two are going to drive us out of our collective minds! Time is running out. Maybe they're on to us and are trying to ramp up the drama for effect. It is working on us, isn't it? What a great site this is for entertainment, education, and community. I should add frustration to that list! I'm still hoping for the best, but the pleasure is here regardless of the outcome.
I now see something white in the nest, I'm quite sure it's an egg!!!
How exciting!!!
All our prayers have been answered!!
Regina: I'm gonna take a stab at why we may be hearing the 'hunkedoree' and seeing no laying of the egg - I think that it's instinct that's telling the birds it's reproduction time and so they comply. I think the lengthening of the day (extra light) gets the reproductive juices going, testosterone & estrogen and the birds do what they need to do to reproduce themselves.
Wing & Charlie have given us a few reasons why 'it' may not be working - age, weather, failure of the nest last year, and the big C....contaminants. They say it's common for a nest failure one year to bring a year off in the following. Plus BRI's report of so many contaminants in so many species is not good news. It puts us all on notice that our behaviour better be changing now!
They do seem to be using the nest and that indicates to me they're not ready to give the nest up. There may be no eggs this year but next year may be a different story.
Wing, could we spend some time with the camera pulled back a bit? I know it's hard not to see them close up, especially when they're there so infrequently but I always feel when they're calling off camera that if only it was back a bit, we could see them. Maybe they're in a different tree and the pull back wouldn't help...I know you pulled the camera back awhile ago - could you tell they weren't visible?
Well that's enough from me
J in S.P.ME
Yes, i can see the egg too!
August 14 PM EDT
Call off screen
Arrived at nest from right, poked around in the bowl a bit
Second arrived. More nest inspection until they stop and look off to the right at the distant sound of a dog barking
First one leaves, toward cam
Second leaves, toward right and top of screen
4/14/08 7:52 p.m. ET
What in the HECK is that NOISE??!! It sounds like some sort of bird screaming. I've never heard that before! Anybody have a clue??
I DID see mom and dad briefly on the nest around 7:20 p.m. It was a short stay.
4/14 7:54 ET
nobody on the nest.
Bill in Conn.
Hello, J. in S.P. and Everyone!
I too really enjoyed the "pulled-back" view of the nest that we had briefly a little while back - it was not only fascinating to see how very, very tall(!!!) the nest is, but also to see the nest's immediate environs and to realize that apparently, the camera is MUCH farther away from the nest than I'd ever imagined!
However, I too have thought many times that if only the camera were pulled back a bit, we could see who was calling out from so near by but just out of view - but....I have to say that when we DID briefly have that broader view, I never DID see much in the way of more vivid fly-bys and or experience any "ah, so THAT's who's makin' all that racket" moments. Did anybody else who recalls what they saw that day see a whole lot of activity right around the view of the nest (the area usually just out of view)? I wonder if anybody got anything on 'film', cause I just remember thinking to myself that day, "Oh, cool - now we'll see where they're calling from when they're so obviously nearby" and "Neat! Now we can see the raven", and such, however, no soap (at least, while I was watching). So now J's got me wondering - how bout it folks? anybody recall or have footage from that day that was visible in the area just outside our usual more intimate view? would love to read about it or view it here if you do!
Hoped to see our eagles the evening, but no one was there just before I checked in here. Saw an osprey sitting next to his nest over the Androscoggin down here in Durham today...
Night, all - will try and check back in later and post if I see anything.
8:00 pm Wow, what a weird call! The closest thing I can think it might be is a doe in distress. When they are alarmed, they sound just like that, and they can go on for half an hour or more if they or their fawns are in danger.
Then again, maybe it's some kind of weird owl, but I don't think so.
I hope someone can record that noise so someone can identify it.
4/14 8:00pm Eastern time
Wow, what was that? Something is trying to bark very loudly. It's almost like a rough scream.
I went back to read the blogs from this afternoon and 'Marlie in Maine' says she thinks it's a fox.
I've never heard that before! It went on for about ten minutes. I can still hear it but not as close.
Sue in MD
Wow never thought it could be a barking fox. But my mom did say that it was some type of dog bark when I explained it to her.
The happy wondering couple has delighted us with a very brief visit this evening and then like they say "Flew the Coop".
Even for those brief moments you can't help from appreciating the beauty and majestic couple that they are.
Oh well I guess I am off to the three baby eaglets here in Colorado they sure are an amazing venture.
Regina N, Colorado
6-1/2 minute video of visit by both Mom and Dad at 7:19pm April 14, 2008
Hey, Mrs. Driscoll's second grade class from Greene Central School - my alma mater!!! Thanks for the information - I wondered how people could tell the adults apart. I haven't caught sight of them for a week or two now, but keep checking. Maybe we should ignore them for a while - watched pot and all that.
Well, hang in there everyone - spring has been slow to arrive here in New England (I'm still skiing on ice) so there's hope. We have a couple of warm, sunny days coming so maybe ... ???
Jean in Vermont
04/11/08 5:26pm PDST
Haven't caught the eagles at home yet today. :(
I want to congratulate & welcome Mrs. Driscoll's 2nd grade class for your great work in your observations. I can tell you are really paying attention! :) Keep up the Awesome Work! I'm looking forward to reading more of your observations.
Well back to getting things ready for my trip to CA. I will continue to keep checking in to see if they show up, not holding out a lot of hope since the nest is empty right now and it is dark. Although I can still hope and always will!
Karen in WA
8:37 pm - No one home in the nest, but I do hear a fox barking. The woods comes alive at night.
Mary from Michigan
April 14
Does anyone know what that, I want to say cry was? It did not sound good. I have the impression that an animal was in pain. I can be wrong. I live in the country. That is no ordinary country noise I know of. Hope all is well. I hope are Eagle couple is O.K. Please comment if anyone else heard this.
And another regards to Regina's hunkedoree - they may have laid an egg or two, maybe three that were just not viable thus they didn't make it. It could be instinct that says to keep trying. I wonder if BRI will get into the nest at a later date to check for shell fragments.
