Well, after what has been a long day I am happy to say that Wing and I were able to get the cam back up... and just in time for the weekend. A big thanks for all your patience this last week.
We were on the road early for our site visit and we were able to sleuth out the cam troubles and get the cam back up and on-line. It was a fantastic day for travel in Maine. We heard eagles on several occasions throughout the day before we left the site. The cool temperature and crisp skies seemed to make the shrieks and screams of the eagles reverberate in our very bones. There is no doubt that eagle nest sites are very special places and we are very fortunate to have such a great view of this one.
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute
p.s.--On my return home, a bit weary and a bit hungry after a long day, I nearly veered off Interstate 95 viewing what could only be a good omen...two adult Bald Eagles soaring directly above.