Monday, July 23, 2007

Webcam Updates

I am just back for a day and am heading back to the field in ten minutes. I have been working with my co-workers and volunteers to determine what is happening. I have discovered that the eaglecam was hit by lightening and is going to be offline for a while. I am going to make a trip to the site as soon as I can to see what can be done. If we are lucky it is as simple as the surge protector being shot, but there may be a lot of other problems as well. I will keep you up to date. I have been working on the ospreycam and it is back up and running and as I write this a bird is sitting near the nest.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to these projects.

Wing Goodale, BioDiversity Research Institute


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update! I haven't seen an eagle, osprey, or loon for some time, but I will keep checking in.

Thanks for all you do.

Nan in California

12:58 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

Wing, Thank you so very much for the update. We all appreciate being informed. Hopefully the damage won't be to much. Please keep us informed. Thank you Tonya

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks take a breath and get back to work!!!! ;)

SMCC Osprey baby is getting sooo big! Every day, it seems it's doing new things. Yesterday & today he's really stretching his wings and is seeming to gain more control of he can stretch them out nearly full and NOT fall on his face! So much fun to watch it's hard to stay away so I've added a sunset visit to my sunrise visit and have always been rewarded with food being brought to the nest and feeding. Lately dad brings one fish in and then heads out after about 5 minutes of making sure mom & babe are safe(?) for a second fish. Ahhhh , a healthy Casco Bay is giving up fish to supply this nest and I'm sure many others as well (I know of 2 more near the bridge that are feeding babes). Today the first fish came in and mom & babe sat and looked at it for awhile...babe seemed to be asking why mom wasn't pulling it apart for feeding; but when dad returned with the second fish everyone began polite and well-mannered.

Good luck with the Eagle nest Wing.

J in S.P.ME

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update. I know this is a busy time for you - and we've been wondering when you'd be back to check on this. We do miss seeing the parents visit the nest, and hope you'll be able to get this fixed before too long. And please do keep us posted on your progress when you have a chance. Thanks!

2:40 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

PS. Wing, Thank you for taking the time to get the Osprey Cam back online. I just looked in on it, and there is an Osprey there right now. Thank you once again for all your hard work and dedication to all you do Wing. ;)

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

07/23 @ 18:34

Thanks for the update, Wing.

I did not realize how really lucky I was to catch an eagle on the 13th. What a bummer to have no video since then.

As you can see, there are still several of us checking the cams and blogs regularly. Thanks for bringing the osprey back. Hopefully, we will have eagles again soon.


6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/23 Thanks Wing for the update. I was getting worried it was off for the season. Yes, I can now see the osprey cam and looking forward to the eagle cam coming back on.

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Wing, for the update. I was wondering why I wasn't able to get the nestsite. I miss checking in every so often and seeing what is going on around the site. Just listening to the sounds is peaceful. Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication at keeping this site going. Being land-locked in a city, I love my "window by the sea" that you provide.

Mary in Ohio

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mon.July 25
First time I've logged on in some time. There are a pair of ospreys on the nest. One just flew off. Yeah. They are beautiful! Glad to be back. I hope the ospreys decide to stay so we can watch and learn. Best regards to everyone!
Thankyou BRI for the oppurtunity to watch.
Maggie, NH

12:19 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Tuesday 7/24/07 12:39 PM

Hello Fellow Armchair Biologists on Sabbatical!

We have suffered a cam failure and therefore are on "time off" status in noting our observations of Mom and Dad at the nest. Immediately prior to the failure we were seeing more frequent visits by Dad at the nest one which was two hours long! A bit frustrating not knowing what we are missing and not being able to note our observations on the blog. I am so pleased that Wing has given us an update. It is not the best news but it does reassure us in knowing that everything is being done to get the cam back online.

This is a beautiful nest with amazing inhabitants .... too wonderful to let go without a working cam. I'm sure that BRI/Wing/NG will have it up and running for their world wide viewers/contributors in no time.

It would be great if our Maine residents (Anna ....?) would report any severe weather situations that might be effecting the Maine coastal areas providing documentation on what the nest might be going through while we are without a cam.

Good to know that the BRI Osprey Nest Cam is online. Thanks Wing.

For now we will hope for the best in getting the eagle cam back up soon. In the mean time, stay patient fellow Maine eagle nest observers! Look for BRI cam restoration updates here on the BRI blog and think "positive thoughts"!

Grand Island, NY

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wing and all the folks at BRI,
We DO THANK YOU for all that you do and we know that you work very hard. Thanks for the update about the Eagle Cam, there are lots and lots of us who have been very faithful to the cam and have been wondering what was going on. The not knowing what was going on, or if anything was going on, was hard to take. LOl we are having real bad eagle withdrawl. We realize that it's been a bad year for our birds, eagles, loons and ospreys but the cam was our only way to keep track of them. We love these birds and miss seeing them.

Please update the blog occasionally, it would be much appreciated.

Eagle and Loon Lover

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all really appreciate all the good work you do. I know that this time of year is very busy for all the biologists as this is when you can gather a lot of your information.

I for one have learned so much from your webcams this year. I followed our eagle pair as they so valiantly tried to weather many storms , an injury to dad and the last straw was that severe gale like storm that devastated so much.

When you have the time I , and others would very much appreciate it if you can get the eagle cam up and running again soon. It is still nice to follow these two and who ever else is around.

Thanks Chris and Bri for all you do Much appreciated. Thank-you Wing also .

Keep up the good work . You have many thankful followers.

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No ospreys, one little bitty bird, one severely rocking platform.
The bird departed and suddenly didn't look so small after all..
Lovely to see life on the old platform again, big or small.

7:39 PM  
Blogger indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Thanks for keeping us informed.The
eagles here are spending most of
there time at the watershed.I can
sit in my lawn chair and watch the
adults fly up and down the lake
looking for fish and catch some
once in a while,They are teaching
the young eaglet how to fish also.He has tryed several times
with little success so far but he
will catch on soon.It's just fun
watching them.

Your friend in indiana

7:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for all that you do with your educational and enjoyable cams. I'm checking in every day and look forward to seeing more!

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wing, the eagle cam has been out for two weeks now. I know your very busy but isn't there someone else that can fix the cam? We have know idea what is going on with Mom and Dad. They had been coming to the nest more right before the cam went down. This is very important. Just my input. Thants for everything that you and BRI do.


9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On "Bill Green's Maine" Sat. July 28th, they had a fresh segment showing them taking blood samples from two eaglets, and Chris, from BRI was with them. There was quite a discussion about mercury, and Maine's problem, being at the end of the country's tail pipe, etc. The web page doesn't tell you much, but maybe (if this is ever posted) you can catch the replay on August 5th. Look on your Maine NBC affiliates.

Bill Green's Maine
July 28, 2007
Replay: August 5, 2007

5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how we miss our eagles, our loons and ospreys!! We know and understand how busy Wing is but it would be nice if someone else could take over some of his responsibilities and help get the cam up......or even just an update from someone would be nice.

Eagle Watcher
7/30/07 7:52 am

7:52 AM  

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