J in S.P. ME
April 15 - 7:55 AM in SE Michigan
Once again there's nobody home but the nest site is beautiful with the shimmering water in the background. I hear lots of Crow calls in the background. I have to agree that we probably won't have a family this year but, hopefully, they'll keep using the nest for dining and an occasional visit so we can keep an eye on them. Mother Nature knows best and I believe there is a good reason for their behavior this year.
Keyboardqueen: It's going to be in the 60's here today = we had frost overnight.
4/15 My Birthday! 0843
Hello everyone! Regina, nice that you pull us all together....I have been with my Massachusetts daughter and little granchildren (4 dogs, 11 cats, 6 horses, a few chickens - you get the picture!) for the last several days, and it's hard to find time to wash my face, never mind check on my favorite site.
I, too have been very addicted to this site. I've never 'blogged' before, and even now, it is the only place I give comments. The site and the people who write have become some sort of 'family'. Thank you all....
It seems natural that when there is something happening at the nest, there are lots of comments, when it's quiet, I kinda don't know what to say! Also, I agree that the comments don't get posted until 'approved' by the Blog-Man.
I check in with other Eagle Cams around the country, but they are not the same AT ALL. I am slowly introducing my 4 yrs old granddaughter to the Baby Eagle world....she's fascinated by the fuzzy little darlins. I feel it's important to instill a love of and respect for nature as early as possible.
Well, I'm glad to check in and will try to keep up with all the comments and video's. And, thanks to Peggy and Sir Lance and all of those that take the time to make this site even more special.
Enough from me!!!!!!
Thanks to Wing and all the folks at BRI for making this amazing experience available to us.
Have a great day and keep the faith!
Mimi from Central Maine
The first time I heard the barking like sound was the night the female stayed in the nest all night. I had written about it back then. As it happened twice that night. When it did happen she was looking down.
The first time that night it was for about 15 minutes and the second time twice amount. It reminded somewhat of a bark but in a way of tasmanian devil. I have heard it almost every night since then.
I don't know how to record these things as some of the very talented people on this blog can. But if anyone can do it and put it up so maybe a few of us can go and listen to it that would be wonderful. Someone will be able to identify it for sure. And I who has never heard a fox bark/communicate would not know. Now here in Colorado the Coyotes I would be able to in a second.
They still are beautiful eagles even though we get small snipets now. I hope that they second grade class will be able to seem them next year when they are in third grade.
Regina N, Colorado
4/15 0927
Welcome to Mrs. Driscoll's 2nd grade class from Greene! What a perfect age to introducuce nature! Congrats to Mrs. Driscoll......
Keep up the great's fun to hear things from your class...
Mimi from Central Maine
Tuesday morning 9:58 AM. A nice day here in Central Maine (Waterville). No eagles on site at this time. I also saw an osprey on nest for the first time this year on my commute in this morning. This nest is right next to a busy road on the top of a electrical pole (the Kennebec River is not too far away) so they have access to fish). Last year a pair of osprey successfully fledged one youngster there. Only one osprey this morning, hopefully it's mate had a safe migration and will be along shortly.
Cathy in Central Maine
Last night just after sundown, I could hear a dog barking. A while later, what sounded like a Screech Owl took residence very near. This morning, I've seen no birds, but it sounds like someone is working in the area either driving nails or cutting brush with an ax.
My brother did see the eagles here just before sundown yesterday and called to let me know, but the birds departed before I got online.
4/15 No sightings yet for me today, but what the heck is going on at the site? Whenever I've tuned in it sounds like someone with a machete is blazing a new trail....whack, whack, chop chop chop. Is that you Mr. Lewis, hey Mr Clark see anthing new??
J in S.P.ME
4/15 at 2:25 pm Michigan time.
Some random observations.
1:52- eagle screeching off camera.
2:12- eagle screeching and crow
cawing off camera. Airplane
noise in the background.
2:18- people talking. I can hear
words, but can't make them
2:20- a motor boat just went by
off shore of the nest. It
had 1 possibly 2 people in
Now some random thoughts: Could the plane be Charlie doing flybys to check out nests and/or "our" eagles. Are the people talking perhaps the same ones building nearby, and could the boat be a Game Warden or a Maine version of our DNR or Fish and Wildlife officer?
I would be interested in hearing some other observations on this.
About the barking, I do believe they are seals. I seen some several times in the water below the nest, in the background. It is the season for them. :-)
both birds on nest, one in, one flew away and one still on the nest.
4/15/08 7:01 p.m. ET
Both mom and dad landed on the nest! They seems to be doing some rearranging of sticks. They do appear to arrive at the nest around this same time each evening. Only they don't stay long! Maybe tonight is the night!!
Dad flies to the Y branch. Mom is looking down in the nest bowl. Or is that mom on the Y branch?? OOPS, big poop from the one on the Y! hehehee. Mom lays down into the nest bowl.
7:05 dad (on the Y branch) flies off to the right. Mom is still in the bowl.
7:10 p.m. Mom still in the bowl. I must go fold laundry - UUG!
4/15 8:05PM
Just logged on to see Dad on Y branch and Mom nestled down. Dad flew off about 5 minutes later but Mom stayed. Did anyone see possible egg laying? So hoping for eggs! I know my birds in my yard in Mass haven't layed eggs yet. Maybe Mother Nature knows best! These eagles are driving me crazy!!!!!
cathy h in mass
April 15 PM EDT
Both arrive and poke around in the nest
Mom is settled in nest and Dad goes to Y branch
Dad takes off to the right
As of 7:25PM, mom is still sitting the nest.
I've been watching for about a month now mornings & evenings, almost everyday.
I did here that morbid screeching or crying in the air last night. Not normal!
