Mating attemps but still no eggs!
Hi All,
This eagle pair continues to make visits to the nest, especially early morning visits and late evening visits (like the one shown above). I have have a number of questions related to whether these eagles may be using a different nest site. I don't know for sure. I have no reports of other nests in the area that are in use. That said, anything is possible. One good sign is that the eagles have displayed several mating attempts over the past week. Matings tend to occur near the nest site but do not always result in an egg and nesting effort.
So, let's cross our fingers and keep watch on this nest for additional signs of breeding, such as bringing soft grasses to line the nest bowl with.
Until Next Time,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute
3/20/10 5:49a.m. eastern
Adult eagle flys into the nest, still dark outside. Lots of talking going on. Second adult eagle flys in, sits on Y limb. One eagle in the nest bowl, settling down.5:51a.m. Both eagles on the Y limb still sitting there 5:55a.m. Mom calling out. Dad eagle back in the nest6:00a.m.
working on nest bowl. Dad back on the Y limb calling out, Mom into the nest bowl. 6:05a.m. Both eagles on the nest, moving sticks around rearranging the nest. 6:09a.m. mating try out on the Y limb.
6:11a.m. both eagles flew away off to the right.
3/21/10...4:55PM...2 ravens landed on the nest and stole some food!
Windy today and cannot see the nest at all. Looks rather nasty up north!
in Virginia~
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