Winter Update
Please keep posting your extremely helpful observations.
Wing Goodale
BioDiversity Research Institute
This Eagle Biologist Journal will be updated approximately once a week with an overview of what has happened in the last week and what we expect in the next couple of weeks. The Eagle Web cam is presented by BioDiversity Research Institute and made possible through the generous support of FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and US Fish and Wildlife Service.
So glad to finally see spring. It is like sitting on pins and needles waiting to see what will happen after the heart break of last year. Hopefully this year will be a success.
Just a little note. This past 4th of July I walked out on my back porch and saw a eagle sitting up in a large pine tree. I could not believe my eyes, gave me goose bumps. They are such beautiful birds.
Thanks for the comments Wing.
Have you heard anything on the plight of the eagle that fell off of the nest. I am assuming that all is well
Oh, it IS a great thing that Wing is back at the helm! I can only imagine the winter adventures he has been on, but none will get excitement started like the return of OUR eagles. They have been pretty vocal and regularly visible lately. Can't wait for their return.
10:50 AM
Lots of crows camoring just off camera. They have been at it now for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Don't hear or see our eagles, but something is definitely going on.
Any clues to what it might be?
An eagle landed on the nest on February 1st around 6:20 a.m. :-) The visit was about 4.5 minutes. I made about a minute video that includes the landing, jumping to branch, and the departure.
Early a.m. visit
We've had a successful hatching of 2 eaglets here in Florida.
I can't wait to see what Maine has to show us this year.
An eagle landed on Feb 1 around 12:19 p.m. with prey that it started plucking. The eagle stayed for about 20 minutes until around 12:39 p.m. A juvenile eagle came at the end to snatch the remaining prey.
Here is some of the visit:
Video of visit
Slow motion of the juvenile and adult.
Slow motion
2-1-2008 1:35pm
Eagle lands in nest with prey (didn't capture the landing) but soon a juvenile dive bombs the adult and steals the meal while chasing the adult off the nest. That's a first for me!!
Maine Eagle Loses Meal
All of you who post videos are great! I wish I had such tekkie skills! I really love to watch these snippets of Eaglelife and am so looking forward to seeing more of "our" Mom and Dad raising some more young 'uns!
2-1-2008 4:57pm
Parents (Mom and Dad) flew in to eat the leftovers from the previous excitement today - enjoy:
Maine Eagle Mom-Dad eat leftovers
Sunday, February 3rd 8:30 AM ET
Hello Fellow Armchair Biologists!
Its been a long while since I posted on the blog ... but have been watching the cam each and every day. Quiet so far this morning at the nest ... few calls, no visits yet. That has not been the case in the past few weeks. There has been a lot of action. Mom and Dad have been visiting on a more regular basis however nestorations do not appear to have begun in earnest. There have been other visitors to the nest and one confrontation with Mom that lead to the intruder going off the side of the nest. Following the fall, branches could be heard breaking and there has been concern that the visitor might have been injured from the fall. No doubt the action is picking up and so I will make a point of posting here more frequently and look forward to others posts.
Good to have the update Wing. Also very good to know the infrared light will be turned on soon. We truly miss that.
Stay tuned fellow eagle lovers! I know we are all waiting in anticipation for nestorations to begin.
2/3/08 10:37 a.m. eastern
Adult eagle on nest eating prey. After eating for 14 minutes went out onto "Y" branch, flew away at 10:54.
I'm watching a nest on a telephone pole in Auburn that I thougt an Osprey was using last year. I've seen a pair of Eagles there the past two weeks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Oh it is so nice to see our parents at the nest. I am so looking forward to watching the events unfold again this spring. The only thing is....I don't get much work done. I find myself checking on the nest many times a day. Oh well it's a beautiful experience. Fingers crossed that "we" have a sucessful nesting season
Not to take away from our beautiful maine eagles but the norfolk eagles are at it again in a new nest this year. They laid their first egg on 2-1 and their second egg on 2-4. They even installed an infared light this year so we can see them at night too. Enjoy:^)
Also, this is from the ellsworth american this week. Two wild eagles locked talons in mid air and fell to the ground behind the sullivan town hall. Interesting picture and article.
7:25 am PST 2/9
Big pile of snow on nest. Grey skies.
Like Chris, I've not written in awhile, I think I'm afraid to get caught up in this again. Last year, I watched the pair almost to the exclusion of the rest of my life! I stayed up and watched the female sit on her eggs during the dreadful storms, watched them mate again, and got my hopes up...only to watch that intruder drama in horror. It was very intense, wasn't it? Mother Nature is a complicated woman......
Well, in spite of myself, here I am, I will probably check in and keep vigil. I'm wondering if part of the problem is that there are so many more eagles wonderful that they are no longer endangered...but does it mean more aggression over territory and nests?
Hope for the best all.....only good thoughts...
2/9/08 That's a fascinating story and picture of the two eagles on the ground with locked talons. So glad they flew off ok.
There is an eagle calling off camera for at least the last half hour. Sounds like Mom
2/9/08 Eagle flew into nest with dinner about 3:45pm CST.
Wing, is there anything Bio can do about the background noise on the webcam? I watch the National Geo cam at Pete's Pond in Africa and they don't have this problem -- although they have problems staying connected which thankfully you don't.
Port St Lucie FL eaglets (2) are doing well and clearly visible in the nest for observation.
Also, Virginia pair now have a third egg laid on 2/8. How exciting!