6:01 they both flew in. 6:03 male on "y" mom nestled in nest. So majestic. 6:05 male flies off. 6:06 mom still in nest. Hear crows nearby. 6:12 mom rearranges some nesting with beak. 6:15 mom still on nest. 6:25 Mom still there. Can this finally be it? 6:28 mom moving around in nest squalking. 6:30 dog barking in the distance. 6:32 mom flies off. Wow 1/2 hour better than the last few visits.
4/15 7:33 ET
Eagle on nest. Flies off after a few moments.
Bill in Conn.
04/15 @ 19:35
19:20 - Found an eagle nesting, facing left, looking around mostly over water. Female.
19:29 - Vocalization, up and looking intently to right. More vocals, facing right, still turning.
19:30 - Almost down, facing camera.
19:32 - Still not settled. Still looking with more vocals.
19:33 - Fully standing again and facing right with neck-stretch looking and off.
"....and so it begins, needles and pins"
"The Nightly Tantalization" started tonight at 7:01 Eagle Time, male not there for long. Female finally left at 7:32. Much vocalization off camera immediately afterward.
I wonder if he stayed with her longer or if he returned until almost dark, if she would stay. No matter, I suppose, if she were going to lay an egg, she would stay regardless, I suppose.
cj in Maine
Ah, all is not lost for my evening. The deer just came out and I can hear the woodcock. Heard them for the first time 3 nights ago, a full MONTH later than usual.
2 out of 3 ain't bad :)
cj in Maine
I logged in at 7:26 PM. I don't know how long Mom has been on the nest. Now she's in the bowl. 7:28, calls to right and gets out of the bowl. 7:29, calling to right. 7:30, back in bowl, calling to right. 7:31, picking at bowl and calling to right. 7:32, out of bowl. Calling, looking to right, flies off to right. 7:33, chirping, squawking nearby. It's like she's giving Dad the dickens because he won't come to the nest!Come on, Dad!
When can we expect the egg to hatch?
MarkO in ME
10 minute Video of 7:01pm visit part one of two
10 minute Video part 2 including a lot of eagle talk at the end
5 Minute Video of an African Fish Eagle at Pete’s Pond
A 5 minute video by Peggy that gives A taste of Pete’s pond to classical music
A look at how eagles fight over territory Youtube 2 minute video by National Geographic
Turned on eaglecam @ 7:00, both were there dining. Dad left at 7:04, Mom stayed until 7:32, did a lot of squaking, but finally left.
4/16 Osprey?
Morning all, I saw my 2 osprey couples over the weekend, one in the Casco Bay bridge nest and also the SMCC nest, and since both male & female are back in town I'm wondering about the osprey cam. Will you be setting it up again this year? and will it have it's own blog? The couple at SMCC did this neat thing last year where the female who was incubating the eggs would be sitting on the nest and the male would fly in, gently touch her back and then land beside her; always made me think of the 'honey I'm home peck on the cheek'. They did this frequently throughout the laying and fledging of their babe. So the first thing I see last weekend - yup - he's sitting on his post & she flew into the nest...within a few minutes he flew to the nest, touched her gently on the back, then they sat together facing the sunset. How can anything be more beautiful?
Eagles - saw them having a snack around 7ish last night, I'm eating my dinner & so were they...stayed about 20 min.
J. in S.P.ME
Hello all:
Saw a troller going by, very close to the nest. Interesting to see how size perception can be so off. Always amazes me how large the eagle's nest is. Beautiful morning looks like in Maine.
Thanks Pam in CO for the info on the owls nest. Tried to thank you twice before but both blogs did not get through for some reason. ???
Snow is just about gone here in northern NY, thank goodness. Hope to see our osprey pair returning soon.
What an observant group of Bloggers you all are! There is an airport in Hancock County so you will hear occasional small sightseeing planes flying over the area, but don't worry the eagles must be used to it by now. Also, the boats have started to appear on the bay- soon you may even see a lobster boat or two as they will be setting their traps nearby. As for the fox, have not caught the barking on the web cam, but my husband did see one trotting down our path to the shore with my mother's suet feeder that had fallen on the ground (just filled)in its mouth last weekend! So they are definitely in the area.
Keep up those keen observations-
SM in Downeast ME
4/16 1:15pm Eagle Time
Hi all,
So many nice blogs to catch up on after being gone to the mountains yesterday. I look forward to reading every ones observations everyday!
To Mrs. Driscoll's class: It is so great to hear from you and maybe Mrs. Driscoll will let you post a blog as often as possible so we can all hear how you are doing. I was thinking how different learning is now with all the technology we have. Those of us with grandchildren didn't get to view wildlife online. Wonderful learning tool!
It would be helpful in recognizing the barking or screeching sound many of you are hearing if Sir Lance and Peggy can get it recorded for all of us to hear, although now that I'm thinking about it, their videos don't have any sound! I agree with Regina in Colo. that our Coyotes sound like that and it's usually when they have their prey cornered and the entire pack are attacking. The sound gives me chills and is very frightening. I've never heard our red foxes make a noise like that and we have them all around our house and area where I live. I had, like someone else, wondered if it could be a seal. But I'm no expert on Seal noises because obviously we don't get to hear them in Colo. It sounds like some animal mating possibly.
Mimi from Central Maine: Happy belated Birthday. Hope you had a fun day. You brought a smile to my face talking about being at your daughters with your grandchildren and "the Zoo". Sounds just like the kind of place I would love. I could sooooo relate to the barely having time to wash your face. Our son is a divorced dad of a 5 year old and has joint custody of our grandchild. (this has been the case since she was 21 mo. old) They live in Nevada and I spend at least 1 wk out of every 4 to 6 wks. there with them. When he has sitter problems, he gets me an eticket and I hop on a plane and fly out to spend time with them. I absolutely love it and feel so blessed that I'm at a time in by life when I'm able to do it (VERY easy going, understanding husband, etc.) Anyway, I surely do feel my age trying to keep up with a 5 year old. She is also involved with and interested in the fuzzy little baby eagles that "Grammy" loves. The only thing holding my husband and I back from retiring in Nevada is the lack of wildlife. (I'm just not into reptiles) Even if they had a few squirrels but may have to do it anyway and enjoy the wildlife on line.
Sorry to have gone on so long but I missed everyone yesterday and enjoyed hearing from you all.
Sir Lance and Peggy: Once again, many many thanks for the videos!!!
We really appreciate you.
I haven't seen our Eagles for 2 days but am hoping to check in at 7:00 when they usually appear.
Meanwhile the 3 babies in the Colo. nest are doing well and so cute. The last born is so small and I hope the oldest doesn't decide he'd have more food if he weren't there!! They seem to be getting enough to eat.
Nice day to all..
Pam, in Colo
4/16 1:40 pm ET
I don't know where my mind was on my last blog but, of course, Sir Lance and Peggy's video's have sound. So, See if you can get the sound of the animal that everyone is talking about. Maybe someone could post (if you haven't already) the apprx. time you usually hear it! Thanks.
Pam, in Colo.
April 16th.2008 It seems that the eagles are only using this nest as an occasional dining area,hope I am wrong in thinking there will be no eggs at this nest site in 2008. Thanks again to wing and all those responsible for allowing us this great experience.Grammy in Ontario,Canada
4/16 at 2:21 PM EST there are obvious signs of people. Voices are heard, men talking, and the sounds of brush or tree limbs being cut. Could this possibly be the reason our birds are not nesting? After hearing dogs bark (yes they were dogs one night) and the obvious loud muffler trucks, possibly driving them away.
R in Katahdin area
April 16 - 2:12 in SE Michigan
There's nobody on the nest and it's probably because of people in the area. I hear men's voices and it sounds like they're using a shovel to dig something. Now I can hear what sounds like somebody using a hammer. Maybe this is the reason for all the frantic-sounding communication of all kinds that we've all been hearing. Somebody must be in the area disturbing the peace and quiet of the wildlife. Does anybody have an idea what might be going on. Now I hear something that sounds like scraping. I think I'm hearing Eagles in the distance - the crows are yelling. There go the voices again - can't make out words because the wind is blowing louder than they're talking. I just heard someone say "I got it." Now it sounds like somebody is using a drill to drive screws. There is something being constructed and that probably accounts for our Eagles' behavior. Does anybody know if the nest on State land or private property? Can somebody from BRI find out what's going on? I definately hear a drill being used. If this is the reason for our Eagles not nesting, I think there are going to be a lot of upset Eagle watchers. Now I hear a very loud horn - probably from a boat.
It's 2:30 PM EST on Wed:16-Apr; heard the eagles calling at daybreak, but haven't heard or seen them all day. The sun is finally shining nicely into the nest. Is that white object near the center of the nest perhaps an abandoned egg?
Hello Bloggers,
Thanks so much for keeping me and I'm sure many others up to date on what is going on at our nest.
I too am disappointed that we have no babies but still love to watch oue beautiful eagles whenever they are in view. Sir Lance and Peggy thanks for the videos--they are such a pleasure to watch fill a big void.
As far as that awful sound we are all hearing so often could it be an eagle in distress?????
I am not an expert on animal sounds so this was just a "maybe "guess".
By the way often I have the sound on without a picture and I am positive that I hear human voices and sounds nearby.
Keep up the good work Wing,BRI, Charlie and bloggers.
watergal nh
I't Watergal again. Five minutes after my last note. Horrible sound again --eagle flew in very agitated--then sounds like hammering.
Noise stopped after about a full minute but sounds of people near by continue. Eagle calmed down when "that noise" stopped.3:25 pm aperl 16.Eagle still on nest sitting.
watergal nh
3:25PM EDT
A lot of loud crowing and flapping of wings then an agitated eagle (Mom?) swoops into the nest and vocalizes as if to yell at the crows. Silence follows and the
eagle stands sentinel - watching and reacting with head tilts to intermittent sounds of construction.
The eagle flies off, toward camera right.
4/16 15:21 - 15:41
Dad arrived, sat on the nest for a minute or so and left. At 15:25 loud arguement between Dad and a raven. Dad landed back on the nest squawking like crazy for a good 30 seconds or more, in a tone that sounded like "Woman get your tailfeathers back here and help me defend this place!"
Lots of strange noises...hammering, horns (boat?) and one noise I couldn't identify. Almost sounded like a an engine trying to start, but not quite. Sounded more like a bear coughing! Who knows?
Anyway nest is empty as of 15:46.
Bill in Conn.
4/16/08 12:25pm PDST
12:25pm: Fly In by Dad/Mom? from the right in front of camera into the nest
12:26: Vocalizing
12:29: Standing facing camera looking around. Sounds of construction still in background.
12:34: Standing at left side of nest towards main truck of tree looking around towards camera. Does some nest adjustments
12:41: Flies off toward camera to the right I think.
Today I was in Eagle Heaven there for a short time. I had 5 cams up total on my screen. I had Eagles/Eaglets all the way around. This included our beloved nest here and also the incubation unit at IWS where the newest arrival was being feed by the IWS Crew. I had the most wonderful pleasure of watching that baby hatching at the unit on the live cam last night around 9:04pm PDST.
Life Is So Wonderful! I am so very excited to finally catch one of our eagles in the nest. Missed them haven't seen them in a while myself.
Karen in WA
4/16 6:20pm ET
Carole in Michigan You were wondering if the nest is on State or Private land. I believe in previous years BRI has said it is private land and they have asked that we not discuss anything that could possibly give away the location as we would no longer be able to continue to enjoy this beautiful pair of Eagles. I assume they are referring to people who live in Maine and who might be familiar with Hancock County. We out of state people wouldn't have a clue. Anyway, I guess the less said the better.
I wouldn't think the activity that's going on would be a big deal to the Eagles. Although, the construction seems to be new. The dog has been there the last 3 years and they must be used to people, boats, planes, etc. but....who knows?