Cannot wait for our Maine eagles to get started!
Sigh!!! Hoping they get started with their nestorations soon. Seems like they should be around more then they are. I'm a little worried.
Rain seems to be melting the snow of the nest. Maybe they'll start rebuilding soon. Has Bri been out to the nest sight to see if they've rebuild elsewhere?
I guess the snow and ice stopped the live feed cam. Sure do miss it.The St.Lucie nest is wonderful to see 2 babies doing so well.Our eagles are so beautiful its hard to put into words. Can't wait to see whats in store for our Maine eagles this year.
Deb in Pa.
I just saw an eagle in the nest at 9am ET today.
I just saw on eagle in the nest today at 9am ET
Thanks for the sound and the fury!
J in S.P. Me
02/14 @ 17:10
16:59 - arrival of eagle followed in by a second eagle. Both in nest.
17:01 - one eagle flew off into the camera, the other remained in the nest enjoying a meal.
17:06 - remaining eagle departed towards water.
My first sighting in a while.
Happy Valentines day to everyone I have been watching for some time for a mom and dad sighting. Today I saw both in the nest yippie.
Happy Valentine's Day 5:10pm
Saw both eagles on the nest at 5 this eve...they were eating but of course, I didn't see what they brought for dinner. They didn't stay left after about 3 min. and the second a few min after that. Glad to have my live view back....Thanks again.
Took a walk around the neighborhood this noon and as I headed to my fav place to catch mergansers, goldeneyes, and buffleheads if I'm lucky...there was a bit of commotion in the sky. Seagulls and a few crows not happy about something - yep - an eagle in the sky mixing it up. How cool. So there I stand in the middle of the grocery store parking lot with my hand blocking the sun watching the eagle fly for about 5 min. He was maybe 50' above the ground soaring above the cars...those so intent on their shopping never saw a thing. Ha! My secret once one what goodness lies behind Millcreek Hannaford!!
J in S.P.ME
2/15 @6:30 AM
Nobody home. No calling. Nest sure looks lonely. My class and I have been monitoring the nest each day for the past few weeks and have seen one or the other of "our" eagles from time to time. This week, however, we have heard very little with only one visit early in the week.We remain optimistic, and although we have winter vacation next week, many of the boys will continue to peek in on the nest throughout that time. Here's hoping things pick up soon.
Tomorrow we head to Essex, CT for the Eagle Festival and are certain to see many bald eagles wintering and feeding on the Connecticut River. We'll get our fix of eagles one way or another!
Eagle in the nest right now, Feb 15 at 4:25 et
2/15 @ 4:24pm - logged in for my daily look and behold, both eagles were there. One on nest, one on Y branch. The Y brancher flew off in about 1 1/2 minutes but the nester stayed until 4:33 sitting then looking. After the second eagle flew off I heard what sounded like Dad (very hoarse) talking away not far from the nest.
It was a great treat as I haven't seen anyone on the nest in months although I have read everyone's sightings so know they have occured.
God Bless
Barb in PA
2-16-2008 6:55am
We may have a new pair thinking about this nest. Two eagles came in this morning and I'll get the video up later today.
The Norfolk VA nest cam is turned off due to an intruder running off the resident pair after they've been incubating. It's doubtful the eggs are viable any longer and especially since no eagle was on the nest Friday night. So sad.
Maybe the Norfolk nest if off until they decide what's actually transpired. At least it's not been on this morning.
2-16-2008 7:35AM
Here are videos from 2-15 (two eagles):
Maine Eagles Feb 15
and this was Saturday 2-16
Maine Eagles Feb 16
Also - the Norfolk cam is back on, but no adults in nest yet. (sadly).
On Saturday, Feb. 16, at around 2:00 PM, I observed one Eagle looking around, inside the nest. It then got on a branch, and stayed at the nest site for about 25 minutes. It made no sounds.
An eagle landed on the nest around 2:00 p.m. today, 2/16. It sat on the nest and messed around for a short time and then sat on the branch in front of the nest for about a half hour. I wish our pair would get down to business, but it sure isn't looking good. I have been watching the nest in virginia and an aggressive female eagle chased the couple from their nest. The eggs were left unattended for long periods of time a couple of days ago. It's not very encouraging :-(
2-16-2008 5:09PM
Here's an afternoon visit by a lone eagle - appears to be female, but I'm not convinced it's our resident female:
Maine Eagle - lone visit
Got a question for all of you who think there are different eagles than 'ours' in the nest at various times.....what makes you think so? I've been watching "our" eagles since the inception of the cam and also watch eagles in the wild throughout the state and I just don't know how you can tell that a cry is 'ours' and not another. Are you assuming that because you hear vocalizations near the nest that they are ours?
Visually, they all look pretty similar and without bands or a specific deformity I can't see how a particular 'one' could be called Mom, Dad, or Other. When two are together we can usually tell male from female; and when they are tending to incubation we must assume it's 'our' pair on the nest as it's been their nest for so many years.
If 12 male eagles were lined up and do you know which one is 'Dad'? I'm always wanting to add to my knowledge and I'll appreciate what you all have to offer.
And to Kentuckygirl: please be patient as I think we still have 2 or 3 solid weeks before expecting any "action". Be optimistic!
Thx J in S.P.ME
There was an eagle visit at 6:00 a.m. on February 17 for a little over five minutes.
Sorry I posted the wrong time for the visit on Feb 17th, it should be 6:53 a.m. :-)
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