Karen in Wa, I too watched my first egg hatch this year. The other site I visit is a direct shot into the nest vs. a side view. I'm learning new things....the parents don't seem to do much housekeeping. The carcass's of many, many meals remain in the nest. Seeing the fish and small birds and an occasional mouse don't bother me anymore but this afternoon dad delivered a bunny. What a shock when I decided to check in at lunch time. It's awesome to watch mom and dad take care of there young.
It's snowing in Colo. I'm not sure we're going to have summer this year. Maybe just a full year of snow! It sure seems like it.
Going to get some things done and check in again tonight to see if they are at the nest!
Pam, in Colo
4/16 7:21 ET
Finally I hear mom in the distance. Then both of them vocalize and are very close by for about 5 minutes. Mom sounds like she could be in the tree somewhere.
I thought I could hear a motor boat at about 7:27 but not engine of some kind.
Mom calls out again for dad at 7:30. Maybe she's expecting take out for dinner. I can hear a raven close by also.
7:37 All is quiet.
7:50 No Eagles. Apparently take out for dinner is not to be. I can't believe they didn't come to the nest tonight when I finally had a night when I could watch for them.
I'm sad. Will check in on them late tonight. I'll leave it to the rest of you to see if they show up!
Good night all.
Pam in Colo.
3:25pm Visit Part 1 8.25 minute video
3:25pm Visit Part 2 8.25 minute video
7:20pm See no eagles but HEAR ;-) lots of Eagle Talk 2 minute video
I will try catch the fox noises.. As for the other noises they are just normal spring sounds at the nest area.. Nothing new to the eagles..
4/16 8:35pm Eastern time
I decided to log on around Mom and Dad's usual visiting time this evening. 6:50pm.
7:09 I hear Mom
7:18 Mom called out once
7:19 Mom twice
7:21 Mom twice, twice again and Dad chimes in.
They really sounded like they were coming in for a landing! But nooooooo! Instead they were really screaming and yelling, I counted at least 50 calls in a row! (mostly Mom).
7:22 Mom calls out four times
7:23 Mom, thirteen times in a row.
7:24 Calming down some, Mom calls out 3T,2T,4T,2T,5T.
7:25 Mom, 2T,2T,5T.
7:26 Mom, 2T,2T,1T.
7:27 Mom calls 2T,2T. Few crows, and a plane flew over.
7:30 Mom calls 2T, and a crow.
7:31 Mom calls 2T, and a crow.
All that and they didn't even come all the way to the nest! Darn, Darn, Darn!
Maybe tomorrow,
Sue in MD
It is a Red Fox you are hearing.:-)
5 Minute Video of the Red Fox at night
You can hear it run under the nest tree.
4/16 11:10pm Take Care CLC..
east/Central Maine
04/17 @ 07:33
Sir Lance -
Thanks to you and Peggy for providing another new experience for me. Have never heard a fox before!
Wonder why I can always count on hearing sound with your videos when I often cannot hear anything but the wind from the live feed?
4/17 9:35am
I see the camera has been pulled back a little. Such a beautiful view and it looks like a nice day in Maine
We have a few inches of snow on grassy areas. Our Pear tree was just beginning to Bloom yesterday when our snow hit and the freeze last night probably killed the blooms.
Once again Sir Lance/Peggy I enjoyed the videos. I missed yesterday afternoons visit so I enjoyed seeing dad via your video. I agree that it's a red fox that we heard on the early am video. That's what the ones around my house sound like. A shrill bark. Maybe others will let us know if this is what they were hearing during previous nights. Hopefully Mrs. Driscoll's class was able to hear it also. What a great appreciation these kids will have for nature.
I'm hoping for many Eagle sitings today.
Have a good day all.
Pam in Colo
The night time noise. YES YES!!!!
That is it. I listened to the recording and now we know what it is. Thank you so much Sir Lance. I remember the first time I heard it. It was the night Mom was on the nest for the night. It does remind me of a combination of a dog and a Tasmanian Devil. The name Red Fox is more than appropiate.
And as a note, I am glad that the camera can now see the whole top of the tree. Maybe we can see if they are landing in area.
Regina N, Colorado
Nobody home again. I learned something very interesting today. There is an active nest where 3 eagles are cooperatively breeding (and have been since 1992!). There are two older females and a male that share all duties from nest construction, incubating, and feeding. The eggs are taken out, fake ones put in, and the real ones are hatched at a facility since they are so thin-shelled. This nest is due to get a chick fostered into it on the 19th. If anyone is interested the link to that nest is:
It seems so strange to think of three eagles instead of a pair. So I wonder, has this trio "mated" for life like pairs do?
Cathy in Central Maine
4/17 at 1:48 - Michigan time.
Just tuned signs or sound of eagles. But the weather looks beautiful and I love the new camera angle.
I have to wonder along with JAM in IL, why do Sir Lance and Peggy's videos have sound. I only get the wind in the trees and a few bird noises at night also. Nothing like the red fox, just wind.
Sir Lance and Peggy, how do you do that?? Your videos are great!!!
SUnny and 65 here in SW michigan.
From Texas
Here is a "funny." Last night while tidying up the house before bed I began hearing a very strange noise. I looked out several windows and could not ascertain where the noise was coming from. We have had raccoon "love" or something every night this week about the same time,but this noise was very different. I went to get my husband so he could hear it, too.Before very long he had discovered the location of the noise....I had left the computer on earlier in the evening while watching/listening to BRI and I find out now that it was that Red Fox fellow.
Let me just say that we don't ever hear THAT KIND OF NOISE in the suburbs of Houston, Texas and it was very unnerving, to say the least. We do have possums, raccoons, skunks and armadillos in our yard on a regular basis, but I am glad we don't have red foxes, now that I have heard one.They sure are noisy critters.
How much fun to learn something new, again, about Maine while trying to catch a glimpse of the eagles.
My son and his wife will be vacationing in Maine during June, and I will warn them about red fox noises, as they will be in a secluded part of the state. That might have caused some alarm from my daughter-in-law!!!
Wishing everyone "well" from Texas. Our spring is about sprung here, but I hope it will be kind to the eagles and folks up there.
4/17/08 2:21pm PDST
First to Cathy in Central Maine and others who may be interested.
That is the site that I have been watching, from there they have a link for me to be able to have this nest cam up right along with all the CA nests. The egg that I got to watch hatch in a previous post that I posted, was one of the two eggs that were taken from the West End Trio. As for whether the three mate for life question, I can't answer that, but will pose it to the question forum there and see if I get an answer. If I do i will post it here for you.
They laid two eggs. (West End Trio) The other egg didn't make it. :( This egg, that i watched being hatched took 52hrs total from start to finish, or more before Dr. Peter had to assist in the hatching. Poor things head was stuck to the egg membrane and couldn't turn itself, so they had to assist the chick in hatching. The IWS Crew have a video over there of Dr. Peter assisting the chick out of the egg.
I was so very scared that it wasn't going to make it but they performed another miracle once again! :) he/she will be fostered back into the West End Nest around midday PDST on 4/19/08 as you said Cathy.
Now for Our Eagles, I have heard them off and on throughout the day. Even with the camera pulled back I haven't been able to see where they were. Maybe another tree? Out of camera view, Don't know?
I will still have the cam up and watching maybe see them for an evening take out? Hope Hope! :)
Karen in WA
Isnt it amazing how vicious the Red Fox sounds! I remember one night a few friends and I were having drinks and swiming... we hear that close by for for the first time ever and were scared beyond believe!
I have been holding back, but I have to say, Im quite saddened everytime I view and they are not in the nest :o( Im so used to seeing them (old mate and male) all the time. it just does not seem right without them being so constant. As long as they are well though right!
Much luv for the wild......
Mel in Maine- wantin to be in Alaska.
4/17/08 8:34 p.m.
Sir Lance, thanks SO much for providing that video/audio of that STRANGE noise we all heard. I have learned so much from this site! I never would have guessed a little red fox could make that kind of a huge, weird,creepy sound!
All quiet on the nest right now. Camera is still pulled back.
Well I had to be away from home all day yesterday :( and had no eagles til I got back at 5pm. Thank you for the new camera angle, it's excellent! Even tho I hear them calling right now their privacy is safe as I cannot see them.
Saw tons on Turkey Vultures on my journey yesterday, they definately are back in town, riding those warm winds looking for roadkill....yum!
J. in S.P.ME
4/18 EST
8:50AM Wow what a view. Love the new camera angle. Been away for about a week and thought that I would check in on our friendly raptors and I found that they are no longer around? Reading the blog filled me in on what I missed. Looks like we will not have babies this year. :( It has been wonderful coming here and reading what everyone has seen and I have missed. Thank you all! Will be back next year with hope in my heart that we will have babies. Take care everyone and don't forget donations!!
First off - to ArmKar1. Yes, it was your posted link I followed where I watched the hatching of the egg and then went to the West End nest where I learned about the trio mates. Simply fascinating stuff!
I also have pretty much reached the conclusion that our Maine pair is either taking the year off or any eggs laid were not viable.
Now I have a question for the wildlife experts concerning ospreys. What is the average range of time between one mate returning and the other one showing up? I pass a nest twice a day and there has been only one lone bird there for several days now. This nest had a successful year last summer and fledged one youngster. If one mate doesn't make it back, will the one here look for a new mate? and are there very many osprey in Central Maine? Thanks for any info you can provide.
Cathy in Central Maine
1:27 on 4/18 Michigan time.
I heard some eagle screeching about 11:40 this morning and that was that. It sounded very distant.
At 10:54 and again at 11:49 I heard a ships horn blowing 3 long blasts, pause and then 2 long blasts. Perhaps to signal a bridge to open? In Michigan we have lots of drawbridges that open at certain times, but the ships and boats need to sound their horns.
For Wing and BRI....why, when I click on the links to watch the osprey cam or the loon cam, I don't get anything? with the osprey cam, all I get is a blank screen. I have tried to watch those at home, at work, and even at my local branch library, but no luck on either osprey or loons. Am I doing something wrong or is the feed for those 2 cams only at certain times?
Keep up the good work. This is extremely interesting even if we don't have babies this year.
Sunny and 70 in SW Michigan right now. And only a little shake from the earthquake in ILL.
4/17 Hi, Eagle Lovers! The view of the nest is beautiful, but I feel so much more a part of it when it is zoomed in, as before. I miss the eagles. They wake me up at 5 every morning, but I never see them! I teach grade 2 in Greene, and in order to blog with them, I show them the videos, thanks to the ones who provide them for us! It's vacation week coming up, but we'll still be blogging after that! I will have all kinds of time to watch and blog this coming week! Meanwhile, the sound of the wind and the waves both puts me to sleep and wakes me up! Mrs. D.
8:50 a.m. on 4/19 Michigan time. I have been listening since about 8:30 this morning. I hear eagle screeching in the distance. Then there was some closer and thought somebody would be landing in the tree, but alas!!!! it was not to be.
Hope grows dimmer every day for no eaglets. But it is interesting to see what it is like on the east coast as this is probably the closest I will ever get to Maine and its environs.
I heard a lot of eagle chatter this morning at around 7:30, but it was all off camera. The camera has switched from color to black and white now. I hope there isn't a problem with it.
4/19 at 1:15 pm Michigan time.
Still listening and still no signs of any eagles or other eagle noises.
Did something happen to the live feed? did it lose color? It looks like a winter scene. Or does Maine have that quick of weather changes? Michigan does sometimes. You dress for sun in the morning and then by time to go home you need your long-johns and boots. LOL
Sir Lance and do you get the eagle videos to YouTube? I think they are just great. I liked the moonlight over the next one the best.
Did somebody forget to switch off the infrared cam this morning or is there a glitch? It's 1:50 PM ET and it's still on.
Haven't seen an eagle all day. Heard the male a few times this morning off camera though.
Bill in Conn.
No activity today from my viewing time. Have they re-located?
April 20 - 9:33 i SE Michigan
The nest looks beautiful this morning and it's really sad to see it empty. I've checked out several other nest sites but nothing compares with this one. I hope we have a sighting today.
It's 10:25 Eastern and there is an eagle on the nest.
Debbie in Maine
April 20 - 10:20 in SE Michigan
Someone is on the nest noisily defending it against a very large crow that keeps swooping in trying to land. This has been going on for 2 or 3 minutes - I think the crow left. Eagle is still sitting on the nest looking around. It might be Mom and it's so good to see her. She does't appear to be anxious to leave any time soon.
04/20 @ 10:23
Action at nest! Wish we had a zoom.
10:17 to 10:22 - Eagle into nest follwed by another bird that lands in nest and takes off and proceeds to fly around tree/nest landing on various branches.
The bird is primarily dark but I think I saw some white on the wings.
Unfortunately, unable to id with this camera setting. Also, unfortunately, all I pick up is the sound of the wind.
10:28 - Eagle remains standing in nest.
Hopefully, someone caught this video!
I have been watching this nest foe a very long time. I have never left any comments, just read what everyone else had to say. I am however at a loss because I have never seen a crow or any other bird try to attack an eagle. I was watching this morning with the camera pulled way out. A eagle,camera too far out to tell which one, was sitting on the nest while a crow was trying very hard to get at the eagle. Why would the crow do that?? I don't think the eagle had any food there. Thanx....
Pulled the live cam up at 10:22 Eagle Time 4-20 to discover what I believe was the female standing in the nest. She remained for 10 minutes, silent the whole time. Well, nice to see one, haven't done so for two or three days now. I sure do miss them.
cj in Maine
Just tuned in at 10:30 am. There's an eagle on the nest! Can't tell who it is because the camera is so far away, but it's nice to see that someone is at home! Eagle is standing in the nest bowl looking around. I think it's Dad, but can't be sure. Drat! now he's gone!
Frances in New York
04/20 @ 10:40
Continuing my earlier post:
10:31 - Eagle off.
10:32 - Eagle lands in nest. Lots of white tail showing. Standing, looking over water.
10:39 - Missed departure, nest empty.
4/20/08... 10:18AM.... Yikes! Did anyone else see that? A crow was attempting to take over the nest. At first, I thought it was Mom defending it, but I now think it was Dad. 10:31AM, flies off. Cawing heard... Dad's back! 10:38AM, Dad flew to the right. Wow! Even if it was a takeover attempt, it was nice to have some action! I'm proud of Dad!
Was lucky to catch an eagle fly into the nest this morning around 10:30ish - came from the top center of the screen & stayed about 5 min. sitting, enjoying the sun. A bit windy on the coast today.
I sent an entry a few days ago but it must not have gotten thru(?); wanted to let Keyboard Queen know that the ice is still going out in some lakes around so the Loons are probably just beginning to arrive. I am still seeing at least 2 Loons on the ocean bay where I watch "my" Osprey. I saw Loons this morning & last evening; not sure if they're working into breeding plumage or immature but their backs were showing some pattern but not the neck. They come very close to the shore with the tide and the fish!
Hopefully the Loon cam will start up soon with their arrival.
Does memory serve me that the Osprey cam took a major hit during the Patriots day storm? I don't remember that it ever came back that season.
For Central Maine - hope you've got 2 birds in the nest now!
As spring approaches I'm sure BRI starts gearing up for a busy season; donations probably help keep these cameras running. Mine went last week...and as cheese-ball as it may sound, it really DID make me feel good as I walked home from mailing the check!
J. in S.P.ME
4/20 10:15am Eastern time
Dad just flew in with a couple Crows, the Crows looked like they were picking a fight.Dad can handle it! Defended his nest gallantly!
10:23 I've never seen Crows this BIG, they sure are brave enough to land on the Y branch. One of them kept flying around Dad's head and wouldn't leave.
10:30ish Dad flew off a minute but was right back defending his nest as the Crow followed him back.
Dad stayed on lookout till 10:38. I still can't believe how big those Crows were. Dad did great!
10:38 Dad flew off but I did hear the Crow one more time as he left.
Now 12:06 and nothing else has happened.
Sue in MD
I am beginning to think more and more that our eagles have another nest. I have not seen them together on this nest for very long if at all.
12:36 EDT Eagle flies in followed by two crows who fly around “pestering him or her. It looks like mom but it is hard to tell at this distance. However having the camera out this distance makes it possible to see the interaction with the crows. I wonder if the eagle had been going after crow babies since the crows were definitely chasing the eagle. If an eagle was being chased, I don’t think it would go back to a nest that had eggs or babies in it.
Eagle just stands on the right side of the nest and seems to have no interest in sitting.
12:41 One crow comes back for very brief fly in.
12:49 Eagle flies away. Both eagles were not seen and the other eagle did not come to help when this one was being chased by crows.
Since the eagles are taking a break I thought I would report that the loons have left our southern lake for their breeding grounds!!!!!
4/20/08 2:41 p.m. ET
Seems I missed the action with the crow trying to take over OUR nest! I sure do hope some (Sir Lance?) got that on video!
The camera seems to still be in black and white mode. Are you all seeing the same thing or is it just me?
It's breezy at the nest sight right now. And quiet too - no eagles :-(
Hi! I saw Dad on the nest at 12:43PM. He was just looking around. He flew off at 12:50PM.I hope we see more of the eagles soon. I miss them. The archive photos are awesome! A beautiful day in Maine! I love this state!
4/20 4:41pm Eastern time
I didn't see anything but I did hear it.
Crows and Dad screaming at each other again like this morning. Dad sounded lonely but still stood his ground, (where ever he is)! All the noise stopped by 4:47pm.
I'm wondering what has them all hot and bothered.
Sue in MD
Sunday 4/20 5:30pm
Hello everyone. There is at least one set of eagles on the Penobscot River near Hampden/Winterport. I have seen them exploring above lately and they are beautiful to watch.
Thank you for the links to Virginia and Colorado eagles. The trio in CO reminds me of the group two years ago. The Virginia gal should have a baby one day this week.
That being said, thank you to Wing for keeping us so well educated and working so hard for the state of Maine. I watched an interview this afternoon on "MaineWatch" on MPBN. Although I had read articles in the Bangor Daily News and have followed this site now for 3 years, I learned more by listening to that interview.
Let's not forget to send our donations as we can while we prepare for the arrival of the loons. And, finally...Spring!!
Be well,
Lisa in Maine
If you are going into "eaglet withdrawal" like I am, go to
where there are 2 white fuzzy babies.
4-20-08 18:22EDT
It appears another nest might be in a nearby tree and this nest is used for observations, eating and short jaunts from brooding.
The eagles seldom stay in this nest together for any length of time: so, if they are brooding they need a parent sitting on the eggs when weather predicts.
Maybe we'll see some juveniles in August, and more of the parents taking a reprieve in July too.
The Mom eagle seems to be the same but this male is very doubtful, IMHO. It could be the original Dad lost out in a battle over Mom & mating rights.
After all that, I'm doubtful they would even have eggs on a first courtship. Try yes, succeed, probably not until next year.
Good Morning Karen in Central Maine
Sir Lance did get all three of the videos of the raven attacks, There was one around 10 a.m., noon and 6:00 p.m. but has not posted them here. I don not know how to link this but you can copy and paste it.
Whenever there is a visit and the videos do not get posted here, you can most always veiw them on our youtube.
Have a great day ... Peggy
So sad not to see any eagles or eaglets in the nest this year.
Our loons are back in our area. I've emailed BRI with regards to both the osprey cam and the loon cam for this year. My request was sent on to the right department and I hope to hear something soon. Hoping that we have a better loon season than last year.
Happy Spring everyone.
4/21 9:50am
Good morning to everyone. It's a beautiful spring day in Colo and looks the same in Maine.....a promise of nice weather finally.
Lisa, I'm glad you've had a chance to check out the Colo chicks. They also remind me of
Maine chicks 2years ago and make me feel less sad as I check in on the empty nest of our pair who we all are so fond of. The last born chick doesn't seem to me to be quite as large proportionately as the older 2. One of the differences I've noticed (and it may be because of the direct view into the nest giving a different perspective) is there seems to always be food available. Some food isn't touched for a day or so and the chicks seem less aggressive. Maybe that comes as they get a little older and my memory isn't quite on target. I've also noticed mom seems to feed the oldest first, then the second and the last born at the end. Then any of them that want more get it. It's so interesting to watch and the few times both mom and dad are in the nest it's great to see their interaction. When they were first born (1 to 2 wks. old) mom seemed quite protective and didn't always turn the babies over to dad and fly off. I noticed him try to feed them a few times when she hovered over them and clearly didn't want him to do the feeding. They seem to have their own personalities...just like people.
I was wondering if we could have the camera in closer again. Yesterday, there was at least one bird on the rim of the nest. I don't think it was an Eagle or a crow (I've read the blogs of yesterdays invasion and it was a different time of day) but with the camera so far out, I couldn't tell the species.
Several people feel there is another nest that our Eagles are occupying. This doesn't make sense to me. If they have chicks in another nest why would they bring food to this nest and both eat at this nest leaving the eggs vulnerable. Also, I don't see how this can be a different male with that distinctive "hoarse" call of his that he had last season as well. Wing, could you and or Charlie go out on a limb and give us your opinions on this Please. We'd appreciate hearing your thoughts.
Can't wait to see the loons. I know absolutely zero about it will be fun and you can all help me learn.
Thanks for everyone's input. Even when our Eagle pair are missing it's nice to hear from all the regulars.
Pam in Colo.
4/21 11:10am Eastern time
I just watched Wing's interview on Mainewatch. Great job Wing! You are very informative.
I havn't tried to post a site before but this is the site I copied from my address bar.. I hope it works.
I havn't seen or heard Mom or Dad today yet. Too quiet.
Sue in MD
I have not been lucky enough to see the eagles recently but have heard them from time to time. Good to read that the Loons are beginning to think about returning to the lakes. I really hope that the BRI nest will be occupied this year. It was so dissappointing to catch brief glimpses of the birds and to hear them (that wonderful, magical sound) and yet they did not occupy the nest to breed. I just want to mention that the link to archived photos from previous years is now working and you can view the slideshows (just to whet your appetite) Please note that the Flickr slideshows will not work with IE6 but will work in other versions of Internet Explorer or with Firefox. Alternatively the photos can be viewed in detail mode which will enable you to read the captions.
Pam, England, 21.04.08
11:25 4/21 and our nest is still empty. Thanks to Monkey, I looked at the Channel Islands nest. One poor eaglet looks nearly dead. I hope I'm wrong! Its looking like its too late for our Maine eagles to nest, but I remain hopeful!
K in SP ME
4/21 7:15pm ET
Peggy, thank you for the link to the video Sir Lance took. I didn't realize Ravens were that big. They seemed so aggressive but dad sure stood his ground!!
Sue in MD, thank you for providing the info on the Maine Watch with Wing's interview. Wing has always been a celebrity with all of us but is getting a lot of exposure recently and becoming quite a celebrity with many in your beautiful state. I think we're all very proud of him and the work that he and his colleagues at BRI do. I really enjoyed the interview. thanks Sue.
Good night all and happy bird watching.
Pam in Colo
4-21-08 5:54pm MST
Thank-you - to all who post other links and video links. I greatly appreciated it. (no eagels on nest)
Snowasp in CO
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